How Humans are designed to eat?

I think that the key idea is don't go extreme. You got health problem when you consume too much a single sort of food. I guess that's why there are different kind of foods and all made with a limited amount.
Psychological research into food preference of humans has shown that from an evolutionary perspective we seek calorie dense foods. This research has been supported by studies on closely related species e.g. bonobo monkeys and other apes, as they tend to go for the fattiest parts of their prey after killing (bone marrow, brain).
Psychological research into food preference of humans has shown that from an evolutionary perspective we seek calorie dense foods. This research has been supported by studies on closely related species e.g. bonobo monkeys and other apes, as they tend to go for the fattiest parts of their prey after killing (bone marrow, brain).

This makes logical sense as killing other animals for food is hard without agriculture. Might as well get the biggest caloric bang for your buck after all that work.

I feel better about craving pizza and ice cream right now.
One of the problems I saw with the line of thinking in the OP is that we survive by eating whatever is available, not to optimize nutrition, athletic performance and our physique. If snicker bars grew on trees 10,000 years ago and you were starving, you would eat that shit to live. Doesn't mean you "evolved" to eat it.

The information out there about nutrition is contradictory and overwhelming. But some of it is pretty obvious and consensus at this point. Like eating most fruits and veggies is good. Eating processed foods are bad, in excess.

Stick to a well rounded meal plan that revolves around eating stuff that is definitely good for you. Lean meats with healthy fats are good for you. Eat fruits and veggies. Generally, don't drink calories (sodas, fruit juice, etc.). Don't overcomplicate it unless you are a professional (or aspiring) athlete or bodybuilder or something. If you burn 5,000 calories a day like pro fighters, different story.
If you can find the design or intention of humans, whether it be diet or anything else, you're far too intelligent to be posting on Sherdog.

And why is it that we have to be unnatural because we're advanced? Do we stop being an extension of nature at a certain point of evolution?
And why is it that we have to be unnatural because we're advanced? Do we stop being an extension of nature at a certain point of evolution?

Well, clearly it's when we developed language to communicate. No, wait, animals do that. Then it must be tools. Oh no, that as well. What about modified tools? That as well? How about extensive modification of our environment to create large living spaces for our kind? Oh, that's been covered?

I'm going to draw a line at the internal combustion engine. Right there is when everything started going 'unnaturally' downhill, as it's clear before that we were all eating seaweed and living to 100 with perfect complexions.
What is your thought process? I don't want to hear any arguements from the "Paleo Community" because that diet is so full of flaws and holes its unbearable.

I sorta believe we are designed to eat with the seasons. Plants, some fruits, some starches, maybe some nuts and according to what grows locally around you. Shopping at the farmers market or growing your own food. What do you think? Humans are omnivores but are we made to be herbivores?

You believe we were 'designed' to shop at farmers markets?
Do people think the human body is that pathetic? Eat whatever the fuck you want to eat. Don't guzzle down lard but you get the gist.