Does beer taste better from a bottle or a can?

Definitely the bottle. I only drink from the bottle. I dont know why, but can seems to taste like it carbonated to me.
My favorite beer is in a can. Canned beer is meant to be drank from the can. Bottled beer is meant to be poured.
Draft>Can>Bottle Cans are just tiny kegs. Bottles let too much light in.
There is only one way to drink beer


It really depends. A green bottle isn't going to shield the beer from light. Cans don't have that problem. But most beers aren't going to be in cans and bottles - especially in the same area to be able to buy both and do a taste test (which is what you should do to find your answer). A lot of breweries didn't, and still don't, do cans, and a minority of craft brews can be found that way. I've never had a problem with a canned beer.

If you're going off of watered down shit, yeah, I'd rather have Corona from a can than bottle because it shouldn't be skunky from the can. Same with Heineken.
anyone quit beer because it makes them bloated?

Yes. I quit all beer apart from Guinness.
Beer makes me painfully bloated and dry skin. I used to love to drink asahi brand but it made me feel terrible.

Guinness on the other hand is basically delicious medicine.
I'm not really sure, maybe a bottle but I do love me a can. Maybe I just love beer!
I always get cans so I'm just used to them.

Makes beer taste like piss