Help Appreciated: Giving Low Carb Paleo a Try.

Didn't Track Yesterday and Forgot Mostly. Busy Working 50-55 hours a week and still trying to workout and shit.
breakfast (post 2 hour surf session):
big sweet potato
6 eggs
12 bacons
half cup walnuts
fish oil

3 big chicken breast
bag of carrots
if you're not specifically trying to lose weight, i'm not sure I see a reason to go very low-carb. You'll probably feel much better adding in fruit and sweet potatoes, and you'll probably naturally end up with a relatively low-carb diet

edit: sorry i just saw that you already came to that conclusion.. my bad for not reading
Thanks for the response man. I've been doing sweet potatoes+veggies when I exercise and just vegetables when I don't
breakfast (post 2 hour surf session):
big sweet potato
6 eggs
8 bacons
half cup walnuts
fish oil

Some kind of paleo pizza contraption involving lots of nuts, eggs, veggies, and 2lbs of sausage.
5 slices bacon
Sleep from previous night:
Got off work1 at 10.Exhausted from lack of sleep previous night. Came Home did some random things and started my Holosync meditation at 11. Listened to
the whole 30 minutes then got in bed, fell asleep quickly. Woke up once during the night to pee. Woken up by barkinh dog at some point. Guessing around 730.
Went back to sleep kinda. In and out of sleep from there untill a bit after 10 with random noises and my blinds aren't very dark so lots of light comes in.

10 eggs with a whole green pepper and half an onion
bunch of watermelon
half can coconut milk
fish oil

2 packets of tuna
fish oil
half can coconut milk
sleep from previous night:
Got home from work around 10ish again. Did some shit and started meditating around 1120. Fell asleep quickly after that. Woke up at 7 to surf felt ok.

Breakfast (post 1.5 hour surf session):
7 egg omelet with green pepper and onion

1+ lb chicken stir fry with tons of veggies
tons of blueberries
fish oil

2/3 lb bacon
1/3 can coconut milk
sleep from previous night:
Started meditating at around 1015 (It takes half hour). Fell asleep quickly again even though I had surfed earlier in the day which usually disrupts my sleep.
Long day I had woken up at 7 made food and got read to go surfing, surfed from 830-10. Sprinted to my car made it to job #1 at about 1020, got out of that job a little late
made it to job #2 just after 1. Worked till 9. So I was exhausted. Still the meditation helps wind down much more efficiently. Slept till 7 woke up to check waves
body was telling me to sleep more so i skipped it. Got back in bed slept till maybe 1015. This portion of my sleep was disrupted several times by loud dogs.
Got out of bed feeling refreshed.

10 egg omelet with 2 green peppers and half an onion.
10 slices of center cut bacon (this stuff is smaller and a bit less calorie dense unfortunately)
1/3 can coconut milk
fish oil.

dinner (1 hour post quick lifting session):
1lb ground beef stir fried with a zucchini and 2 tomatoes
1/3 can coconut milk
fish oil

4 eggs
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7- 16

morning weight: 169.4

sleep from previous night:
got home from work around 11. Had a snack of eggs. Started meditating just after 1130. Took a little longer falling asleep
probably from the long sleep day before. Surely was asleep by 1230.

breakfast (post workout):
2 cucumbers with vinegar
10 eggs scrambled with 2 peppers and an onion
shot of olive oil
12 slices bacon (the same center cut stuff)
fish oil

1lb chicken stir fried with:
-2 yellow squash
-1 green pepper
-2 banana peppers
can of coconut milk
fish oil
7- 17

sleep from previous night:
got off at ten, probably start meditating at like 1045, fell asleep by 12. Woke up at 7 to surf.

breakfast (post 1.5 hour surf):
1 cup blueberries
10 eggs scrambled with a tomato, some mushroom, and an onion
10 bacon slices
fish oil
1/3 can coco milk

1+lb pork stir fried with one yellow squash, one zucchini, and some mushrooms
1.5 cup blueberries
2/3 can coconut milk
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I love eating only twice a day. I also love seeing peoples reactions when I tell them what I ate for "breakfast".

morning weight: 168.8

sleep from previous night: started meditating at like 1045, probably fell asleep at 12. Woke up at 630 to check the waves
they weren't any good so went back to "sleep" till 930, this was the in and out half asleep kind of deal.

breakfast (post workout):
20grams of carbs worth of carrots
1 cup blueberries
10 eggs scrambled with one large onion
spinach+ 1 cucumber + olive oil + vinegar
fish oil
1/2 can coconut milk

3/4 pound bacon
3/4 pound meatloaf
1 cup blueberries
fish oil
1/2 can coconut milk
7- 19

morning weight: 169.8

sleep from previous night: meditated then wasn't tired/couldn't sleep then got up to do some shit then fell asleep

bowl of spinach + vinegar
fish oil
1.25 cup blueberries
3 small tomato
pound of bacon (700 calories)
can of coconut milk

salad with spinach, blueberries, some kinda nuts not sure
ground beef stir fried with onion and tomato (not a lot of ground beef)
some walnuts

pack of salmon

short on calories today pretty sure.
Need to get some more sweet potatoes and squash so I can cut back on fruit.

sleep from previous night: meditated at like 1115 (so got done 1145), then couldnt sleep, got up and did a few things, eventually fell asleep probably
1245, woke up at 7 to check the surf, went back to bed till probably 8 when dog barking woke up.

10 eggs with 2 green peppers and half an onion
fish oil
1/2 can coconut milk

3 baked chicken breast.
1 sweet potato
1/2 can coconut milk
fish oil

morning weight: 167.4

sleep from previous night: Had trouble falling asleep but probably fell asleep around 1230. Alarm clock went off at 8 turned it off and slept till 9

8 eggs with 1 green pepper and an onion
10 slices bacon
1/2 can coconut milk

spinach + vinegar
2/3 lb meatloaf
1/2 can coconut milk
fish oil

sleep from previous night: didn't meditate again listened to spanish learning in dark around 11, then couldn't sleep.
got up and did some things then read some, then fell asleep. Woke up at 7 to check the surf, was no good. Then went back to
bed till 9 during these 2 hours sporadically woken up by barking dog.

fish oil
9 eggs + 2 green peppers + 1 huge onion
9 slices bacon

post workout:
250grams sweet potato cooked in a lot of olive oil
half cup walnut
spinach+ vinegar
1lb grouper

stir fried ground beef with tomato
half cup walnuts
fish oil

sleep: Didn't meditate or anything just did random stuff till I fell asleep by 1ish. Alarm went off at 8 turned it off went back to bed woke up 830 with dogs barking and shit like that

breakfast (post workout):
9 slices bacon
5 eggs with a fucking green pepper and onion
half cup walnuts
fish oil
3 tomatoes

half can coconut milk
5 eggs with green pepper and onion (leftovers of the 10 eggs i had cooked)

pound of beef stir fried with some veggies
half can coconut milk

sleep: writin this at night, already can tell its one of those nights i can't sleep. Got off of work at 10. Dicked around till like 11
did my spanish learning audio shit in the dark which took about 15 minutes. Couldn't sleep. Meditated (30 min). Couldn't sleep. Now its 12:40.
I'm like kinda worked up, can't really relax (already meditated for a half hour). Could try meditating for longer. Seems like a lot of time spent that
is more or less unproductive. I figure if I'm going to be awake an extra hour why not learn something. Especially since there is no gaurantee of me
falling asleep after doing it. Only thing I did unusual today was some conditioning stuff I haven't done in awhile. Also might be surfing in the morning which
can make me excited. Kind of worked up about a debate/argument had with a friend. Not really worked up but it comes to brain when I lay down to sleep. Might be
keeping me up. Difficult to let go of, already meditated. Also a little hungry.
-Ended up writing 1400 words on the conflict situation got it out of the system also ate a packet of tuna. Fell asleep
by 230. Woke up at 630 to check the surf and it sucked so went back to bed, only had half sleep till like 930.

I can't really remember what I had to eat was a shitty day due to sleep. Something like the normal:

Breakfast (post workout):
10 eggs + green pepper + onion
2/3 cup walnuts
tomatoes and cucumbers

chicken stiry fry
1/2 can coconut milk

I think I had a snack somewhere in there too
sleep: was kinda not ready for bed as usual, can't remember what I did to go to bed right now but got up at 6 to surf.
Probably fell asleep sometime around midnight.

pre-surf: bowl of carrots

post surf:
6 eggs
10 slices bacon

big salad with grilled chicken and avocados
fish oil
2 cup blueberries

1lb meatloaf
1/2 can coconut milk
bowl of carrots
fish oil

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