Has anyone ever have a close call with a deer?

If you mean close call as in aggressive behaviour then never. The bucks definitely have different attitudes than the does though. Ive found the bucks sort of arrogantly saunter off away from you whereas the does straight up bolt at first contact. Really weird how theyre more afraid of humans than vehicles. I always honk my horn to try and instill the fear of road in them when Im driving.
I’ve hit a few with my truck over the years I’ve seen over 20 at a time down a grid road close to home.
Deer all over the place where I live.

Just this morning I was walking by those geese and baby geese I keep photographing and a deer crossed my path at frantic speed. I see them often on my walk to and from work, by the train tracks.

One morning when I took the car there were two right on the road infront of my house just hanging out, couldn't even be bothered to leave as I drove past them

But one time mid-day I was mowing the lawn and going in and out of the gaps between my rosebushes, didn't a deer run right by me and into the neighbours yard and disappear?

All over the place!!
A few close calls, yes.

Thank God for the morning after pill.
Used to run on trails in Alaska with headphones on like an idiot. Male moose in the fall time would be pretty territorial and despite their size they'll blend in with the foliage. Moose make a lot of noise when they walk but I was oblivious at times. Some saw me as a threat and charged. Had to duck behind the biggest tree I could find and play ring around the rosie until the moose would finally lose interest. Sometimes this would go on for 30mins.
Never anything aggressive but I hit and kill them on a regular basis at work. Amazes me that there are any left...we have one we see cross the train tracks on a regular basis that lives about 750 yards from a major station...how that's not been ploughed down we don't know..
No but me and my old dog were once chased the fuck out of a field by a herd of cows. :eek:
This is of course the genius that covered himself in deer urine to provoke an attack and have his friend film it....well, he got what he wanted

I hope the deer didn't get hurt.

I was driving in Southern Nova Scotia and saw 2 deer, a fawn and its mother I think, who were waiting on the side of the road for us to stop before they crossed. I guess that would be how you live to old age as a deer.
I've hit 2 deer. One I crushed the rear end and sent it flying over the ditch into a field. The other I just slid into on ice. It got knocked over but got up and ran away. My car needed a headlight replaced and some dents pulled out with the first hit and no damage with the second hit.

With the first one I hit it near where my dads friend lives. He went out looking for it and brought a bag of deer meat to my house a few days later LOL.
Was 17 one got spooked ran through our backyard. It fell down the outsidde stairs to our house. It broke it's neck and was clawing the back door
Called the police and I was allowed to shot it with a shotgun slug . Made good Jerky
this is a story I've told before, i used to work in a unit that was out in the sticks, so i thought ride a mountain bike to work and back to get fit. one night I'm riding home and theres a rustle in the bushes,then my head slams into the handle bars i go down and end up wrestling with some hairy fucker that keeps stomping on me and kicking me in the face. i finally let go of the hairy bastard and it legs it.

this is pretty much what happened to me. when i got to my dads house and told him what happened, he pissed himself laughing.
This is of course the genius that covered himself in deer urine to provoke an attack and have his friend film it....well, he got what he wanted

Dude shoulda pulled guard
My girlfriend at the time and I were driving up to visit her parents. I was talking on the phone and all of sudden a deer came out of nowhere and she hit it. My girlfriend was driving. I went and watched the deer die.

Finally the cops came. They asked for my ID, but I wasn't even driving and my lady let the cop know that. He let us go.

It would take me another hour and half to explain the whole story, but let's just say that her parents were CRAZY!
One time I had just come back from a long run and this buck was walking on the sidewalk with a bunch of female deer in the opposite direction. Fucking thing wouldn't stop staring at me. First thing that popped into my mind was that this is going to be pretty embarrassing if I had to fight this deer in the middle or a residential neighborhood. I was worried about the antlers the most. I had seen a guy on TV have to fight a deer before. Dude put it in a guillotine and just held on to dear life. That was gonna be my game plan, maybe pull off a sweep and some GnP.
I was backpacking in a pretty remote area and I rounded a bend in the trail and this big bastard with a massive rack was just standing there about 15 feet away. How he didn’t hear me I’ll never know, but we both looked very surprised. I just stood there and eventually he just casually walked into the woods. Not sure what I would’ve done if he had charged me though.
You can't not hit deer driving around Canada. Moose and bears and porkypines too.

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