News Gable Steveson turns down UFC's pathetic offer for WWE contract

I don't get the hype around this guy.

He doesn't have the look.

Doesn't look intimidating.

He is short for a HW. (6'0)

Vince will bury him.
Gable is worth more as a pro wrestler than an Olympian to the UFC. They will wait for him to become popular and try to snag him up then.
I wonder what Bellators offer was.

Free training at AKA, $250 a show, and 10% of the ticket sales for shows in Minnesota?
Good, no need to offer a dude hundreds & thousands of dollars that's never been punched or kicked in the face to only have him react to Diving Bob Sapp.
"After putting the world of combat sports and sports entertainment on alert Olympic champion Gable Steveson has decided to join Vince McMahon’s WWE on a multiyear deal (per ESPN’s Mike Coppinger).

After winning gold in Tokyo, in impressive fashion, the freestyle wrestling sent feelers out to both McMahon and UFC President Dana White. According to Marc Raimondi of ESPN Steveson was given an offer by the UFC.

Raimondi’s sources claim the UFC wanted Steveson to gain MMA experience on the regional circuit before appearing on Dana White’s Tuesday Night Contender Series, the show where fighters compete for White’s attention for the chance to earn an entry level UFC contract.

It’s not that surprising that Steveson opted to turn down the chance to make a guaranteed $10,000 per fight with the UFC. Financial details on Steveson’s deal with the WWE have not been released, though they are expected to include compensation that is dramatically higher than an entry level UFC contract.

Of course, a WWE career also does not include getting punched in the face (for real). Though, it should be noted, wrestlers are subject to many of the same problems MMA fighters encounter, with high rates of injury, lack of collective bargaining and adverse health conditions that exist long after their days in the ring or cage are over."

While he certainly could win in MMA crossing over with no experience to UFC in the modern day is one almighty task. His price was likely huge compared to what they would pay other fighters in DWCS. I don't blame them saying show us you can actually do it before putting it on TV. I don't think think is moves the dial as much as he thinks he does in MMA without some wins.
It's a shame he's going with WWE, but I'm okay with the UFC not wanting another CM Punk fiasco.

How is it comparable to CM Punk?

CM Punk literally had 0 too little proper training where as Gable Steveson is an Olympic gold medalist at just 21 and is an atheltic freak
CM Punk
James Tony
Greg Hardy
BJ Penn
Amir Sadollah
Marcio Cruz

Greg Hardy was on DWCS twice and had a regional fight after that before getting to the UFC. The others were from UFC at a different time.

Tony was a showmatch as shown by the pay and more for the UFC to prove the point boxers can't win an MMA fight as easily as they think.

CM Punk is the notable exception and look how that went. I have no idea why they gave him a second fight. On the bright side punk only has 1 loss on his record for the 2 fights!
Looks like Bork Laser returned too they might use him to put Gable over. Bork is 44 dunno how much longer he wants to do this for
Uncle $500m Dolla Dana sweetened the deal by offering him free Venum fight kits for his parents.
Name something in their athletic backgrounds that would suggest that Mickey Gall was a handpicked opponent in the way you think he was...
In what way do you think I think he was???

I don’t think he was picked to lose if that’s what you think……
This is why dana is the goat promoter, why would dana sign a top tier prospect with no fight experience and risk him losing to top fighters. Dana will wait for wwe to make him a big time star and he can learn to fight on the side. So by the time he gets to the UFC he will be Brock Lesnar like draw.
From what I read Gable wanted to be in the WWE for a long time anyways. MMA was a side option he might have pursued if it paid well. Plus not every wrestler likes getting punched in the face. There was a guy named Eldar Kurtanidze who was a 2x world champ and a 2x olympic medalist that tried MMA in the pride days that got wrecked by a Journeyman Fujita. Once his takedowns were stuffed it was game over. If Gable had his set on fighting he probably would have did a deal with Bellator or LFA to refine his skills and then went to the UFC. Without hands he would end up getting KO'd
Gable is worth more as a pro wrestler than an Olympian to the UFC. They will wait for him to become popular and try to snag him up then.
It's just better that way for everyone.

The last thing that needs to happen is as soon as he wins in the olympics he joins the ufc and get's thrown to the wolves, then he decides it's not for him. He needs to transition and thats going to cost money and he can more than earn that money in WWE while building a following that he brings with him for those ppv points.
Why would UFC shell out big bucks for an unproven wrestler who doesn’t move the needle? Brock Lesnar, one of the biggest wwe stars in the world even had to take a fight outside of the ufc before getting signed.

True, but that more or less reinforces why going to WWE was the obvious choice for him. If you're looking for a job, and one company offers you $10,000 an event (and you're likely only to have 3 events a year), and another company offers you ten times that, 99.999% of people are going to go with the one that's offering the most.

Basically there's no way the UFC should have matched WWE, and there's no way he should have gone with the smaller pay the UFC offered. That's normal business, different employees are worth different amounts to different companies.
he doesnt want no ufc venum coupons with a sidedish of brain damage.

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