Ever had a woman with more body hair?


Steel Belt
Dec 7, 2011
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I have almost no hair on my arms for some reason. Also zero chest/shoulder/back hair.

My ex had far more hairy arms. And also if she didn't stay on top of it, hair would grow on her butt cheeks
hair would grow on her butt cheeks

You dated a macaque?

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Nope, wouldn’t happen, not because I’m hairy, but because I prefer my ladies hairless..
Yeah same minus last girl had no ass hair. Except butt crack area but every girl has butthole hairs.
I have almost no hair on my arms for some reason. Also zero chest/shoulder/back hair.

My ex had far more hairy arms. And also if she didn't stay on top of it, hair would grow on her butt cheeks

A hairy arm Woman is a big deal breaker!
well, i only date vapid, superficial women, obsessed about their looks.
so no, never happened.
The big femanism trend i notice is hairy armpits and legs. That is gross imo.
If I'm ever with a woman who is hairy than me it means I've gone full @Zer .
I've always had suspicions about my exwife though.
No but its disgusting. I dont mind a little hair on the arms but damn if she had a hairy butt fuck that shit. Gross
The big femanism trend i notice is hairy armpits and legs. That is gross imo.

I went on a date with a chick about 3 months ago who was rocking this trend. Picture this. Met her at a pretty nifty bar I like to go to in South City. I got there a bit earlier than her to pound a vodka or two, which is my ritual for first dates (actually most dates if I have it my way). She walks in and looks pretty damn good in a little sun dress. I'm pretty stoked for how things will turn out. I'm focused mainly on her face trying to keep a good amount of eye contact whilst talking. I then see her reach for her drink and ... what is that? Must have been a shadow because I could have sworn I just saw some pit hair. Ok, couldn't be, it's 2017 ffs. 5 minutes later I catch an unadulterated look and fuck me she's rocking the pit hair. At this point I had to get a better look at the legs, and sure enough, there's some lower leg hair kicking too. Me being about 4-5 drinks in, I stick it out because she's sweet as hell and fun to talk to. I finally get a little more drunk and mention that "I was a bit caught off guard with the female body hair" ... lol, hindsight says I probably didn't need to bring it up. She took it well and explained why (someone shamed her allegedly in the past for skipping a day or two shaving, where's the problem here?). Ended up making out with her for a bit but didn't pursue it any further as she's a waitress in my favorite watering hole. We're still very friendly acquaintances, but the hair was a deal breaker for this fella.

But OP, nah, never had a hairy arms chick. Had one ex that had a bit of a squirrel patch, lower back area, but it was all blonde and not really noticeable. lol, this thread is funny.
I have almost no hair on my arms for some reason. Also zero chest/shoulder/back hair.

My ex had far more hairy arms. And also if she didn't stay on top of it, hair would grow on her butt cheeks

Your body is weird.

But I can't grow a beard.

I like my steak seared.

The past tense of hear is heard.

Yeah, my current fatass gf is from Syria. You could braid her butt hair. She is getting a Brazilian before my son falls out of her.