Fear of heights shouldn't be a phobia.

A phobia is not just being afraid of something. It's when that fear is irrational that it's a phobia. It's not irrational to be afraid if you are standing on an unsteady ledge at high point. But it is irrational to be afraid when you are inside an enclosure.

Another example: it's not irrational to be afraid if you see a black widow crawling across your lap but if you feel the same as if one is on your lap just because you see some other harmless spider on TV, that's a phobia.
why do I feel itchy after watching bugs in tv? Plus, who else loves to watch ant documentaries?
It's aight. They was already there. Just some major cataclysmic event made that shit.......underwater. lol
Hell yeah man!! I'm 399 in Chicago! How's the gig? I like mine. The people I work with are cool and my building isn't insanely nuts but still has it's bad points.
Local 501 Las Vegas. I cant complain. We're still pretty short staffed but I still have a pretty easy gig. I work swing and they pretty much leave us alone.
Local 501 Las Vegas. I cant complain. We're still pretty short staffed but I still have a pretty easy gig. I work swing and they pretty much leave us alone.
Ugh. Swings are horrible. What are you, afternoon and midnight? I was that for about a year and a half and it was killing me on the inside. Is Nevada still union? I thought it'd be Right to Work.
Ugh. Swings are horrible. What are you, afternoon and midnight? I was that for about a year and a half and it was killing me on the inside. Is Nevada still union? I thought it'd be Right to Work.
Our swing is 3pm to 11pm. I've been doing it for so long I'm used to it. Yeah our union is pretty strong out here actually. All MGM and Caesars properties are union which is like 90% of The Strip.
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I nearly drowned when I was pushed into a pool as a kid and I have still never learned to swim. I was in my late 30's before I could stand fully under the shower such that water was running over my face as well as the rest of my head--prior to then, never at the same time if I could avoid it--without reliving the feeling I was drowning. I'm now at the point I can dunk my head under water for a second or two but it takes some working up to lol.

This seems a good time to make the distinction between the cause of the recurring fear, which may not be irrational at all--e.g. anyone would be freaked out for a while after a near death experience of any kind--and the fear itself, which is by definition entirely irrational and caused by past events, not the trigger inducing the fear in the moment.
they also can vary in severity.

As a toddler and into young childhood I was held underwater and nearly drowned several dozen times, only let up to breath once I began losing conciousness and went still. Then for whatever reason I couldn't put together the movements to learn to swim until I was nearly an adult. Obviously, the reason is the multiple near drownings. Well, technically drowning is a process with scales of severity so, technically I probably was drowned close to 50 times.
Our swing is 3pm to 11pm. I've been doing it for so long I'm used to it. Yeah our union is pretty strong out here actually. All MGM and Caesars properties are union which is like 90% of The Strip.
Hell yeah! Keeping that state strong! Will you be my China man if I move out there? Lol j/k.

Happy to hear you like the gig. If took me 3 buildings to find a crew of other people that were cool and easy to get along with.
Hell yeah! Keeping that state strong! Will you be my China man if I move out there? Lol j/k.

Happy to hear you like the gig. If took me 3 buildings to find a crew of other people that were cool and easy to get along with.
Ruddy hell your username is long. At least you didn't use capital letters.
I don't see at what point a fear of heights is irrational

When you're securely attached to something or there is glass/protective devices preventing a fall, or when the height is so small as to be safe. You know, like when it's "irrational."
Hell yeah! Keeping that state strong! Will you be my China man if I move out there? Lol j/k.

Happy to hear you like the gig. If took me 3 buildings to find a crew of other people that were cool and easy to get along with.
I've had the same for 12 yeara and we all get along great. I've worked a few second jobs over the years with some absolute miserable coworkers so I understand how bad that can suck.
My high school physic teacher said it's not the speed or height you're falling from, it's the rate of slowing down to the stop that counts, eg soft snow surface vs concrete.
Makes sense, some people survived falling from an aeroplane without a parachute, because they fell down on snowy slopes.
Or trees. The branches break your fall. Pretty sure the lady who survived that fall fell into trees.
Yeah trees can also break your fall, like they did with that stewardess. And it seems a glass roof can also break your fall:

One bad option is water, apparently it's similar to falling on concrete (when falling from great heights).