For those who primarily go on UFC discussion - Would you rather go to Mayberry or War Room? (As a second option)

Would you rather go to Mayberry or War Room? (As a second option)

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war room, conversation on mayberry are too vanilla for me
I like Mayberry but the posts about women are so bad I have a hard time going in there.

War room can be fun at times but it seems to mostly end with two guys going round and round for pages on end.

Pro wrestling discussion is the true answer here.
I’ve found myself in Pro Wrestling discussion as much as Sherdog in recent times. I’ve got a nice balance going on.
I would pick going to Mayberry, so I can create a poll and ask people how many true friends they have
It's pretty balanced. Probably a tie between war room and the heavies and Mayberry in 2nd place, tied with street coliseum and p n m.

Mayberry can be good, but often every thread on the first page is boring. War room can be pretty extreme too, but the chance for an intelligent comment or discussion in there is much higher
UFC and Mayberry is my first option.
Then it's world MMA, Working out, and Gaming as second option.
OT as a third.
Warroom by accident and then I leave once I realize where I am.
War Room all day.

Yes, it’s kind of a cesspool, but as a card-carrying introvert, small talk bores me most of the time. The topics in the WR at least have substance to them, and I enjoy discussing politics.

I don’t mean to come off like a jerk, but I generally don’t give a fuck what you had for breakfast today, if your check engine light is on, which Waffle House waitress rejected your advances, or whether you think Fellini’s 8 1/2 is better than Dumb and Dumber, or whatever.
If one does care about those things then Mayberry would probably be the bomb diggity I suppose.