G's Tactical Barbell / MT Log

Dude this log is impressive. Congrats on your consistency. I just picked up my first TB book and started my BB phase a few weeks ago. I'm planning on using the Fighter template as well because conditioning is the domain I'm most focused on. I'm not sure if Sherdog deleted part of your log but I was curious if you completed a BB phase before starting your continuation or if you felt as if you were in good enough shape already to jump into it. If you did, what observations did you have about BB and its focus on the aerobic system - even when training for sports that are predominately anaerobic? Also, are you competing?

I haven't competed in a long time and when I did it was all local smokers, but I'm in much better shape now.

I've done BB twice, the first time was after reading Joel Jamieson's book. But I didn't really adhere to the principles or set things up properly. I didn't do it for very long and wasn't strict with HR or session frequency + duration. Basically my first attempt at Base was just adding in a few long runs, so I didn't notice much.

2nd time around I decided to take it a little more seriously and ran the template from TB2. That was a lot easier to follow because everything was laid out "do this" style (session frequency/duration/HR zone etc) and it was easy enough to understand that I could sub in other sessions from the Vault if I wanted to change things up a little. I also tested a bunch of benchmarks before and after; 5k, 1.5mile times, max push-ups, pull-ups etc. so I was clearly able to see improvement or lack of improvement (lots of improvement). My results are still in my log somewhere.

As far as the anaerobic/aerobic thing, if you read TB2 and Joel Jamieson's book you'll see that fighting and other activities commonly thought of as primarily anaerobic really aren't -- and rely a great deal on the aerobic system. The aerobic system resets or recharges the anaerobic system so the better your aerobic system, the more efficient and powerful your anaerobic system's going to be.

I train mostly to support my Muay Thai, and after Base it was night and day difference in the ring (sparring). I have lots more in the gas tank, and my reputation during sparring changed from being that strong guy with no gas to being that strong guy that just keeps going. Another thing I notice is that all my HIC workouts have improved post-Base. In one instance I was able to double my # of rounds. And HICs are pretty much all anaerobic or work capacity.

Keep in mind I've never trained the aerobic system/muscular endurance in isolation before Base, so maybe if you already have a good aerobic system you don't need to do it. Like if you've trained for marathons or Spartan Beasts or something before.
Muay Thai

Emphasis on knees/elbows
Heavy Bag drills/combos
Week 3


2H KB Swings/24
Goblet Squats/24

3 x 30

Intensity is up big time, 30 reps this week. Weight/load stays the same. I noticed I got much farther on each exercise before having to take a break, compared to week 1.
Dec 18 Sunday

Missed training due to some Xmas socializing. May have eaten a little junk too.

Dec 19 Monday:

SE #2

These higher rep SE workouts feel like cardio! The short rest intervals keep things moving.
Week 3


2H KB Swings/24
Goblet Squats/24

3 x 30

Ended up taking an extra day off in between SE sessions due to a combo of fatigue, poor sleep and holiday stuff.

My best SE session yet though. Cruised through most of it continuously except for chins & knee ups.

Muay Thai

Skipping x 5 mins
Sparring x 3 min rds
Cool down

Last class of the year, so as per tradition we spent most of it sparring to keep it fun and end on a high note.

400m Resets x 4

*bastardized version of 600m resets from Tactical Barbell II

Love this drill. Wanted to really push the pace this time so cut down to 400.
Apex Hills x 5/24kg Kettlebell

I have a love-hate relationship with this one. Just 5 rounds today.
Taking a day or two off, getting ready for my next strength block come the new year.
MT last night:

Skipping x 5 mins
Shadow Boxing/combos
Cool down

Nice way to ease back into my first class of the year, nothing too intense. Haven't trained properly in close to a week, so I'm ready to buckle down and get going.
Back to max-strength today.


Bench 175 4 x 5 (70%)
Squats 260 3 x 5 (70%)
Pull-ups (BW): 4 X 5

I'll do a 3 week block with my old RMs to get back in the groove and then I'll force progression and increase the weights by 5-10lbs.

Felt awesome getting back to the iron, as much as I like being fit in multiple domains, nothing feels as good as a solid lifting session.
Jan.9 Muay Thai

Jump rope x 5 mins
Shadow boxing
Partner drills/pads
Sparring (light/technique focused)

Cool down

Bench 175 5 x 5 (70%)
Squats 260 5 x 5 (70%)
Pull-ups (BW): 4 X 5

Upped the volume for the second weekly session.

600m Resets x 3
50m x 2

I've mostly been doing the Resets with 400m. The 600m are a lot more challenging...amazing what an extra 200m feels like after that first 400. Big difference.
Muay Thai

Jump rope x 5
Kick/knee drills + technique
Heavy bag (kicks/knees)
Cool down
D1/Max-Strength 80%

Squat 290 3 x 5
Bench 195 5 x 5
Pullups 4 x 10

KB Swings 5 x 10/32kg
Fun-Run x 30 mins:

Push-ups x 10
Pistols x 3/leg
...every 2-5 min stop

Feeling solid on the pistols, but kept the reps sub-maximal.
D2/ Max-Strength 80%

Squat 290 3 x 5
Bench 195 4 x 5
Pullups 4 x 10

Went with the minimum# of sets for squats. Legs still a little flat from my FunRun yesterday. Was a little shaky the first set but no issues after that. Felt really strong on the bench, I'm sensing possibly a new PR.
Muay Thai

Jump rope x 5 mins

Shadow Boxing
Pads - elbows/knees
Pads - combos

Cool down

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