Feminist protest against Warren Farrell


The way you thought it was made far less sense than "generally." That is not facepalm worthy.
The way you thought it was made far less sense than "generally." That is not facepalm worthy.

It only makes sense when you remove "and themselves." With that added in there it's clear that hes spouting strait up NAMBLA logic. :icon_lol:

Again as i asked and no one answered. How does generally caressing your children repress your own sexuality? He clearly states it represses BOTH even if we accept that he said "generally".

The truth of the matter is you need to reword a hell of a lot more of that statement to make it sound less creepy.
What are these morons doing out of the kitchen? Why hasn't any man gone in there and put his pimp hand to good use?

We need to get Sean Connery in there:icon_lol:

That would be totally unreasonable.

Everyone knows there's no racism anymore, anyways. Blacks have equal rights under law.

It would be. You cannot police someones thoughts. You cannot make it illegal to think a certain way.
It only makes sense when you remove "and themselves." With that added in there it's clear that hes spouting strait up NAMBLA logic. :icon_lol:

Again as i asked and no one answered. How does generally caressing your children repress your own sexuality? He clearly states it represses BOTH even if we accept that he said "generally".

The truth of the matter is you need to reword a hell of a lot more of that statement to make it sound less creepy.

He claimed it was a misquote and the only reason you'd have to believe it was anything but a misquote is if you had a strong bias against him.

I don't exactly remember the part you are referring to but my guess is that he means society makes men feel awkward around kids. They attach a man touching a kid with sexual motive. This can affect men in adult relationships because they continue connecting touch with sex. This can lead to normal touch being left largly out, which weakens the relationship, and eventually weakens sexual health.

If that's exactly what he meant Idk. I don't feel like even looking it up because it is so incredibly obvious he didn't mean genitals and if you don't believe he didn't mean that it looks like your mind is already made up.
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When it comes to rape most of those protesters certainly dont have anything to worry about.
I see a lot of guys wanting to get laid in that video.

Here's the actual conference for those interested. There's certainly a lot of hate speech about women and rape promotion going on. :rolleyes:

Haha wow, how can these people think they are in the right when they act like that.
I see a lot of guys wanting to get laid in that video.

To bad the only way these poor bastards are going to get laid is by getting their shit pushed by an angry bitch with a strap on.

Yep, zero sexism left in the world. Hahaha, Maybe...hahahahaha maybe you should say "GO MAKE ME A SANDWICH!" Wouldn't that be a stitch!?

So now I can't make a joke without being labeled sexist? You seem like one of those nutless hipsters guys in the video.
He claimed it was a misquote

Oh well that settles it then doesnt it? It was a misquote.Its not like people ever say something then deny they said it.:icon_lol:

AGAIN you slow bastard he must have been misquoted on a hell of a lot more than just "generally" if we are going to accept that statement is not strange. But of course he hasn't mentioned such and hes even flip flopped around on whether or not he even meant generally.

the only reason you'd have to believe it was anything but a misquote is if you had a strong bias against him.

No the reason I tend to believe it is he has a history of saying very bizarre things. Case in point the video I posted where he claimed men today are where women were at 50 years ago. :eek: The guy has established multiple times that he is not playing with a full deck of cards.

I don't exactly remember the part you are referring to

So youre arguing for something you don't even remember? Well gosh goober I dunno maybe you can summon the immense psychical strength to go back two or so pages and find the statement I blew up and underlined?

but my guess is that he means society makes men feel awkward around kids.

Which again is more MRA bullshit.

This can affect men in adult relationships because they continue connecting touch with sex.

Nonsense our minds and beliefs are already well formed into adult hood. Who the hell is going to think patting their son on the head for a job well done in school is somehow connected to sex ? And yes even with the radical feminist Illuminati brainwashing us daily into believing so. Not to mention this interview was done decades before when this manner of thinking wasnt supposed to be as pushed as it allegedly is today.
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So now I can't make a joke without being labeled sexist? You seem like one of those nutless hipsters guys in the video.

Definitely, violence against women is a laughing matter. Did you tell that one to the last girl you date-raped?

Hey, I've got a good joke: what's the difference between a pizza and a jew?

...WHAT!? I'm not racist, it's just a joke!
I read the thread title as "Will Ferrell" lol. I was about to come in here all rage-mode on feminazis.

*leaves thread*
Definitely, violence against women is a laughing matter. Did you tell that one to the last girl you date-raped?

Hey, I've got a good joke: what's the difference between a pizza and a jew?

...WHAT!? I'm not racist, it's just a joke!

Calm down White Knight. I'm sure one of these lovely feminists will pop your cherry for being such a nice guy:icon_lol:
Calm down White Knight. I'm sure one of these lovely feminists will pop your cherry for being such a nice guy:icon_lol:

I'm perfectly calm. I'm simply exposing your sexism for what it is: just that. You're a sexist person.

By the way, real great job linking extreme femenism with strap-ons. Just such fresh stuff.
I'm perfectly calm. I'm simply exposing your sexism for what it is: just that. You're a sexist person.

By the way, real great job linking extreme femenism with strap-ons. Just such fresh stuff.

I don't feel as if men are superior to women. I just don't like feminists. How is that sexist? You're like the guy who likes to pull the race card when it isn't needed.
You know there are varying degrees of feminism right? Not all feminists are extremists.

You guys were born in the wrong era if you aren't for women's rights.
Haha wow, how can these people think they are in the right when they act like that.

Emotions. They get the women all frenzied up emotionally and then they act like that. That's my guess. Emotions and rational thought don't mix.

Definitely, violence against women is a laughing matter. Did you tell that one to the last girl you date-raped?

Hey, I've got a good joke: what's the difference between a pizza and a jew?

...WHAT!? I'm not racist, it's just a joke!

I find it weird that everyone is so utterly terrified of being labeled racist. There are a lot of racist groups out there and no one gives a flying crap about it unless you're white.
You know there are varying degrees of feminism right? Not all feminists are extremists.

You guys were born in the wrong era if you aren't for women's rights.

How about, "I'm for human rights"?