Is this still a thing...?

Haha Enjoy your misery buttholes. Say hi to your fat hedgehogs of wives and your ugly retarded talentless children sucking dry your dreams and wallets for me. And lube will help pull that stick out of your ass, but I'm sure your job and family will stick it back up there :D

Whoa, calm down bro. You need to get on the indica strains. Sativa isn't for you dude.
Are we all 16 years old here??? Hey bro let’s smoke AT 420 ON 420!!!!! Y ah brah!!!
Whoa, calm down bro. You need to get on the indica strains. Sativa isn't for you dude.
You're confusing insults with emotions. I'm far too baked to process anger, but I can still spot douchebags with these milky eyes! Nice attempt at baiting, but I'm not a fish :D
Ya'll really love Hitler's birthday.
Are we all 16 years old here??? Hey bro let’s smoke AT 420 ON 420!!!!! Y ah brah!!!
You live a sad life don't you? I'll say a little pity prayer for you when I smoke my next joint you poor thing. Hope life turns around for you, it's never too late!
Enjoy your day celebrating something you degenerates already do all day, everyday.
4/20 is Hitler's birthday
And the Columbine Massacre

Y'all Potheads need to pick a better day
Lol at celebrating 4/20. We get it, you live in a shitty apartment and make less than 30k a year. No need to broadcast your failures to the world.
I don't smoke but my girl got high and fell asleep so now I don't have to watch that stupid boat show with her and I'm free to play FarCry 5 and have a few beers
Last real 420 in Canada. We won boys.
Also lol at anyone who drinks frequently saying "fucking potheads".

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