Europe needs "6 million immigrants", EU Commissioner for Migration says...

By breaking down notions of borders, nationality and sovereignty it becomes easier to promulgate ideas of globalism and world citizenry which in turn makes it much easier for the idea of one world government.

Ultimately I see this as a long con with the eventual goal of one world government. The EU is just a "small scale" test of the concept. It's a test bed to see how efficient social engineering is, how far a citizenry is willing to be "pushed" and how fast. Right now, the national, social, intellectual and emotional bulwarks of the concepts of individuality, self determination, personal accountability and moral/ethical restraint are being broken down.

The classic ideal of Western society is anathema to the goal of one world one world government.
By breaking down notions of borders, nationality and sovereignty it becomes easier to promulgate ideas of globalism and world citizenry which in turn makes it much easier for the idea of one world government.

Ultimately I see this as a long con with the eventual goal of one world government. The EU is just a "small scale" test of the concept. It's a test bed to see how efficient social engineering is, how far a citizenry is willing to be "pushed" and how fast. Right now, the national, social, intellectual and emotional bulwarks of the concepts of individuality, self determination, personal accountability and moral/ethical restraint are being broken down.

The classic ideal of Western society is anathema to the goal of one world one world government.
I remember growing up, when I thought of Germany I thought of Oktoberfest, white people, Schnitzel... When I thought of Sweden I thought of snow, tall blonde hair blue eyed beautiful peaceful people.... When I thought of France I thought of the eifel tower, white guys in funny beret hats drinking wine and eating cheese. Our children will think of these regions as a multicultural melting pot. Diversity in culture along borders will be a thing of the past and live on in history. Diversity will be indistinguishable in a particular country because open borders will make every european country a meal ticket to north africans and middle easterners. It's covert cultural genocide, when the historic natives become the minority and Islam and the associated culture become the majority. This is what happens when social engineering goes the way of extreme altruism and liberalism. The end goal, as you say, is a one world government with no borders. Also, I believe the dilution of cultures and monogamous identity makes it easier for the elites to rule. When you have nationalistic pride, you will defend it. We don't see Europe defending their nationalist pride at all; in fact, we see them blindly destroying it without really comprehending what's going on but because they feel virtuous and the media confirms these warm feelings of virtue, it is sufficient enough for them to continue "welcoming the refugees."
The go-to defence for importing "workers" into Europe is the same they use for illegals in USA:

1 - Americans are lazy and don't want to do bottom of the barrel jobs like clean toilets (no shit? who the fuck wants to do that? pick berries in a field and crap.)

2 - Americans are lazy and don't want to do slave labor at slave wages with no health and safety etc. (no shit? which is the whole incentive for employers to employ these illegals in the first place.)

Same arguments they will use for EU citizens.

None of it passes the sniff test which shows they just want browns to outbreed whites. Countries in the EU aren't even mostly agricultural/industrial for those berry picking jobs to be anywhere near the norm for mass importing low IQ's. As if Germany/France etc. is still in the industrial revolution from way back.

If this was really about a need for labour they would simply accept immigration applications from eager, well-educated immigrants from around the globe, just like countries who aren't connected by land to third world countries do e.g. Australia, Canada.

Exactly, but they want low wagers, no language skills, low IQ who will "contribute to society". In fact the labor claim itself is false.

We've got countries with 20%, 30%, 40%, even 50% or higher youth unemployment being told that they need to keep on taking in immigrants.

Those unemployment figures are even worse in reality.

They fudged numbers where they -ONLY- count you as unemployed if you're on a welfare jobseeking scheme. They don't count those who aren't claiming anything, but are just as unemployed. They will go back to claiming the citizens are too lazy to do jobs so they need to import, when it's plain to see jobs are scarce.
Those unemployment figures are even worse in reality.

They fudged numbers where they -ONLY- count you as unemployed if you're on a welfare jobseeking scheme. They don't count those who aren't claiming anything, but are just as unemployed. They will go back to claiming the citizens are too lazy to do jobs so they need to import, when it's plain to see jobs are scarce.
In Sweden, only HALF of the migrants that have come into the country since 2003 are employed. That's a whole lot of welfare.

The more recent "refugee" immigrants that started coming have an even worse employment rate.

So if Europe supposedly needs to fill 6million jobs, they better bring in 12 million refugees now and wait a decade.
In Sweden, only HALF of the migrants that have come into the country since 2003 are employed. That's a whole lot of welfare.

The more recent "refugee" immigrants that started coming have an even worse employment rate.

So if Europe supposedly needs to fill 6million jobs, they better bring in 12 million refugees now and wait a decade.

Indeed, the numbers don't add up. These from the recent migrant crisis:
99% of migrants STILL don't have a job.

But globalists want citizens to think there are plenty of jobs around. Their demographic change agenda couldn't be anymore clear.
Germany's advanced first world economy is not going to be sustained by low-IQ third world immigrants, dear.

If Germany allows in such massive numbers of third world immigrants, Germany will no longer be Germany. You know who created Germany? Ethnic Germans. You know who created Somalia? Ethnic Somalis. You know who created Japan? Ethnic Japanese. Tell me, if you replaced the current population of Japan with 100 million Somalis... would Japan still be Japan? Do try not to avoid this question, won't you...

Then you should agree in every non-Native Indian American should go back to their ancestral homeland from before they came to America as immigrants because going by your logic,ethnic Native Indian Americans are the original Americans and it belongs to them.Everyone else no matter how long their families have stayed there is an invader and all immigration should be blocked.
That is an interesting point. While I don't blame the Russians for trying to annex those territories they consider Russia.
Them doing it via force should be prevented by Germany or whoever wants to join.
We should have forces stationed in those countries if asked by their government of course.
So that a hostile annexation is not possible in the first place.

Because a Russia with more territory can't be in Germanys interest.
Both strategically and from an economic standpoint. Having to put those sanction on Russia is not good for Germany either.

Estonia and Lativa are in NATO and so we have to make it absolutely clear to Russia that a Crimea-type operation in either of those countries is not only unacceptable but actionable. We should put US troops there to underline the point. The Ukraine is a more complicated issue. We should have a "stand still" agreement with the Russians but it is possible that it may make sense to agree to properly supervised plebiscites in some of the areas with overwhelming majorities of self-identified Russians.