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GamerGate News & Discussion v6: #GamesSoWhite Edition

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Not really involved in this whole Gamer Gate thing, but Full McIntosh just admitted that he doesn't think there's a difference between Fantasy and Reality

He just went Full McIntosh. Never go Full McIntosh
Just watch it on the South Park website.

Yea I know you can do that to. I have a media server though and I liked to download the episodes and save them so I can watch them anytime. With or without internet.
KIA, and Reddit in general is buzzing about censorship and CEO Ellen Pao, so there isn't too much to report on in the gaming front.

Breitbart article about Reddit:


Don't think this is a real Cyanide and Happiness comic, but they do seem to be critical about the SJW movement:


Leigh Alexander being Leigh Alexander:


I have't watched this yet, but this documentary looks promising:

I see nobody is talking about that guy that got arrested for "distributing information about bomb-making techniques".

Anyway he is a troll that plays all sides.
But AGG claimed he is GG because he posted under hashtag.


Goldberg's writing, under different pen names, was published by The Daily Stormer, a white supremacist website; Daily Kos, a liberal blog; and Feministing, a feminist blog.

Really brings whole new meaning to SJW or Stormfront :D

That guy was a poster on the IMDB horror boards. Some people recognized him after they got Facebook invites from him. His name was Madotsuki the Dreamer.

As far as the Nyberg and the whole "it happened ten years ago" thing; pedophiles aren't exactly known for reforming, or being a pedophile being a "phase" one goes through.


There is currently discussion about the possibility of anti's turning against Feminist Frequency due to their comments and tweets about Doom 4 and Fallout 4 being too sexist/violent.

Maybe I'll post some details later but not right now, need to sleep

We're back to the fantasy/reality thing, and games causing real world violence even though we know they don't.
Just watched it. Lol

Not sure why they chose to use a Brosef Frat Boy as the typical SJW. It's seems a man bunned, skinny jean wearing hipster may have been funnier. But it was still good

Looks to be a reoccurring theme for the season.
Don't think this is a real Cyanide and Happiness comic, but they do seem to be critical about the SJW movement:


LOL - The guy in the green needs to have a Firefly or Avengers T-Shirt
Just watched it. Lol

Not sure why they chose to use a Brosef Frat Boy as the typical SJW. It's seems a man bunned, skinny jean wearing hipster may have been funnier. But it was still good

Looks to be a reoccurring theme for the season.

Wouldn't portraying them as frat bros be more insulting as they're like masculine as opposed to the beta fuckboys that wear skinny jeans etc?
Wouldn't portraying them as frat bros be more insulting as they're like masculine as opposed to the beta fuckboys that wear skinny jeans etc?

Lol, true

I'm guessing that gamer gate episode is incoming. I hope they make fun of both sides.

Anita vs the fat WOW nerd from an earlier season.

Jon McIntosh vs Cartman and Kyle

The PC Frat bros VS woman/minority's/notyourshield crowd.

Many viewers may not get most of the references, but it'll be funny to me dammit.
I didn't even know a new episode of South Park was out. Now I'm going to have to watch a replay, whenever that is.

Surely it'd be more like if Edmund Kemper wrote a bunch of shit about how he'd love to strangle women and have sex with their dead bodies in his diary or on some internet forum when he was a teen and then it came out later?

As far as I've understood it no one is actually accusing that crazy bitch of actually fucking any kids, are they?

I wasn't equating pedophilia with murder. They aren't really close, IMO. I'd rather be purposely raped than accidentally murdered, so yeah, that wasn't the point. The point to my post was the people who brush off these very serious pedophile accusations as "it was a long time ago and she's changed now." That type of reasoning is absolutely incredible, hard to believe someone would sweep something like PEDOPHILIA under the rug just so their little social movement doesn't have to admit one of its main leaders is a pedo.

When it comes to kids, I don't fuck around (literally or seriously), and it's not a topic to be "edgy" about - at least not like shrbutts was doing (I do laugh at pedobear jokes, but that's about it). That is, even if we believe that she was kidding. I personally do not, I think she's a full blown pedo and she admitted as much in those chat logs (and just as important, never flat out denied it in that long blog post). I left GamerGate because people were rationalizing the 8chan "Official Pedo Thread" was okay because it was legal, but wanted to argue the ethics of video game journalism. I still feel that's bullshit. You don't fuck around when it comes to kids. Pedophilia is not something to be "edgy" about. I just don't for a second believe shrbutts was trying to be edgy. That's the deflection she was using, and the AGGros are accepting that load of bullshit prima facie so they don't have to be introspective about it.

I would hope some die hard AGGros would honestly evaluate their whole movement at this point, where a significant portion of their fellow comrades would rather brush over pedophilia than to just admit that lunatics are on both sides of this issue, even their own. From what I've seen from that side, I highly doubt it will happen. The cause must go above all, even child victims of a sick, sadistic pedophile.

"See, I purposefully said the most batshit insane things imagineable, attained absolute ridicule for my insane ramblings... jokes on them, I'm not really like that!"
An interesting article from The Federalist

Why the Left Hates Video Games written by Mytheos Holt

This week saw the advent of the Electronic Entertainment Expo, arguably the most important video games-related conference of every year. Right on cue, a collection of the social-justice Left’s most prolific cultural parasites emerged to attack it.

Video games show the dark side of human nature, which the Left doesn’t want to believe exists.

...we could just say McIntosh and Sarkeesian are probably closet pacifists and leave it there. But in actuality, what’s going on here seems much deeper, especially given that McIntosh openly admits to wanting to spin narratives that grant him and his allies the power to change culture and modify human behavior, facts be damned. Therefore, what seems to actually be the issue actually goes back much further than McIntosh and Sarkeesian, all the way back to an insight by the great traditionalist writer Russell Kirk, who wrote that the first principle of radicals was:

The perfectibility of man and the illimitable progress of society: meliorism. Radicals believe that education, positive legislation, and alteration of environment can produce men like gods; they deny that humanity has a natural proclivity toward violence and sin.

Video Games Provide an Outlet for Evil

One of the great canons of left-wing discourse since the French Revolution has been the idea that human beings can be “perfected” or, at minimum, “improved” using coercive force. The idea, in other words, that people are naturally good and only institutions like property and tradition make them evil. Conservatives, meanwhile, in the words of George F. Will, have always made it their mission “to protect you from the liberal faith that they can make something straight from the crooked timber of humanity.”

...The “Doom” trailer, in short, seeks to make peace with the human proclivity toward violence even as it turns it against sin, rather than try to write both out of existence. For its efforts, it gets cheers. With good reason. Like “Hatred” before it, it’s a humanistic game.

For Leftist ideologues like Sarkeesian and McIntosh, the game is a reminder that their ideology is forever cut off from human nature, and that their utopian vision of a world without urges toward violence will always ultimately be chainsawed by reality before being drowned in a storm of unapologetically humanistic gunfire.
Just watched it. Lol

Not sure why they chose to use a Brosef Frat Boy as the typical SJW. It's seems a man bunned, skinny jean wearing hipster may have been funnier. But it was still good

Looks to be a reoccurring theme for the season.

Watched it last night. I think portraying them as frat bros wasn't really part of the joke the main theme they wanted to get across was that they were all the same. I thought the episode was hilarious when Cartman got his ass kicked trying to frame that PC guy I was dying. Glad they're going to continue this.

I randomly came across video with two high level female chess players and at 25 minutes in they talk about a statement another chess player made about the difference between males and females in chess and the feminist reaction to it.

In the video they both admit there are reasons why males are better at chess, they are both intelligent and educated on the subject and they both think that a male will most likely beat the top females at chess.

I thought it was interesting because people always say males and females are the same intellectually, but they accept there are physical differences. I've always found this very strange because if there are physical differences then there are mental differences too. The same goes for race and from what we can observe in the world, it supports that, that's not the same as saying they races and sexes don't deserve equal rights.

This is always staring at us in the face and everyone knows the truth but no one is even allowed to mention it.
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Watched it last night. I think portraying them as frat bros wasn't really part of the joke the main theme they wanted to get across was that they were all the same. I thought the episode was hilarious when Cartman got his ass kicked trying to frame that PC guy I was dying. Glad they're going to continue this.

I think it's a shot at the whole skinny jeans, ironic beard wearing mangina who see Frat Guys as these meatheaded douchebags who bully people who aren't like them. Which is exactly what the Social Justice Warriors are, "You don't believe in the very specific things I believe in?! I'm going to get all of my friends to attack you".

I randomly came across video with two high level female chess players and at 25 minutes in they talk about a statement another chess player made about the difference between males and females in chess and the feminist reaction to it.

In the video they both admit there are reasons why males are better at chess, they are both intelligent and educated on the subject and they both think that a female will most likely beat the top males at chess.

I thought it was interesting because people always say males and females are the same intellectually, but they accept there are physical differences. I've always found this very strange because if there are physical differences then there are mental differences too. The same goes for race and from what we can observe in the world, it supports that, that's not the same as saying they races and sexes don't deserve equal rights.

This is always staring at us in the face and everyone knows the truth but no one is even allowed to mention it.

This is a pretty simplistic way of looking at things. What do you mean by "intellectually"? Chess is a board game, not an intelligence test. Do you mean psychologically? There is no debate that there are psychological differences between men and women. The only people who resist this are ideologues and progressive anti-science freaks.

And also, what do you mean by "race"? Do you mean ethnicity? Or Mogoloid, Caucasoid, Negroid? There isn't really a clear deliniation of race, scientifically. Are Anderson Silva and Lyoto Machida the same race? If not, what are the "intellectual" differences we should see between their races?
I think it's a shot at the whole skinny jeans, ironic beard wearing mangina who see Frat Guys as these meatheaded douchebags who bully people who aren't like them. Which is exactly what the Social Justice Warriors are, "You don't believe in the very specific things I believe in?! I'm going to get all of my friends to attack you".

That's a good point I'm leaning more towards this now.
Case in point, look at Matt Taylor.

If you go out wearing some girly looking shirt, the Frat Guys would be "Hey Homo! Nice Homo shirt! Did you get that out of your mom's closet that you were hiding in?! I know it was because I was banging her last night and I saw it! Hey guys! This homo is wearing his mom's shirt!" and then they'd all join in a chorus of "Homo"

Matt Taylor wears a shirt with girls in bikinis on it "Hey Misogynistic Pig! Nice misogynistic shirt! Did you take the pictures of the girls themselves after you sexually harassed them into taking their clothes off for you?! I know you did because you're actually raping me now by reading these comments without consent! Hey Feminists! This sexist is wearing a rapist shirt!" and they all joined in a chorus of "Misogynist"
In the video they both admit there are reasons why males are better at chess, they are both intelligent and educated on the subject and they both think that a female will most likely beat the top males at chess.
This paragraph isn't even internally consistent.
I didn't even know a new episode of South Park was out. Now I'm going to have to watch a replay, whenever that is.

Check out South Parks website. You can watch it there. I did on my Ipad while watching the Broncos come back from brink of failure against the Chiefs!!
You know, the whole Butts thing is kind of overblown at this point. It is a witch hunting, to be absolutely clear. It really stemmed from "pro GG" people who are desperately wants to show the world that they are "the good guy" (basically PR their images but lack the understanding that PR doesn't matter), so now they got this dirt and it is time for paedo hunting! It is not like the "anti GG" is better, but once kafkatrapping style arguments are fielded ("So you are defending Butts? You must be a paedophile yourself!), everything that is meaningful is now completely lost. Another thing is that for all of #gamergate that talks about how they are about "ethics in game journalism", and deny about how it is not about e-celeb and drama, whenever drama starts up is also when the #gamergate machine roll the hardest. It is almost like a series of self-perpetuating lie. Just look at r/KIA's front page for a change. Everything in it is one way or another linked to an e-celeb or drama. So much for ethics and shits.

And lastly, how many people are still actually "active"? Because for all the claims about #gamergate have a lot of people, the actually active numbers are actually going down. r/KIA boasted of themselves having 50000+ people but these days barely a thousand of anyone online on any given day. Oh, and of course now the page is filled with South Park-related drama too. And one op after 4+ months of nothing but drama.
I predicted about nine, ten months ago (can't believe it's been that long) that the SJWs would turn on each other. You can't center a movement around being an offended special snowflake without them trying to one-up each other.

I think this whole thing with Butts has degenerated in such a way because of the "Well, turnabout is fair play" mindset, where Butts herself was saying "They're paedophiles, they distribute child porn, if you support GamerGate, you must be a paedophile too!", and the likes of Randi Harper, Graham Linehan and the rest of their clique shouting it from the rooftops for the better part of a year.

So, this is brought to light, and then those people who have been called paedophiles then have this ammo to say "Oh, we're paedos, well, looks like your side isn't so innocent either". Instead of doing the rational thing of "Our point remains, we do not condone or support Sarah Nyberg should the accusations turn out to be true", but it was the doubling down, because she was on "their side".

So, I think it's this need to throw shit back, combined with a mutual sense of "it's alright when we do it", with the steadfast refusal to denounce Butts which has created this neo-McCarthyism.
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