Game Over, Man (New Netflix Movie)

Pliny Pete

Puts Butts In Seats
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Watched this new movie last night on Netflix, may have the grossest scene in film history
Its hilarious but so disgusting
I highly recommend it

Kind of a different take on Die Hard, no?

Edit: Now that song is stuck in my head.

Thanks a lot, asshole.
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saw it last night. I thought it was funny. Was crying during the scene that i wont spoil but pretty sure its the gross scene referenced in the op
saw it last night. I thought it was funny. Was crying during the scene that i wont spoil but pretty sure its the gross scene referenced in the op
Im not done yet motherfucker!
Watched it last night. Stupid but in a funny way, had me laughing to the point of tears a couple of times.
I saw too much.
Was not expecting that.
I thought it was ok, nothing really that special but good enough to keep me watching til the end. Expected a bit more since the workaholics guys are capable of making some really funny shit.
Loved it. But I’m a big Workaholics fan and this was kind of Workaholics “The Movie”.
The closet scene was probably the only scene that got a laugh out of me. To be honest, it was a pretty shit movie, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone I know.
I feel like the main reason I disliked it so much was because I had something important I was suppose to be doing, but opted to take a breather to see a comedy and relax. At the end it just made me realize how badly I was wasting my time and I couldn't justify it.
It was a dumb, fun movie. Loved the die hard parody feel to it. If you go into it not expecting to be blown away I think its worth giving a go
Fine, I'll get stoned and watch it.
First thing I found funny was the Kangol hat on the bad guy.
It was decent.
A few funny jokes.
And this classic banger:
Was kinda hoping this was gonna be a Bill Paxton documentary or something.
Watched it last night. It was fucking fantastic
I am a big fan of Workaholics and the work the guys do. I enjoyed the movie, not a bad start to writing their own film length material. Here's hoping "Game Overboard" is real and/or they are working on another film.