Do you think Brock will be a walk in the park for Dc or it will be a good scrap?


Steel Belt
Jun 19, 2007
Reaction score
One part of me says that Brock will put a fight and make Dc work hard to get the W but then I remember the Cain fight ... what are your thoughts?
I think this looks similar to Cain

DC clearly has more power without the weight cut and Brock can't hold him down
Walk in the park then Brock gets suspended for 4 years.
Walk in the park. Although DC has shown weakness to steroid cheats so Brock has a good base.
I doubt brock gets past his biggest enemy
One part of me says that Brock will put a fight and make Dc work hard to get the W but then I remember the Cain fight ... what are your thoughts?
Yea I think it will be like the cain fight. And given that Cain is dc's partner, he's laid the ground work for how to beat Lesnar. Not to mention DC is a better wrestler than Cain. I see it going a little like last nights fight. And brock looked old last night too. Maybe Brock lasts a round tho. I don't think DC is as good a striker as Cain.
One part of me says that Brock will put a fight and make Dc work hard to get the W but then I remember the Cain fight ... what are your thoughts?

brock is the reason cain cant fight anymore.

brock is the greatest part time fighter of all time.
Brock was beating Cain until half way through the round when Cain caught him with a good right and Brock did the dance across the octagon. Brock will put up a good fight I think.. might take Cormier down. Should be a good fight.. Brocks striking was better against Hunt, he beat Hunt in the stand up.. entire 2nd round was standing and Brock outlanded Hunt
DC is going to toy with him until Brock fights dirty and hits him behind the head with a steel chair (after knocking out the ref). Brock will think he has it in the bag until the lights go out and when they come back on, Cain (not the WWE Kane) will be standing in the Octagon ready to bust up his face. DC and Cain double team Brock and Khabib enters as the new ref.

DC champ!
Brock would be easy for dc. I would be impressed if brock beats him, even if he uses peds
Walk in the shower,

DC KO within 30 seconds, but man what a 30 seconds it'll be!
Brock will be thoroughly embarrassed in every phase and in every position.

The fight will go however DC wants it to go.
Depends how much juice Bork can get into his system undetected.
DC is going to beat his ass lol. Brock's striking hasn't improved at all. He will gas out trying to exert his size advantage and DC will probably finish him in the 2nd.
brock will be allowed to juice himself to superhuman powers as usual so I think its actually going to be a really tough match

I got DC by KO
Brock was beating Cain until half way through the round when Cain caught him with a good right and Brock did the dance across the octagon. Brock will put up a good fight I think.. might take Cormier down. Should be a good fight.. Brocks striking was better against Hunt, he beat Hunt in the stand up.. entire 2nd round was standing and Brock outlanded Hunt

That's because Hunt was terrified of the TD.

DC isn't going to give a shit. He will get up if Brock takes him down.