Social Gingers, Afro's, blondies and baldies: New French law to protect against hair based workplace discrimination

These kind of laws don't really seem needed, but if anyone needed them it would be bald guys. They instantly look 10 years older and will be seen as a creep if their head is less than fully shaved.
Lol at being concerned about hair. How about making people take a shower once in a while.
Mon dieu!
No hijabs but “hair discrimination” protection? The French are a weird bunch
Gingers should only reproduce with other gingers to save their species.
The Texas Supreme Court just ruled against a kid who was kicked out of school because he has Locs. There's literally no other problem with him, its forced conformity for sake of forced conformity.

Thats what school has always been sir.
Huh?? No one hates black women's hair more than black women themselves. That's why they wear wigs, weaves, extensions, etc etc. Which actually makes them look weird and worse... FAKE. There are bald Chinese women, Indian women and muskrats out there in the world because of this business.

They'd look so much better if they'd stop using their heads as a weekly science project. There is NOTHING better than natural.
The context you're missing is that this so-called self hatred has been passed down for generations and was forced upon black women. What looks attractive now in 2024 vs. what is considered "acceptable" or "professional" in school and work are different things.

Women didn't start wearing these things out of self-hate, they did it because they were told their hair was ugly. And if they wanted to get a job, or be presentable, they had to do their hair in a certain way. That way was passed down from their mama and their grand mama. That was putting some harsh chemicals in your hair to straighten it.
If your natural hair isn't "acceptable", why would you be surprised that women would wear wigs? If short or frizzy hair isn't considered attractive or feminine, again, why surprised at the wigs? It takes some work to manage black hair, and trying to straighten it everyday in order for it to be deemed acceptable for school or corporate would take up time.

It's not even like this sort of discrimination has completely gone. An afro would naturally grow out of a black man/woman's head and it would be seen as unprofessional or not up to standards by many. Common black hairstyles that help to tame and manage black hair are looked down on as being part of some gang or weed culture. People literally will ask to touch black peoples' hair as if we were at a petting zoo.
Again, shouldn't be surprising why there's this so-called self hatred.
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Never had a school dictate my haircut. And I went through a long hair period as a kid living in the South

My point is less about the haircut and more about the mentality sir.
School has always wanted you to conform one way or another.
My point is less about the haircut and more about the mentality sir.
School has always wanted you to conform one way or another.

What are you one of the Goth kids from South Park? Lol, you can argue that about all aspects of society. I have boxing classes at 4 every day, because I'm a conformist and want all those students there at the same time!!

No seriously I get what you're trying to say, I'm just saying that forcing a black kid to cur his locs for no other reason than you don't like locs is egregious. And some religions have a spiritual significance of hair, we have a 1st Amendment that is supposed to protect this. It's just a modern case of that the rules don't always apply equally.
Yeah I grew up with plenty of schools with dress codes that also included hair cuts and length, piercings etc but somehow somebody will try their hardest to link that to "Wacism" someway.

I couldn't wear hats because of the gangs, couldn't wear certain tshirts etc.
But I think its a mentality thing tbh sir.
What are you one of the Goth kids from South Park? Lol, you can argue that about all aspects of society. I have boxing classes at 4 every day, because I'm a conformist and want all those students there at the same time!!

No seriously I get what you're trying to say, I'm just saying that forcing a black kid to cur his locs for no other reason than you don't like locs is egregious. And some religions have a spiritual significance of hair, we have a 1st Amendment that is supposed to protect this. It's just a modern case of that the rules don't always apply equally.

Goth kid?...really?
This sounds dumb at first glance but if they're really forcing black girls to straighten their hair to get a job that is in fact racist as fuck.