Crime Harvard professor says ‘all hell broke loose’ when his study found no racial bias in police shootings

Brainwashed by the media, meaning that the media only focuses on one demographic, making it seem like they are the only ones targeted or wronged by the police.
Oh shit! So do you have a broader systemic criticism of policing in the US that extends beyond historic and ongoing racism? If so, you're absolutely right. Black folks are not the only group that are targeted and wronged by police.
I just broke down

jeez blackheart having a meltdown
Yeah repeatedly pointing out the stupidity of citing a study whose author explicitly said that their study does not agree with the chuds itt, means I'm having a meltdown.
Yes, it was so explosive that nobody had ever heard of this guy before he started self-promoting his own research, which is based on self-reported PD data.


He is the second youngest person, and youngest black person ever, to become tenured at Harvard. He is an RA with NBER, and former Chief Equity Officer of NYC.

You may have never hear of him, but most people can't name a single economist under 60. He's about as famous as they get.
To reiterate - in this thread: a bunch of retarded chuds read a headline about a study that reaffirms their racist views, only to immediately fall flat on their faces and start shitting themselves after they realize the author of the study says his study does not say what they are alleging it does.

Beautiful. Any more self owns you guys wanna throw on the pile?
Oh shit! So do you have a broader systemic criticism of policing in the US that extends beyond historic and ongoing racism? If so, you're absolutely right. Black folks are not the only group that are targeted and wronged by police.

Statistically, they commit more crime, so do you think that they should be targeted less than everyone else?
You should really bother actually reading articles instead of just headlines and immediately rushing to reaffirm your biases that already existed

Here's an admission from the study itself
"There are no systematic datasets which include officer involved shootings along with demographics, encounter characteristics, and suspect and police behavior. We compile a data set on officer-involved shootings from ten locations across America"

God DAMN - that's a pretty fucking big problem with the study's design isn't it? They don't have a dataset on officer involved shootings that includes demographics??? They compiled their own data from 10 American cities? Who is doing that compiling? What data are they selecting?

Tell me you've never stepped foot in a college classroom without telling me you've never stepped foot in a college classroom

"Hurr durrrr, me see headline that confirms what I already believe. Me believe headline instantly"

What do you think is more likely to be accurate - a Harvard published study that involved heavy research by a team of people or just whatever you feel is true based on nothing?
"nooo! that smart, harvard educated black man is the face of white supremacy and also does not know how to conduct a study!"
He's not Harvard eductated; he teaches there, or used to, since he's been banned/mostly banned recently.

His writings actually mostly sound like the kind of stuff you'd call Cultural Marxism or something. I'm giving some of his writings a cursory glance. He literally ends a recent one encouraging people to "stay woke."
To reiterate - in this thread: a bunch of retarded chuds read a headline about a study that reaffirms their racist views, only to immediately fall flat on their faces and start shitting themselves after they realize the author of the study says his study does not say what they are alleging it does.

Beautiful. Any more self owns you guys wanna throw on the pile?

Just answer this simple question. What race commits the most murder in the United States.
To reiterate - in this thread: a bunch of retarded chuds read a headline about a study that reaffirms their racist views, only to immediately fall flat on their faces and start shitting themselves after they realize the author of the study says his study does not say what they are alleging it does.

Beautiful. Any more self owns you guys wanna throw on the pile?

Just answer this simple question. What race commits the most murder in the United States.
Oh, so you DONT have a broader critique of US policing? That last post was just a desperate pivot and now you're going right back to the explicit racism? Dangit. I thought a chud was going to have something interesting and useful to say today. There's always tomorrow!
- I dont have a dog on this fight. But studies can be manipulated to show what we want.

I'm not saying i disagree on the study. But seeing Harvard exposure on the last month..
From what I heard he did the study twice with a different set of researchers, and the results appear go against his own beliefs and are detrimental to his career, so I'm inclined to believe the conclusion.

He is the second youngest person, and youngest black person ever, to become tenured at Harvard. He is an RA with NBER, and former Chief Equity Officer of NYC.

You may have never hear of him, but most people can't name a single economist under 60. He's about as famous as they get.
Thomas Piketty is pretty well known, and still relatively young. Under 60 anyway. Had the #1 book on Amazon and even generated discussion here.

Most of the most famous economists with the general public - Krugman, Shiller, Stiglitz - are pretty long in the tooth.

I highly doubt any of our chuds heard of this guy before the Fox articles. It was clear from the early posts they didn't even actually read Fox's articles.

My mom likes Laura Dern a lot. Asked me to watch Blue Velvet with her back in the day. Kinda awkward lol.
What do you think is more likely to be accurate - a Harvard published study that involved heavy research by a team of people or just whatever you feel is true based on nothing?
I love how you just make shit up.

On the first page I broke down a huge hole in the methodology of the study.

So no, it's not based on nothing? I'm sorry that you lack the brain power to critically analyze research.

The author of the study said that his findings are not indicative of broader national trends. Are you going to comment on that? Or just selectively pick and choose what matters to you? The words of the studys author don't matter to you. The gigantic holes in the studys design don't matter to you. Nothing matters to you ASIDE from the misrepresented headline?
Seems like he is in a perpetual meltdown in every thread he enters.
Yeah mocking you directly and laughing at how stupid you are is having a meltdown 🤣 keep coping after this thread turned out to be a massive L for the chud squad

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