Evan Tanner dead (Tributes within)

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You were the Poet Warrior.

He was the best.... He was always one of my favs.
I remember a while ago he had posted a msg on his myspace page saying if anyone wanted a signed card from him to just ask. Well i did, and i couldnt believe that he actually mailed it out to my house. I remember thinking that he has to be a really great guy to go through all the trouble of mailing each card out to everyone that asked... It showed that he really respected his fans and that he was a genuinely nice person. Poor guy :icon_cry2

It is also laughable to which point some of you are attached to someone you don't even know. Maybe it's just me.

It's just you; you're a douche. It's called a common love or sympathy, (since you obviously lack empathy or I wouldn't see you making such comments at a time like this), for a fellow man who entertained many, and inspired some.

All your posts in these threads have been useless and irrataing, but I guess that was your point.

R.I.P Evan Tanner; you were a warrior, and any skill you lacked was more than made up for with heart...huge heart.
'Believe in yourself. Believe in your own potential for greatness. Believe that you can change the world. It is something that is within each of us. Believe in the Power of One"

These are strong words, and some to live by.
qft, same thing happened with tupac and dimebag darrel. i called the dimebag thing the night it happened (i was chatting with someone that just left the show like 30 mins after it happened, so i knew about it before most of the world)

Ill ask again... Why do bitches like you care if he gains more fans? Dont you think he would be happy with that knowing he was able to touch more people?
Here I am worried about my fantasy football team. This absolutely sucks. I really liked Evan. Some people have depressive personalities. I was hoping he'd be able to find happiness, even if it was outside of the ring.

This is such a sad day. It's been a long time since I've felt this way.

The world lost one of it's best people today.
I was worried about this when he wrote about his treasure seeking trip. I don't know exactly what to say... He was a guy I always rooted for. As dumb as it may sound, it was his voice and appearance that made me first take notice.

I always hoped he would write a book. He had a lot to say and was a pretty intelligent and unique guy. Everyone who's followed him knows of his demons and alcoholism. It's a tough road to face...

Sorry, I'm still a little a shook up. Even though it was somewhat expected it's still hard to accept. I know it was him they found, I just do.

RIP Evan Tanner
I am actually shocked on how much this has upset me. I am sitting here not wanting to do anything else, not wanting to think about anything else. It all seems trivial when something like this happens.

I know Evan is someone I didn't know - but he was special in his way to be able to touch millions of people without ever coming into contact with them.

Today will go down in history as one of the saddest ever in MMA.
R.I.P. Evan! really an amazing guy and a huge loss for everyone! My condolences to his family and friends. He will be missed.
37 isnt old at all. He died too young... Tanner a true warrior
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