Social For the first time in 20 years, more than half of Americans have a gun in their home


Putting on the foil
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Jun 26, 2012
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Last week, NBC News presented a surprising bit of data: for the first time in its two decades of asking, a majority of respondents to its national poll indicated that they lived in a home with a firearm. In 2013, a poll of American adults found that 42 percent lived in households in which there was a gun. In the most recent poll, questioning registered voters, 52 percent said they did. That's the highest share of voters who say that they or someone in their household owns a gun in the history of the NBC News poll, on a question dating back to 1999.




I had been under the impressive that the surging gun sales were guys who own a few buying more. A guy with 3 guns buys 6 more in a few years, not 6 new gun owners buying 6 guns. There is still definitely a lot of that, most gun owners own more than 1 gun and many own more than 5. But in the second chart above, you can see that rural gun ownership is still trending down (despite the 2020/2021 bump) while Suburban and Urban numbers have been increasing since their low in about 2015. Still not back the the rate of gun ownership in the 1980s though.

Breaking down by race, In August 2019, 53% of white voters said that they or someone in their household owned a gun, and 24% of Black voters said the same. In 2023 56% of white voters report that they or someone in their household owns a gun and 41% of Black voters say the same, – a 17-point increase among that group in just four years.

Legal gun ownership is increasing, and it's not the rural boys just buying up even more than before.

can't blame them. when you vilify/demonize police and neuter their ability to enforce the law, make martyrs out of violent career criminals, and then fail to punish/hold accountable criminals, folks are going to naturally feel unsafe.

The bottom line is, most Americans are not optimistic about the near future.
I've been wanting to join that half for years now but I'm so lazy going through the process.
Thanks to the left, calling the police just means "fill out a report and file it somewhere" so people have to take things into their own hands.
Nearly half not taking their constitutional responsibilities seriously.
Sadly, you can not legally possess a firearm and cannabis at the same time even if you live in one of the 24 states where recreational cannabis was legalized. I think it is an automatic felony.

Last week, NBC News presented a surprising bit of data: for the first time in its two decades of asking, a majority of respondents to its national poll indicated that they lived in a home with a firearm. In 2013, a poll of American adults found that 42 percent lived in households in which there was a gun. In the most recent poll, questioning registered voters, 52 percent said they did. That's the highest share of voters who say that they or someone in their household owns a gun in the history of the NBC News poll, on a question dating back to 1999.




I had been under the impressive that the surging gun sales were guys who own a few buying more. A guy with 3 guns buys 6 more in a few years, not 6 new gun owners buying 6 guns. There is still definitely a lot of that, most gun owners own more than 1 gun and many own more than 5. But in the second chart above, you can see that rural gun ownership is still trending down (despite the 2020/2021 bump) while Suburban and Urban numbers have been increasing since their low in about 2015. Still not back the the rate of gun ownership in the 1980s though.

Breaking down by race, In August 2019, 53% of white voters said that they or someone in their household owned a gun, and 24% of Black voters said the same. In 2023 56% of white voters report that they or someone in their household owns a gun and 41% of Black voters say the same, – a 17-point increase among that group in just four years.

Legal gun ownership is increasing, and it's not the rural boys just buying up even more than before.


Good. I sometimes worry the next generation will let us all down but that gives me a bit of hope.
Sadly, you can not legally possess a firearm and cannabis at the same time even if you live in one of the 24 states where recreational cannabis was legalized. I think it is an automatic felony.
wait. what? Like not be in the same house? Cause I understand not carrying/using both simultaneously.
wait. what? Like not be in the same house? Cause I understand not carrying/using both simultaneously.
Weed is still federally illegal, so the “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?” on the background check applies.

I don't believe there's ever been a case brought against a legal recreational marijuana user for owning or buying a gun, but technically it would be illegal even if not under the influence at the time of carrying or using a firearm.

Illinois state police had a big social media post about how buying illinois legal canibus wouldn't result in a loss of FOID (unconstitutional permit to own a gun even in your own home in illinois) card at the hands of of the state, but could give federal officials an opportunity to do so. so choose wisely.
Not surprising seeing what happened in 2020 and other things. People realize they can't rely on the police if they or t their families are in danger.