FBI has recording Michael Cohen made of conversation he had with Trump about payment to playboy mode

Nobody has ever told you that someone running for office doesn't lie. That literally never happened.
The ole "everyone lies argument". It's objectively true that Trump lies at a far greater rate than any other president in our lifetimes and it's not even controversial. So take that both sides crap outta here.
November and 2020 are going to be an absolute bloodbath
is he your brain landlord?

why does he take up so rental space in your head?

you guys are hilarious, every single one of you
look at your AV ffs, just stop

Nice reply. Hahahahaha

Keep on flailing

And if you go back to the campaign Trump's count is in the thousands. Also, I think the number is way higher than 103 no?
is he your brain landlord?

why does he take up so rental space in your head?

you guys are hilarious, every single one of you
look at your AV ffs, just stop
Oops my bad I quoted the wrong one
Dude you're still talking about Obama. You shouldn't talk.
I don't give a flying f about Obama
I was merely asking him if his affinity towards disliking Lying Presidents was a one way street

you tried tho
how about when slick willy was literally disbarred for lying?

To get Slick Willie anywhere near the shameless lie stratosphere that Trump inhabits you would have to have an example beyond Clinton saying, "I didn't have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky."

To make him a Trump-level, piss-on-legs-and-say-it's-raining liar Clinton would have had to have followed that up, after evidence was presented that disproved his claim, with the statement, "When I said I "didn't" have sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky I simply misspoke. I meant to say I "did" have sexual relations with her. Hope that clears things up."
I don't give a flying f about Obama
I was merely asking him if his affinity towards disliking Lying Presidents was a one way street

you tried tho
What about lying about shit like his Putin meeting? Is that worth anything?
To get Slick Willie anywhere near the shameless lie stratosphere that Trump inhabits you would have to have an example beyond Clinton saying, "I didn't have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky."

To make him a Trump-level, piss-on-legs-and-say-it's-raining liar Clinton would have had to have followed that up, after evidence was presented that disproved his claim, with the statement, "When I said I "didn't" have sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky I simply misspoke. I meant to say I "did" have sexual relations with her. Hope that clears things up."
he was Impeached, 1, and literally disbarred

the most Punishment any President has EVER received for lying in US history. Sure tho
What about lying about shit like his Putin meeting? Is that worth anything?
depends on how you view it

I don't view Russia as some mythical boogeyman personally, so I don't care. I didn't vote for Trump either, I just think it's hilarious that every other day it's the end of the wordl around here

Meanwhile the average American is doing just as good if not better than in years past. Odd
depends on how you view it

I don't view Russia as some mythical boogeyman personally, so I don't care. I didn't vote for Trump either, I just think it's hilarious that every other day it's the end of the wordl around here

Meanwhile the average American is doing just as good if not better than in years past. Odd
He blatantly lied about the things he said. Unless you believe his wouldn't excuse. Lmfao.
anyone that thinks trump is like other politicians when he lies is full of shit. He's another level
Trump may be more blatant and "celebrity" status in line with today's culture, but all President's have told massive amounts of lies. Bill, Bush, Obama, Trump, they were/are full of it. Some just play their cards better than others. Wouldn't be surprised if they all call each other and laugh about the stupidity of all of us, or challenge themselves to see if they can outdo the other. You guys are posting graphs saying Obama only lied "18 times during his presidency" and such. Come on now lol. He at least said he was bringing all the troops home in his "90 day plan" 18 times alone.

Media and mass manipulation really works you guys better than WWE storylines sometimes.


we can't be too far from trump supporters excusing paid abortions.

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