Honor killing: 2 teens killed by tribal council . Method was electrocution


Plutonium Belt
Apr 9, 2007
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2 teenagers (15 year old girl and 17 year old boy) from a Pashtun tribe , living in Karachi Pakistan, were killed on the orders of a tribal council. The teens had eloped , which was seen as bringing dishonor to the family and tribe . The council demanded their execution. Both were electrocuted.


" Pakistan is regarded as one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a woman, with 21014 research finding that each day six women were kidnapped, four were murdered, four were raped and three killed themselves.

More than 1,000 women and girls in the country are murdered in “honor killings” each year, but conviction rates are close to zero, according to the Aurat Foundation, a human rights group. The true figure is probably higher since many cases go unreported.

The series of gruesome honor killings in Pakistan reached a climax after the deaths of British beautician Samia Shahid and the controversial social-media celebrity Qandeel Baloch. "
There is a great (Oscar-winning) short documentary called A Girl In The River that walks you through this, so-called 'honor killings'; you see the insane way the community handles it, up close & personal. Pakistan is a fucking mess

I often argue that many developing countries that struggle to democratize, especially in the Muslim world, should decentralize and concentrate power at local levels. Local democracy in these places might(keyword, might) work since local populations are more homogeneous and organized and will have less of the sectarian/ethnic competition for the reins of government. And in many cases local figures like tribal chiefs already wield de facto power anyway.

But the down side of that argument is it would empower backwater tribal cunts like this council. I still think that's a lesser evil over dictators commanding large centralized armies and who can build durable international support coalitions like Bashar Assad or Sisi. But its still a huge problem for local democracy in the developing world.
There is a great (Oscar-winning) short documentary called A Girl In The River that walks you through this, so-called 'honor killings'; you see the insane way the community handles it, up close & personal. Pakistan is a fucking mess

I have seen parts of that. Truly disgusting.

But at the same time those people are overly oppressive, the west is overly sexualized and exposed with boobs, midriffs, thighs, ass, nipples. We do need tighter dress codes, and they more punishment that more befitting the crime.
I still don't get the point of honor killings.
I still don't get the point of honor killings.
Its an honor culture so family honor matters a lot. Probably hurts marriage prospects and in these poor tribal areas marriages are used to maintain wealth within families and to transfer them between families. I figure its probably something like that.
Seems more like dowry deaths than honor killing. I'm actually surprised they killed the boy.
truly shocking how these barbaric practices still exist
Pakistan was never our friend.
-Kenny Florian
I still don't get the point of honor killings.

Well you would be ashamed if your dad became a gay porn superstar.

Extend ad nauseam what would ashame you, for example your daughter having a secret boyfriend.

Imagine yourself in a small village where everybody is cousins more or less, and where all people have is their notion of "honour", and where people are traditionally war-like and extremely violent (Pashtos).

There you go.
I despise that name, there is no honor in killing your own kin because they looked at a boy or shook hands with a man.

A better name would be savages doing savage thing
I often argue that many developing countries that struggle to democratize, especially in the Muslim world, should decentralize and concentrate power at local levels. Local democracy in these places might(keyword, might) work since local populations are more homogeneous and organized and will have less of the sectarian/ethnic competition for the reins of government. And in many cases local figures like tribal chiefs already wield de facto power anyway.

But the down side of that argument is it would empower backwater tribal cunts like this council. I still think that's a lesser evil over dictators commanding large centralized armies and who can build durable international support coalitions like Bashar Assad or Sisi. But its still a huge problem for local democracy in the developing world.

But is that really conducive to a democratic environment if said people in question never had a history of democratic rule and have firmly entrenched religious beliefs that hampers democracy? Wouldn't it also cause unequal distribution of democracy across the country, cause fragmentation, and then local tribal wars over what is the right way to do things?

I'm surprised every time a mohamedan marries anyone above 10...

First, using word like mohamedian makes you sound pathetic or ancient.
Also theres an jokes about arabs that goes: an arab man and woman have been married for 15 years, the woman one day tells her husband " I feel you dont love me anymore, when we were first married you would carry me up the stairs to our bedroom every night.
Husband says "Habibi 15 years ago was a different story, you were only 10 years old"
They ran out of rocks/acid/gasoline?
They are learning from the best.

Give it a few years they will be using lethal injections.