How powerful is the president really ?


Aug 18, 2011
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imo bush jr obama didn't have much control they were puppets

Kennedy tried and got killed

Trump is being trump and saying what he feels but I feel he is being held back a lot and being told what to say

Reagan was good peoples person but agin puppet

You have to go back to 60's when president was in control
imo bush jr obama didn't have much control they were puppets

Kennedy tried and got killed

Trump is being trump and saying what he feels but I feel he is being held back a lot and being told what to say

Reagan was good peoples person but agin puppet

You have to go back to 60's when president was in control
Tried what?

Let me kill the FED or something?

No he didn't.

"Getting next to you" = "fucking up our healthcare system"
Unfortunately not very powerful. The media, supreme court, federal reserve have more power over this country.

The president is elected by the people. Maybe Trump can change something and bring the power back to the people.
Tried what?

Let me kill the FED or something?

No he didn't.
Kennedy wasn't a fan of the CIA, and let everyone know it.

Anyways, the President certainly has executive powers, but thankfully there are checks and balances keeping him from being too powerful.
Unfortunately not very powerful. The media, supreme court, federal reserve have more power over this country.

The president is elected by the people. Maybe Trump can change something and bring the power back to the people.
He seems best guy . I always liked Jesse Ventura

Trump next best thing
Seriously, though, the presidency is the single most important job in gov't, but it's still just one of three branches. And, yeah, when you have a corrupt idiot like Trump, he's just going to go along with what people around him want--not because he lacks power but because he's clueless when it comes to using it.
Depends on how many votes they got, really. Obama was powerful, he was swept in on a strong reactionary movement and was able to stop the wars and enact health care reform, got his cabinet in with relative ease and had no real problem appointing two liberal justices. By the end of his second term, though, that power had waned, the Garland appointment showing a president with no remaining mandate.

Bush was largely the opposite, he came in with no real mandate, grew more popular as the country came under attack and used that to carry him to second term and some minor legislative wins. He maintained his authority on foreign policy through his second term,too.

Trump is weak because he has no party base, didn't win the popular vote and doesn't have a crisis to define his leadership style yet.
Seriously, though, the presidency is the single most important job in gov't, but it's still just one of three branches. And, yeah, when you have a corrupt idiot like Trump, he's just going to go along with what people around him want--not because he lacks power but because he's clueless when it comes to using it.

I don't feel like he is more corrupt than the usual politician.
They are all full of shit and if you think otherwise, you are nothing but naive.

Anyway, you are too much focused on Trump.

I think this was a general question. Obama wasn't powerful too...

Putin, Xi Jinping and even Merkel, it seems that they all have more control about their country than the US president. Maybe it is not very democratic, but probably more effective. Putin totally outplayed the west in Syria by creating facts very fastly. The west couldn't even react...
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If you want to know how powerful the president is, read the U.S. Constitution. Then read about laws and court rulings which have affected those powers, and read some important executive orders and signing statements and see how they were implemented. Then get a broad range of views of highly educated and experienced people about what past events and potential events constitute abuse of power.
I don't feel like he is more corrupt than the usual politician.
They are all full of shit and if you think otherwise, you are nothing but naive.

He obviously is. Even ignoring everything we've seen so far, just look at his background. Normally people who have a tenth of the stuff on their record that he does think they're disqualified.

Anyway, you are too much focused on Trump.

I think this was a general question. Obama wasn't powerful too...

My answer was general, and then I noted that someone like Trump is a little different because he's clueless. Not sure what you mean by saying that Obama wasn't. Note that he drove some rather dramatic changes (and it appears that they're going to be a lot more durable than people thought).

Putin, Xi Jinping and even Merkel, it seems that they all have more control about their country than the US president. Maybe it is not very democratic, but probably more effective. Putin totally outplayed the west in Syria by creating precedents very fastly. The west couldn't even react...

Other countries certainly have more powerful executives.
I thought you were British something why should you care.
Anyways we need a strong leader like the world's most dangerous man Ken Shamrock for president.
Our government was built around the idea that no individual or group would have an exorbitant amount of power. Also, we overpolitisize things and give credit or criticize things the president has no major effect on. For example, most of what happens in the economy occurs in spite of the president and not because of.
imo bush jr obama didn't have much control they were puppets

Kennedy tried and got killed

Trump is being trump and saying what he feels but I feel he is being held back a lot and being told what to say

Reagan was good peoples person but agin puppet

You have to go back to 60's when president was in control

God knows how you can look at all the rambling bullshit and late night tweetstorms and think Trump is too coached. He's about as coherent as a methhead at a bus station.

Jesse "The Mongol Body" Ventura

Let me tell you something Macmahon! Put me in the Oval Office, and I'll turn it into the squared circle! ISIS? They IS IS a buncha pussies Macmahon!! Wall Street? Nah, we're gonna have a Wall Street Fight for the title, Macmahon!!
The job is to administer the laws enacted by Congress, be the chief diplomat, and the head of the armed forces when war is declared. Sounds like plenty of power right there.
I think that upon winning the election, all presidents are taken to the White House library and shown the "Kennedy tape" as a reminder of what could happen if they get out of line.

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