GamerGate News & Discussion v6: #GamesSoWhite Edition

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I was thinking today about the Elliott case and I've come to the conclusion that SJWs and feminists can't be on a jury. Could you imagine being a guy accused by a woman and face that jury? No way in hell would you ever get a fair trial.
The judge in the Gregory Alan Elliott case got trolled, attributing tweets to Mr. Elliott that were in fact written by a troll account.

Ironically, this may have worked in Mr. Elliot's favour. The judge wondered with disbelief how the tweets in question were not in the police's search, and made prejudicial findings against the crown for giving the court an incomplete record. It turns out, the police search was accurate.
The judge in the Gregory Alan Elliott case got trolled, attributing tweets to Mr. Elliott that were in fact written by a troll account.

Ironically, this may have worked in Mr. Elliot's favour. The judge wondered with disbelief how the tweets in question were not in the police's search, and made prejudicial findings against the crown for giving the court an incomplete record. It turns out, the police search was accurate.

There was one particular feminist who was saying "As soon as GAE is declared 'Not Guilty', I've been getting threats and dick pics". When challenged on it, saying "Well, I can't see any directed at you, none at all" To which she replied "They don't keep them up here, they delete them after 5 minutes, for maximum fear".
There are rumours going around that Jonathan "Full" McIntosh is no longer affiliated with Feminist Fequency.
There are rumours going around that Jonathan "Full" McIntosh is no longer affiliated with Feminist Fequency.

Care to expand on this? The Why's and where's it's being discussed?

The public dynamic between Anita and Jon has always been a little unusual. You would never know they are professionally connected by their conduct and twitter accounts. Maybe Anita needed Jon's money to help her get started, but was put off with his crazy radicalism.

While I may personally disagree with most of Anita's opinions on several matters, she doesn't come off as a crazy extremist. But Jon McIntosh is full bat shit crazy on social media.
Well, the Feminist Frequency report for 2015 came out, and McIntosh doesn't appear on the "Staff" section of the page, neither does Catherine Cross (The transexual academic who's shady as fuck and will take back handers for positive reviews), which implies that neither are with the organisation anymore.

On top of that, McIntosh's twitter has changed from "Co-creator, producer and co-writer of Tropes vs. Women" to "Media producer and cultural critic" and goes on to plug his own website "Rebellious Pixels".

And the radical change to the format of the videos, from 30-minute video's going in depth to a certain topic, to 7-minute "There are asses here, and I don't like that", and McIntosh was the one who was in charge of all the writing, directing, editing etc.

And, he's been removed from the Feminist Frequency website.
Something tells me they had a disagreement over financial differences.
The guy who threw a bitch-fit over the "sexism" in the Oxford English Dictionary, Michael Oman-Reagan is STILL triggered as fuck by it, to the point of TL;DR making a video about "DictionaryGate". Pointing out the logical fallacy of the guy's triggering, pointing out the negative depictions of men appear far more than negative depictions of women, and pointing out the irony of someone getting so triggered over the term "rabid feminism", that they decide to defend feminism in a way that can only be described as "rabid".

So, Michael Oman-Reagan decided to rectify this, and cry "Organised Harassment", because TL;DR made this video, and people took the piss out of him for it, and decided that the only way to right this wrong was to get all his followers to flag TL;DR's video to get it taken down, and hopefully get him banned from YouTube and Twitter, once again, the irony was lost on him, considering he's the one who cried "Organised Harassment" in an effort to organise the harassment of somebody else.

Michael Oman-Reagan finally revealed himself to be the biggest bitch on the planet, when he openly boasted about blocking 147,000 people.

Here's TL;DR's video

And here's a taste of just what kind of person Michael Oman-Reagan is, I'm gonna leave a link to his profile, because the triggering lasted hours, and dozens of tweets:

Lol what an idiot. Also, i'm still not sure how 'rabid feminist' is sexist. Last I checked, both women and men could be feminists, but these regressives say anything that targets men isn't sexist.
The funny thing is, if it was anything else, there wouldn't be this furore.

"The Oakland Raiders have a rabid fanbase!"
In fact, here's an image that nicely rounds everything up

These people don't get irony at all. It's strange how many of them seem to totally lack self awareness. This guy has multiple tweets arguing against free speech advocates. Using the old "Free speech doesn't mean we can't call you out on being offensive" which is the SJW's go to response.

Then he makes some ridiculous statements, people call him out on it, and all of a sudden people are silencing him and it's harassment. They aren't opposed to free speech, they're just opposed to people they disagree with having the right to it.
Well, to these people, one great man's quote sums it up perfectly


It's amazing that it's been about 70 years since he said that, and it rings even more true today.
That's the funny thing with these extreme left wing SJWs, they're thoroughly ashamed of being white. They so desperately want to be accepted by all the other races, they'd gladly be the girl in some kind of weird Bukkake initiation ritual, and then say how it's not cultural appropriation.
If these people could pray the white away, they would.
And the guy is STILL triggered by it.

He now blocks 253,000 people.

To put that into perspective, the population of Barbados is 273,000 people. He actually blocks more than the combined populations of the 16 least populated cities in the world, and 4,000 more would also include the 17th.
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