Fighters you believe who were overhyped and then crash and burned out of the division?

No. Yair is a promising prospect that go thrown to the wolves WAY too quickly. Beating an old and shriveled BJ Penn should not have qualified him to fight Frankie. Also Frankie's style is maybe the worst matchup at 145 for him. He will rebound
I wonder what happened because the ufc would never release a guy like yair under normal circumstances. I agree, he got tossed to the wolves too quickly
Francis Ngoanu people bet house on him to win against Stipe
Currently I think Perry and Gastelum are going to crash and burn sooner than expected.

Slow guys, who are flat footed with poor balance never, ever last.
LW is Shallow? The current LW Division may very well be the most talent packed division in UFC history
How so? Eddie Alvarez won the belt, was summarily thrashed by a guy a weight class below who then retired (for all intents and purposes), and the current champ beat the #11 to get the belt.

Even putting the belt aside, most the top ten have gaping holes in their game. Barboza and Pettis both crumble to pressure, Gathje blocks punches with his face, Lee's a little chinny, Ferguson starts real slow, and has a hard time staying healthy, the list goes on.

Imo, both FW and WW are far more stacked at the moment.
i think he is good. But is not going to be elite of division and around for long time. Just wait and see
Gastelum will get a title shot, elite or no
The division has run out of contenders.
Keith Jardine and Houston Alexander
Soku is the right answer.

And Vera.
Gastelum is awesome,and any who says otherwise has a salt content 30 times above the legal limit and probably cried im fetal position multiple times as kelvin blasted one of their heroes.
At one time, I thought Thiago Tavares was going to clean out the LW division.

But he did no such thing.
Mini vitor had a few really exciting fights tho
Houston Alexander.

Gotta disagree with Gastelum.

He has way too many solid wins to be a flash in the pan.
To me Gastellum is this.

but none of his fans or many people will listen to me and will instead say ´´´look at him beating everyone´´ ignoring the state that kennedy and vitor (especially Vitor was in by that fight). Or bisping.

then barely beats jacare and now is future GOAT
Are you seriously ragging on Gastelum? Dude's a BEAST! A little more fine-tuning, and he'll easily be included in GOAT conversations.

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