International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. VII

Ok so you DO believe that the Hitler iPad was legit. But you also must believe that the reveal was staged for the video though right? Because if not I'd be interested to hear your theory how that happened. One soldier found the iPad in the teenage girl's bedroom, charged it and then placed it back for another soldier to find? Are you SURE you believe that happened? Your best case scenario here is that they staged a video with a totally legit iPad belonging to a teenage Hitler fangirl in order to justify the murder of children. Do you believe that Israel has EVER lied or is it antisemitic to even suggest such a thing?

Remember they conveniently found mein kempf in a children’s bookshelf? “Look even Palestinian kids are indoctrinated”

@kflo fell for everyone of these lies
Let's not forget this:

They don't ever take accountability for any crime done on false claim and lies. They just sweep it under some curtain and move on to the next lie and next massacre. If you contradict this iniquity you're automatically a "Hamas supporter". That's their tactics, intellectual terrorism to support military and political terrorism
Remember they conveniently found mein kempf in a children’s bookshelf? “Look even Palestinian kids are indoctrinated”

@kflo fell for everyone of these lies

Remember when they shot unarmed civilian Palestinians waving a white flag and then when caught and camera and say "oh whoopsie it's just an accident we swear we don't do that every day, finger crossed!"
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Oh and also the only International Court of Justice judge who was against all ICJ rulings in their case against Israel ? Promoted to vice-president of said ICJ. She literally voted against all and every provisional measures that the ICJ ordered Israel to undertake. Take measure 3 for example:

The State of Israel shall take all measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to members of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip;

Yes she voted AGAINST that. She doesn't want Israel to take measures to prevent and punish incitement to commit genocide.

She was so biased and it was so embarrassingly obvious she has been bought off that even her own country felt it was necessary to publicly disown her in a diplomatic report :

"Justice Sebutinde ruling at the ICJ (the International Court of Justice) does not represent the Government of Uganda’s position on the situation in Palestine,” Uganda’s Permanent Representative to the U.N., Adonia Ayebare, wrote on X. "Uganda’s support for the plight of the Palestinian people has been expressed through our voting pattern at the United Nations.”

But hey there's no higher power at play here and Israel has no influence over politic organizations. All in our head.
Oh and also the only International Court of Justice judge who was against all ICJ rulings in their case against Israel ? Promoted to vice-president of said ICJ. She literally voted against all and every provisional measures that the ICJ ordered Israel to undertake. Take measure 3 for example:

The State of Israel shall take all measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to members of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip;

Yes she voted AGAINST that. She doesn't want Israel to take measures to prevent and punish incitement to commit genocide.


I swear, Blinken the Butcher must get a sick thrill out of taunting his victims, trolling the world with statements like this. Acting as if he and the administration he works for are some kind of neutral observers of the genocide and not key architects of it.

I swear, Blinken the Butcher must get a sick thrill out of taunting his victims, trolling the world with statements like this. Acting as if he and the administration he works for are some kind of neutral observers of the genocide and not key architects of it.

only problem is there's no genocide.

I swear, Blinken the Butcher must get a sick thrill out of taunting his victims, trolling the world with statements like this. Acting as if he and the administration he works for are some kind of neutral observers of the genocide and not key architects of it.

American Zionism 101: say they feel and care for Palestinians but take action to kill them
Ok so you DO believe that the Hitler iPad was legit. But you also must believe that the reveal was staged for the video though right? Because if not I'd be interested to hear your theory how that happened. One soldier found the iPad in the teenage girl's bedroom, charged it and then placed it back for another soldier to find? Are you SURE you believe that happened? Your best case scenario here is that they staged a video with a totally legit iPad belonging to a teenage Hitler fangirl in order to justify the murder of children. Do you believe that Israel has EVER lied or is it antisemitic to even suggest such a thing?

OMFG, why are you so obsessed over a video of an Ipad? LOL

Of course the video was made as propaganda for the IDF, but that doesn't mean it was staged or faked. You claimed it was fake without any proof--I was just calling out your bullshit.

You seem to be ignorant as to how popular Nazi imagery is in Gaza, and throughout the Eastern world. Finding Nazi stuff on a teenagers I-pad or phone is only shocking to westerners in a bubble. It's akin to finding a BLM sticker on a teenage girls ipad in the US.
More Great news.

Israel kills another piece of shit.

bad news for Hezbollah and Hamas fan boys here.

God bless Israel and the IDF.

Yet the West fears Iran will escalate the war. Hope this front calms down.

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