How Humans are designed to eat?

Yeah, I was holding out hope, since this seems more like a constant lead on than a classic trolling, but I'm out.
okay. Im not "trolling" If somebody makes valid points I will listen to them

I am in search of some type of good points on an optimal human diet.

The question from the beginning should of been ... is there an optimal human diet

I am 23 yrs old and confused about nutrition thats all.. I guess the thing that is starting to stick with me is......I am all about "natural" and what comes from the earth but.... b12 can not be found in anything natural except animal products.. so ........

da fuq lol
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Why do you think eating animals is not 'natural'? You keep implying it.
I would like to interject a point that correlates poor spelling being indicative of atrocious reading comprehension. If you can't walk how can you run?
I don't think there is one correct answer to this question. Get 23andme genetic testing and it will give you an idea.
I wish I had a blue name so I could do some thread cleansing.
okay. Im not "trolling" if somebody makes valid points i will listen to them

i am in search of some type of good points on an optimal human diet.

The question from the beginning should of been ... Is there an optimal human diet

i am 23 yrs old and confused about nutrition thats all.. I guess the thing that is starting to stick with me is......i am all about "natural" and what comes from the earth but.... B12 can not be found in anything natural except animal products.. So ........

Da fuq lol


Animals come from the earth!!!!!!!!
If you don't want to harm animals you can eat insects. The large squishy ones pack the most nutrients.
"I became a vegan when i realized that if you don't eat animals, they live forever, and become magic."

- Joe Rogan
It's them or us, Me vs Cockroaches for control of my apartment. You want to get up on my kitchen counter? How about checking out my frying pan, you stir-fryable bastards!
Why would you harm insects?

You're going to harm insects anyway. Do you know how many small mammals and insects get killed every time a field is harvested?
yo, what about the one-celled organisms all around you? you're killing them in the millions just by existing. Who's gonna stand up for the one-celled organisms?!
wtf? where in my post did I include anything about meat? I actually do not think humans are supposed to eat meat. Our teeth our not designed to eat it.[/QUOTE]

No? Don't eat meat, doge. But don't tell me how you think we are supposed to eat because you lost all credibility when you stated you were vegan.

I eat food that is all. I stay mostly away from fried shit. I get pastured beef. I don't drink to much dairy. I use pastured butter. I eat veggies and I try to avoid grains. I didn't say I exclude grains, just cut them back. Processed food is the devil.
OP, you (rightly) dismiss Paleo, but your question relies upon the same faulty logic. Human bodies process and utilize various nutrients, and while the form of intake matters, it's a lot more flexible than someone trying to sell a diet book would have you believe. Asking what humans "evolved to eat" or "were designed to eat" is very unscientific; there's no dietary goal or end state, and there's certainly not ONE TRUE DIET or even one diet plan clearly superior to other well-planned diets.

You can be a healthy carnivore, a healthy vegan, someone on a mediterranean or paleo diet, as long as you pay attention and make sure to get adequate nutrition and keep LDL, blood sugar, carbs and other things within reasonable parameters. The body is simultaneously a lot more and a lot less complicated than people think.

It's superficially true that humans didn't "evolve to eat" grains, dairy or what have you. We also didn't "evolve for" modern pharmaceutical medicines, water filtering, public sanitation, or heart transplants -- but the above have given humans lifespans and quality of life far beyond Gronk the Caveman's wildest dreams. "The good old days" were not necessarily better, and new is not always evil, no matter what Aunt Thelma tells you this Christmas.
You're going to harm insects anyway. Do you know how many small mammals and insects get killed every time a field is harvested?

Presumably someone who is vegan for ecological (rather than 'animal rights') reasons will accept a few accidental deaths in exchange for a significant reduction in CO2 production, water usage, runoff and so on. In other words, some incidental insect and small mammal deaths in exchange for a much healthier global ecosystem overall, including oceans and waterways. For the animal rights crowd, the fact that the animal deaths are an unfortunate accident of critical food production, as opposed to animal deaths being the immediate goal, probably matters as well.

I'd also question that logic, because industrial (not grazing) livestock eat industrially farmed grain and grain by-products as well. So one one hand you get the number of animals accidentally killed when harvesting grain (which is incidental rather than inherent, and something you could try to reduce), and on the other hand you get animals accidentally killed when harvesting grain plus the animals intentionally killed for meat. So the vegan guy is, on average, still involved in fewer animal deaths.

Regardless, if China starts eating beef at the same rate that Americans do the planet is just screwed from the CH4 and CO2, and freshwater reserves are in trouble too. I'm not saying you should stop eating beef altogether, just that current consumption levels are already unsustainable and it's going to get even worse.
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