Growing up, which Pro Wrestling moves did you use on your family/friends?

Pretty well executed heel turn IMO. Well done mate

The worst part was when he came to he just stood there and cried a single, silent tear like that old commercial Native American. Messed me up man haha.

Rookies, all of you.

Mr Wonderful, Paul Orndorf, and his pile driver...
DDTs and stunners were the norm. Anything where you had to life the guy wasn’t too common. Quite a few flying maneuvers such as elbow drops, leg drops, and splashes from the top rope aka the diving board.
Kenji Shibuya "sleeper hold" for the win! ;)

Stone cold stunner...did nothing, sharpshooter and figure four leglock used to make my cousins and friends scream. Peoples elbow the person had to be willing to lay there and sell it. Submission finishers worked best.
Indian death lock, figure four and multiple suplexes.
Stunner Chart Buster
Razors Edge
Rock Bottom
Sharp Shooter
Tequila Sunrise
Torture Rack
Everyone did the Stunner
I also would do the Pedigree and the Rock Bottom

If you had younger brothers and sisters, you all shoulda been doing these as well.
Mandible claw

I just liked crawling up on the kitchen counter and leaping off of it onto somebody. couch arm also worked but not as high.
also wrestling in those kiddie pools was a thing, but growing up in this era that should come as no surprise

We used to go outside to have wrestling matches in the summer when those THQ wrestling games came out on the n64. Only shit we didn't try was the luchador stuff.
Figure Four Leg Lock, Iron Claw, and, only once, the Short Clothesline.
Every summer in the pool I did Shawn Michael's ORIGINAL finisher: the teardrop suplex

Funny thing too...back when I used to do it, kids would fall in the water so sloppy I thought I was doing it wrong, but looking at the video now I pretty much had it down perfect.
Always was doing the suplex. Then one day we cracked the bed frame and that was the end of that.
When the ass meat backs up, you got to back that ass up.
Anyone who watched pro wrestling growing up and had siblings tried out at least a couple finishers. If you didn't have any siblings, you at least tried to chokeslam a cousin once or twice.

For me, I tried out:

Rock Bottom
Stone Cold Stunner

Stunner and Sharp Shooter

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