From The Ground Up


White Belt
Oct 4, 2009
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First off, a quick disclaimer. Despite the title my log and program aren’t in any way related to Dan John’s e-book of the same name, I just liked the title and thought it was appropriate because of how low I’m starting.

I’ve been interested in powerlifting for around 5 years on and off, but I’ve never managed to put more than a couple of months training together at a time so I’ve never got anywhere. Recently I got my shit together and I hadn’t missed a session in about 2 months until I took last week off because of a minor tricep injury that was starting to mess with my progress, so I thought now would be a good time to start a log. Right now I’m lifting 3x a week, running once a week (want to up this to 2x) and doing grip stuff 3x a week.

Starting Stats (23/11/09)
Age: 23
Weight: 88kg (194lbs)
Height: 6'4
Location: London, England

Starting PR’s (23/11/09)
Deadlift: 80kg (176lbs) x 6
Squat: 65kg (143lbs) x 5
Bench Press: 47.5kg (105lbs) x 6
Overhead Press: 35kg (77lbs) x 6
Front Squat: 60kg (132lbs) x 5
Bent-Over Row: 50kg (110lbs) x 6

Yes you’re reading that right, I’ve never had a single lift past bodyweight. If I actually get somewhere then maybe this log can become an inspiration to girly men everywhere. If not, hopefully you’ll get some enjoyment out of watching me struggle to Deadlift weight that a 12 year old girl could press overhead. One handed.

Current Stats (8/3/10)
Age: 24
Weight: 94kg (207lbs)

Current PR’s (25/2/10)
Deadlift: 110kg (242lbs) x 5
Squat: 90kg (198lbs) x 5
Bench Press: (127lbs) x 5
Overhead Press: 45kg (99lbs) x 5
Front Squat: 80kg (176lbs) x 5
Bent-Over Row: 62.5kg (138lbs) x 5

I wanted to keep my starting stats for reference, so this section will get updated as I improve.

Comments, advice and pictures of wimminz welcome.
Last edited:
23/11/09 – Monday

Warm up closes and inverted closes with the HG150
Closes and inverted closes on the HG200
Overcrushes and inverted overcrushes with the HG250 (can’t close it fully on either hand yet, not even close with left)
Overcrushes and inverted overcrushes with the HG200

Lever Work
Reps @ 2.5kg (2x1.25kg)
Reps @ 3kg (2x1.25kg + 0.5kg)
Reps @ 3kg (2.5kg + 0.5kg)
Reps @ 2.5kg (2.5kg)

Once with each hand until close to failure

I’m not going to be too exact with recording this stuff, I’m mainly putting it down so I remember what weights/grippers I was using for next time.
24/11/09 – Tuesday

1x5 @ 55kg (121lbs)
1x5 @ 57.5kg (127lbs)
1x5 @ 60kg (132lbs)
1x5 @ 62.5kg (138lbs)
1x5 @ 65kg (143lbs)

Bent-Over Row
1x5 @ 47.5kg (105lbs)
1x5 @ 50kg (110lbs)
2x5 @ 52.5kg (116lbs)
1x5 @ 50kg (110lbs)

Squat disappointed me by feeling harder than it did when I did the exact same weight before my week off, but the Rows felt solid and the 52.5kg x 5 sets are the first PR of my new log.
25/11/09 - Wednesday
Pinch Gripping

2x each hand @ 12.5kg (10kg + 2.5kg)
4x each hand @ 15kg (10kg + 5kg)
2x each hand @ 12.5kg (10kg + 2.5kg)

Wrist Roller
2x forward and back @ 12.5kg
1x forward and back @ 10kg

About 5 minutes each hand

My right hand felt like crap on the pinch gripping and the 15kg was hardly getting any airtime. Weak shoulders and orangutan arms are holding me back on the wrist roller, I want to up the volume I do on this but my right shoulder seems to lock up after a couple of sets.

No running tonight, my legs feel a bit sore from yesterday and I'd rather be ready for Front Squats tomorrow than get the run in. Sunday night running is a nailed on cert, but I really want to get Wednesday going too. Hopefully next week.
26/11/09 – Thursday
Bench Press

1x5 @ 40kg (88lbs)
1x5 @ 42.5kg (94lbs)
2x5 @ 45kg (99lbs)
1x5 @ 42.5kg (94lbs)

Usually I'd have done Front Squats today as well, but my legs are still sore from Tuesday. Was a bit nervous about my left tricep after the first set but it held up fine after that and felt solid under the weight. 45kg still goes up pretty slow, but as long as my tricep is healed I can get to work on that from next week.

Also, I'd like to retract the statement in my previous post about Sunday night running being a nailed on cert. If there's any week when it's not going to happen then it's potentially this week if Saturday's Deadlifts mess up my legs like Tuesday's Squats did, although I'm hoping that won't be the case as they use a lot of the same muscles. We'll see.

Happy Turkey Day to any 'Murrican readers.
Welcome! Don't worry about your current PR being shitty, you'll soon enough break them. What's your routine?
Doing a 3 day split at the moment:

Tuesday - Squat, Bent-Over Rows
Thursday - Front Squat, Bench Press
Saturday - Deadlift, Overhead Press

Simple and minimal, but I figure I don't need much more at this stage. I had a look at Starting Strength but I didn't like its lack of a proper Deadlift day. Sure Deadlifts take a lot out of you, but I compensate for that by placing them before the longest rest period and so far it's worked fine.

Edit: Forgot to add, all of this is done at 5x5.
Simple and minimal, but I figure I don't need much more at this stage. I had a look at Starting Strength but I didn't like its lack of a proper Deadlift day. Sure Deadlifts take a lot out of you, but I compensate for that by placing them before the longest rest period and so far it's worked fine.

This routine is fine, you will make gains, but if you really want to maximize your gains, SS is the way to go for someone with such lights PR as you. I mean it, when your squat is so light, you SHOULD squat 3 times a week, you'll have no problem recovering from it, and you'll make gains faster. And when your squat goes up, at beginner level, all your lifts go up, deadlift included. The theory behind it all is explained in Rip's second book, Practical Programing.

Again, you will make gains with your current routine, and it has everything needed for a goor PL routine, but I'd really recommend you to do SS:

Day A - Squat 3x5, Bench 3x5, BOR (or even better weigthed chins) 3x5

Day B - Squat 3x5, OH Press 3x5, Deadlift 1x5 (or 3x5 if you feel like it, but at first you should keep it light volume)

You'll most likely improve faster with this routine. Once you put up better numbers, you can start doing front squats, power cleans, etc. but for now this is the best for you.

Also, video tape yourself and post the vids in this log for critique and advice.
I'll read back over the SS stuff to have a look at Rip's justification for Squatting everyday, but there are a few reasons it puts me off. I've read a few accounts from people that started off with SS saying that Squatting every session burnt them out, although no doubt you could find anecdotal evidence on the internet to prove or disprove pretty much anything you wanted.

The deal breaker for me is the lack of a proper Deadlift day, I just can't see a decent reason to only do 1-2 sets a week of the lift where I can move the most weight, it seems counter-intuitive to me although like I said I'll go away and read a bit more about his reasons for it as I definitely respect his opinion.

I'll admit to a bit of vanity here too, I've always found Deadlifting easier than the others and I feel like my Deadlift is going to start hitting decent numbers long before my other lifts.

I'm going to stick with what I'm doing for now. As long as I'm making progress then I'm happy, but I'll keep SS in mind.
I've read a few accounts from people that started off with SS saying that Squatting every session burnt them out, although no doubt you could find anecdotal evidence on the internet to prove or disprove pretty much anything you wanted.
I don't know, it worked for me and I went from 60kg to 100kg in a couple of months if I remember well (need to check this in my log). I don't think you can burn out by squatting such low numbers for now. Also, rest and nutrition play their part.

I just can't see a decent reason to only do 1-2 sets a week of the lift where I can move the most weight
Depending on the version of the routine you're using, you'd be deadlifting two times a week every other week. But personal preference plays a big part in lifting weigths, so if you enjoy deadlifts more, you might as well continue like this.

I'm going to stick with what I'm doing for now. As long as I'm making progress then I'm happy, but I'll keep SS in mind.
Progress is the most important thing, so if you like it this way, best of luck with your training. You can't go wrong as long as you squat and deadlift regularly anyway.
Progress is the most important thing, so if you like it this way, best of luck with your training. You can't go wrong as long as you squat and deadlift regularly anyway.
Thanks man, I appreciate the advice even though I was too stubborn to take it this time.

You've earnt your right to an 'I told you so' comment if my numbers aren't going the right way after a couple of months.
30/11/09 - Monday
Pinch Gripping

2x each hand @ 12.5kg (10kg + 2.5kg)
2x each hand @ 15kg (10kg + 5kg)
1x each hand @ 15kg (5kg + 5kg + 5kg)
2x each hand @ 15kg (10kg + 5kg)
2x each hand @ 12.5kg (5kg + 5kg + 2.5kg)

Wrist Roller
2x forward and back @ 12.5kg
2x forward and back @ 10kg

Once with each hand for a few minutes

15kg with 3x 5's plates felt like a massive step up from 15kg with a 10 and a 5, it was barely a proper attempt with either hand. From now on I'll always use 2x 5's and a 2.5 when I do 12.5kg, much better carryover to the 3 plate 15kg. Wrist Roller was a little better on paper but a massive amount better in reality, managed to roll the weight up and down on all sets where I was just dumping it when I had it up last week.
1/12/09 - Tuesday

1x5 @ 60kg (132lbs)
1x5 @ 62.5kg (138lbs)
1x5 @ 65kg (143lbs)
1x5 @ 67.5kg (149lbs)
1x5 @ 70kg (154lbs) 5kg PR

Bent-Over Row
1x5 @ 50kg (110lbs)
3x5 @ 52.5kg (116lbs)
1x5 @ 50kg (110lbs)

Probably my best Squat session ever and not just because of the weight, it just felt right somehow. After last week I'd been thinking about my form a lot and everything felt tighter today. Rows were a bit harder than last week, I was half hoping to hit 55kg but once I felt 52.5kg I knew it wasn't going to happen this time out.
2/12/09 - Wednesday

1 Set @ Warm up closes and inverted closes with the HG150
3 Sets @ Closes and inverted closes on the HG200
2 Sets @ Closes and inverted closes on the HG150

Lever Work
3 Sets @ 2.5kg (2x1.25kg)

Once with each hand for about 5 minutes

Slacked off on the grippers, plus I'm going out instead of going running (good decisions aplenty up in hurr).

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