Social GoldenWolf's COVID Vaccine/Lockdown Protest megathread

Is this reasonable? or a slippery slope?

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It's ridiculous how much North American media is still obsessing over the've tried. You've tried shaming them, you've tried banning them from most walks of life. They aren't going to change their minds, move on its over.
What's odd right now is #4 booster is being called the "second booster"

Yes, they think we are dumb enough to believe #4 is #2 and sadly, they are right in far too many cases at this point.

"In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it."
In Alberta, Canada there has been 4000 covid deaths. Predominantly 65+ years old. how many of these deaths are actually from covid is debatable.

In the same time frame there has been approx 4000 opioid deaths. This isnt including stimulant deaths. Predominantly 18 to 40 age group.

Something to think about

And guess who's responsible for the opioid epidemic?

The medical establishment and big pharma.
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Vinay Prasad wrote a scorching criticism of the White House's push for a 4th dose and a 5th dose in the fall:

The New York Times is reporting this:

Biden Administration Plans to Offer Second Booster Shots to Those 50 and Up
Apparently they have already decided…

Federal health officials have hotly debated the way forward, with some strongly in favor of a second booster now and others skeptical. But they have apparently coalesced around a plan to give everyone age 50 and up the option of an additional shot, in case infections surge again before the fall. In the fall, officials say, Americans of all ages, including anyone who gets a booster this spring, should get another shot.

And here is the kicker, advisors not needed….

Unlike with the first round of regulatory decisions on booster shots, no meetings of the advisory committees of either the F.D.A. or the C.D.C. are planned ahead of the decision on second boosters.

Without the FDA advisory committee, without any data presented, they argue that if you are 50 and over, you need a 4th dose now, and a 5th dose in the fall! The rest of us need our 4th dose in the fall. Wtf!

Let me make a few points:

  1. The White House is operating at the lowest level of evidence. Just consider the 5th dose recommendation. Not only are there no randomized data, there is not even flawed observational data to draw from. The White House will soon approve a 5th, 6th, 7th dose. Albert Bourla not Bob Calif is now the FDA commissioner.

  2. The age cut off of 50 is based on what? Likely it is invented. Practically, it means we will again neglect the very old 80++, and focus on healthy, rich 50 year olds. What evidence is there that a 50 year old who had 3 doses and might have had Omicron benefits from the 4th?

  3. We are still talking about the original Wuhan strain coronavirus vaccine. Sad!

  4. If Trump had done this, there would be revolt. Academics would be furious if Trump pressured Gruber and Krause to approve a 3rd dose, so much so that they resigned, and doctors would be upset, that without FDA ad-com, the White House is telling society how many boosters they need of the old, ancestral mRNA

  5. They are skipping the ad-com because they know many smart people will disagree with them, and consider their plan reckless, and lacking data. These people will give great quotes. Skipping the adcom is not what we do in a democratic, free transparent society.

  6. The White House is not concerned first and foremost with your health. They have an election this fall. They need numbers to be low. Even if the 4th dose of the vaccine is disputed, if it helps their political fortunes, or at least they think so, it is their incentive to push it. This is why we need independent regulators to make these calls

  7. There is no one left to resign at FDA

  8. After the administration ends, I wonder how many officials who made this call will work for, consult for, or join the board of Pfizer and Moderna. The revolving door further undermines public confidence.
In short, the White House is not your doctor, yet they have decided they will act as such. This is a dangerous precedent. The American people will soon be participating in an uncontrolled clinical trial of 4th and 5th doses--- possibly with coercive mandates. Not having an advisory committee is a threat to public health. This decision does not bode well.

The lemmings don't care about their own lives, and the White House has also stopped pretending they care. I like Prasad because he still has the energy to point out the nonsense of current events in detail. You can point out inconsistencies all day long, as we've done throughout the pandemic, and most of the population just... doesn't care. No concern pops up in their mind if you tell them people will die from 4th and 5th doses for no benefit at all. That lack of concern is a sign of brainwashing in of itself. And beyond the brainwashing, there's obviously a profound sickness of apathy and lack of critical thinking in society that makes it fertile ground for negative agendas.
Vinay Prasad wrote a scorching criticism of the White House's push for a 4th dose and a 5th dose in the fall:

The lemmings don't care about their own lives, and the White House has also stopped pretending they care. I like Prasad because he still has the energy to point out the nonsense of current events in detail. You can point out inconsistencies all day long, as we've done throughout the pandemic, and most of the population just... doesn't care. No concern pops up in their mind if you tell them people will die from 4th and 5th doses for no benefit at all. That lack of concern is a sign of brainwashing in of itself. And beyond the brainwashing, there's obviously a profound sickness of apathy and lack of critical thinking in society that makes it fertile ground for negative agendas.
They’re going to be giving people 4th and 5th doses of the vaccine that was designed for the original strain? Laughable at best. What happened to Pfizer and Moderna saying that their updated vaccines could be available in early 2022?
They’re going to be giving people 4th and 5th doses of the vaccine that was designed for the original strain? Laughable at best. What happened to Pfizer and Moderna saying that their updated vaccines could be available in early 2022?

Apparently they're still working on them but there has been no new press releases. The issue is that the Omicron-specific vaccine didn't elicit antibodies against Delta. Their reasoning is that because the Covid evolution tree is non-linear (i.e. new variants come from different parts of the family tree) it's risky to go for an Omicron vaccine because it leaves less protection for other branches of the tree.

Not that a new vaccine would be better because the FDA has declared that because the sequence is similar-ish, companies won't be required to go through the entire clinical trials again for variant-specific vaccines. In other words if one came out it would be an almost totally untested product. Hence Biden's "Lol we'll do it in 100 days next time."

I don't think it matters in the grand scheme though. I think it's all part of the psyop; they want us locked into a certain a pattern of thinking (e.g. worrying about a virus and not something else) and wasting our energy analyzing the fake details they provide to us.
Apparently they're still working on them but there has been no new press releases. The issue is that the Omicron-specific vaccine didn't elicit antibodies against Delta. Their reasoning is that because the Covid evolution tree is non-linear (i.e. new variants come from different parts of the family tree) it's risky to go for an Omicron vaccine because it leaves less protection for other branches of the tree.

Not that a new vaccine would be better because the FDA has declared that because the sequence is similar-ish, companies won't be required to go through the entire clinical trials again for variant-specific vaccines. In other words if one came out it would be an almost totally untested product. Hence Biden's "Lol we'll do it in 100 days next time."

I don't think it matters in the grand scheme though. I think it's all part of the psyop; they want us locked into a certain a pattern of thinking (e.g. worrying about a virus and not something else) and wasting our energy analyzing the fake details they provide to us.
Thanks for the explanation
Apparently they're still working on them but there has been no new press releases. The issue is that the Omicron-specific vaccine didn't elicit antibodies against Delta. Their reasoning is that because the Covid evolution tree is non-linear (i.e. new variants come from different parts of the family tree) it's risky to go for an Omicron vaccine because it leaves less protection for other branches of the tree.

Not that a new vaccine would be better because the FDA has declared that because the sequence is similar-ish, companies won't be required to go through the entire clinical trials again for variant-specific vaccines. In other words if one came out it would be an almost totally untested product. Hence Biden's "Lol we'll do it in 100 days next time."

I don't think it matters in the grand scheme though. I think it's all part of the psyop; they want us locked into a certain a pattern of thinking (e.g. worrying about a virus and not something else) and wasting our energy analyzing the fake details they provide to us.
"We'll have a omicron vaccine ready in two months"
What was that? 5 months ago? Why did both Pfizer and Moderna come out and say this on to be this far along with nothing new?
My guess is that omicrom is about burned out so whats the point.
"We'll have a omicron vaccine ready in two months"
What was that? 5 months ago? Why did both Pfizer and Moderna come out and say this on to be this far along with nothing new?
My guess is that omicrom is about burned out so whats the point.
When the CEO of big Pharma comes out and states "I think the 4th dose will be needed" and people believe this to be for their health, you know we've hit rock bottom.
Only if they're pushing the big pharma and government narrative. If they're telling you anything else they're CTers.

Yeah people tend to forget how many millions they got hooked on painkillers. It's not like each individual doctor is in on some conspiracy to get people addicted, they just work for a machine that was doing it for profits and they had to follow along. Same with covid.
Yeah people tend to forget how many millions they got hooked on painkillers. It's not like each individual doctor is in on some conspiracy to get people addicted, they just work for a machine that was doing it for profits and they had to follow along. Same with covid.

Yup. What most people don't understand is that our medical professionals take their cues from organizations such as the AMA, CDC, FDA, and WHO. All it takes is for those organization to be corrupt for millions of doctors to unwittingly promote whatever corruption is coming down the pipe. That, and doctors get kickbacks and benefits from drug companies to push their products; so there's incentive to do it.

Blanketly trusting MDs has never been a particularly good idea. Often they're, to put it bluntly, fucking clueless. They'll just push whatever the aforementioned organizations tell them to.
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