Hector In The Film Troy. Poor Guy....

Ezekiel 25:17

Black Belt
May 15, 2016
Reaction score
I just watched this again and couldn't help but feel bad for Hector.

This guy from the start of the movie tried his best to make everyone see reason and prevent bloodshed.

First his pussy whipped, pussy ass brother Legolas jacks the wife of the guy who just invited him to his house party. Hector pleads with his to return the ho but nope. The bow and arrow fairy insists shes worth a war.


Then when the greeks approach, Legolas decides he can take his girls hubby, fights him to try and evade a war, but then pussies out and crawls to Hector who of course, saves his bitch of a brother and sparks the battle.


Then after winning a battle and making the enemy flee, he pleads to his father not to continue an attack as it will only unite them more. Pops listens to the snake oil salesman priest who seen some fucking crows deliver messages from space. They attack.


Then Hector with the Trojans attack and is confronted by Achilles and his men. Hector kills Achilles.


Only to find out it wasnt really him, it was his cousin. Ouch.



So now he pretty much knows hes fucked.
His brother dissed him. His father dissed him. The high on opioids priest dissed him. Then he has to do the only honorable thing left and fight a fight he knows he will lose.


He loses and has his body dragged all over the dirt.


Ya its a movie, its fictional, but I honestly felt bad for the guy. All he wanted to do was the right thing and none of the douche bags around him would listen. He was surrounded by idiots.

The biggest slap in the face is his panzy brother gets the glory of killing achilles via archery.

R.I.P Hector, aka Bruce Banner


Fuck you Legolas

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The scene where Achilles realizes not only is he serving the wrong king but that Hector was a better man then him is fantastic. But yes, Hector was the only one consistently doing the right thing for the right reasons and he got a sword to the chest for his troubles. Life like that sometimes though so good movie.
Great movie. And yes, Hector was the only person in that movie that wasn’t a piece of shit.

Good call.

And arguably the only thing keeping Bloom from being the most detestable of the movie is the fact that Brian Cox's character is even worse.

I'm exaggerating of course as Gleason and Cox were outright obvious heels while Bloom was more of a dude who just f'd up royally and then expected his brother to clean up his mess. But that's sort of the worst in the context of the film.

Might as well put him on a newspaper like Homer Simpson with the headline "Local Man Ruins Everything."
The scene where Achilles realizes not only is he serving the wrong king but that Hector was a better man then him is fantastic. But yes, Hector was the only one consistently doing the right thing for the right reasons and he got a sword to the chest for his troubles. Life like that sometimes though so good movie.

It really is a great life lesson. You can be the best of men, have the best and most righteous of intentions. The most integrity and honesty. Be loyal to a fault. Then all the snakes and leeches around you literally use you till youre all used up, laying in the dirt.

And a fucking selfish dimwit lives on.
Bruh, Tyler Durden got nothing for Hulk IRL.
Good call.

And arguably the only thing keeping Bloom from being the most detestable of the movie is the fact that Brian Cox's character is even worse.

I'm exaggerating of course as Gleason and Cox were outright obvious heels while Bloom was more of a dude who just f'd up royally and then expected his brother to clean up his mess. But that's sort of the worst in the context of the film.

Might as well put him on a newspaper like Homer Simpson with the headline "Local Man Ruins Everything."

Its funny how even in the end when you think you couldnt hate him any more...he takes out a reformed Achilles who everyone is pretty much rooting for by this point.

Paris has to be the most hated person in the Iliad and this movie.
Rose Byrne and Sean Bean were fine.

I wasn’t really counting the women, but Bean’s character wasn’t 100% a great guy imo. Odysseus came up with the Trojan horse which was kind of a dick move, and he’s also responsible for convincing Achilles to come join the war in the first place. Without Achilles the Trojans would have whooped the Greeks’ asses and sent them packing instead of getting Troy massacred.
I wasn’t really counting the women, but Bean’s character wasn’t 100% a great guy imo. Odysseus came up with the Trojan horse which was kind of a dick move, and he’s also responsible for convincing Achilles to come join the war in the first place. Without Achilles the Trojans would have whooped the Greeks’ asses and sent them packing instead of getting Troy massacred.
Odydseus is the one true goat hero combining brains and brawns
I just watched this again and couldn't help but feel bad for Hector.

This guy from the start of the movie tried his best to make everyone see reason and prevent bloodshed.

First his pussy whipped, pussy ass brother Legolas jacks the wife of the guy who just invited him to his house party. Hector pleads with his to return the ho but nope. The bow and arrow fairy insists shes worth a war.


Then when the greeks approach, Legolas decides he can take his girls hubby, fights him to try and evade a war, but then pussies out and crawls to Hector who of course, saves his bitch of a brother and sparks the battle.


Then after winning a battle and making the enemy flee, he pleads to his father not to continue an attack as it will only unite them more. Pops listens to the snake oil salesman priest who seen some fucking crows deliver messages from space. They attack.


Then Hector with the Trojans attack and is confronted by Achilles and his men. Hector kills Achilles.


Only to find out it wasnt really him, it was his cousin. Ouch.



So now he pretty much knows hes fucked.
His brother dissed him. His father dissed him. The high on opioids priest dissed him. Then he has to do the only honorable thing left and fight a fight he knows he will lose.


He loses and has his body dragged all over the dirt.


Ya its a movie, its fictional, but I honestly felt bad for the guy. All he wanted to do was the right thing and none of the douche bags around him would listen. He was surrounded by idiots.

The biggest slap in the face is his panzy brother gets the glory of killing achilles via archery.

R.I.P Hector, aka Bruce Banner


Fuck you Legolas

His bro Legolas is like one of those chicks that start shit with a group of guys and fully expect her boyfriend to fight 5 guys guy her
On top of it, Hector landed a blow that should have wounded Achilles but a goddess deflected it or something, which I thought was a duck move, to be honest I may remember the details wrong
I don’t know, fuvk it, War Hector