Elections Hillary v. Trump Presidential Debate Three

Who won the third Presidential debate?

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>he thinks liking a candidate is directly correlated to thinking he will win

You're not very smart

See how you dishonestly frame my view? It's a total fucking waste of time. When you're ready to honestly discuss things I'll get into the details. But I'm not biting your bait.

Tag it on to our other discussion in the IQ thread I guess. I agree let's at least get it out of this thread.
Trump won.

Hillary's a placating career politician.

Trump is a leader who will set in motion the machine to make America great again.

Hillary wasn't pressed with the same question if she'd support a democratic outcome regardless who won. But that's just one of many points.

Further, Hillary condescends with emotional imagery and language (boy with bleeding head in back of ambulance; words like "divisiveness," talking about her fighting for women and children and families against tyrant big business, telling and/or insinuating plights of illegals in America). That condescension is pathetic, like something from a bad movie script to be honest.

I liked how Trump dealt in clear language with abortion, and Islamic Extremism.

I also liked how Trump brought up the paid protesters causing violence at his rallies.

Anyway, may God protect the democratic election process.
Not paying attention to any polls, anywhere. No matter what, bias is hard to escape. The only result that matters, is the one in November.
Hillary started strong, trump took over during and after the immigration question...had a lot of missed opportunities....Clinton took control during the final stretch, she really botched the "energy " explanation regarding open borders, then again her followers won't give a fuck.

I have Clinton winning this by split decision.
He really fucked himself by refusing to say he is going to accept the results of the election.
Gonna be the biggest headline to come out of this imo and that is not what he needed.
I'm early-voting tomorrow.
I lost my ballot, fml. I'm not about to go out in public that day, too busy
There's no excuse for Trump to have not brought that up. It took the moderator (who did a great job) to bring it up and of course she couldn't defend the question. But Trump should have brought it up on his own volition.
the mod threw trump a bone FFS, trump was either ill prepared or simply not aggressive enough.
He missed a giant opportunity on that, though. He should have brought up the O'Keefe tapes but he didn't. Without context, it was a poor answer and he didn't explain it with hardly any detail.

He kind of did, but didn't give O'Keefe any shine. He talked about the violence in Chicago being organized by the Clinton campaign that was documented on "the tapes".
Trump did nothing to help himself. In fact, he'll end up in worse shape with women for sure and I imagine with more Republicans after saying he won't accept the result on election night.

He lost for that.
I don't get the hot issue over supporting the winner. This is the real world and we are talking politics here. Fake as shit if you are running against someone and suppose to suck their dick after
I'd like to know how he thinks Putin outsmarted her in Syria. He made words with his mouth, but I'm not sure they meant anything.

If they are spying to the point *Hillary says then why would you think they have any respect for the u.s. and or aren't the second biggest world power behind us. They are outsmarting everyone and that's why *Hillary gets as mad as she does
Its sad
Really that you cannot talk like a big boy
Thanks for reminding me why i ignored you
You simply cannot function like an adult
Hey, bud. I left you a comment on your post, earlier, and it seems you must have missed it.

The one about Rep. Gowdy.
I'm kind of blown away at how smoothly the wiki convo went for her. Trump got baited out of it two or three times.
Trump won.

Hillary's a placating career politician.

Trump is a leader who will set in motion the machine to make America great again.

Hillary wasn't pressed with the same question if she'd support a democratic outcome regardless who won. But that's just one of many points.

Further, Hillary condescends with emotional imagery and language (boy with bleeding head in back of ambulance; words like "divisiveness," talking about her fighting for women and children and families against tyrant big business, telling and/or insinuating plights of illegals in America). That condescension is pathetic, like something from a bad movie script to be honest.

I liked how Trump dealt in clear language with abortion, and Islamic Extremism.

I also liked how Trump brought up the paid protesters causing violence at his rallies.

Anyway, may God protect the democratic election process.

Trump very obviously dodged on his stance on Roe v Wade, and he's not skilled enough at nuance to pull that kind dodge. Btw, he's only doing that to pander to the religious right. That's a new position for him
The British media was reporting that Brexit was going to lose by 11%. The day after the election, Brexit won by 2%. The polls have become political propaganda tools.
I do think there's an embarrassment factor from social forces in play on both. I just don't know if it will be enough for Trump. We'll see if the polls are right or Brexit was a forewarning. Or a new version of the Bradley Effect.