How would you feel about this sign popping up in your neighborhood?

How old is she
Your response here doesn't really go with what I say. As I have said at least twice now, EVERYONE should be able to walk down the street without being bombarded with vulgarity. I never said only gay people need to follow MY rule.

Lets say I saw a sign promoting oh, hot dogs I guess, and they promoted it by having some chick imply she was sucking a dick, I'd point out how inappropriate it is too.
If it was an ad with a woman sucking on a hotdog you might have a point. If this sign offends you maybe you're just too delicate. Should we sanitize all our public spaces to cater the most puritanical sensibilities?
Answer the question – did your family come here from the Eastern Bloc? Did you flee Communism?

I can tell it's hard for you to identify with American history. But this County was and is populated by free Red-blooded Americans, and their ancestors worked very hard to build the best country they could. They had strong values – Christian values, which are apparently lost on you. You can't relate to the stories of honest, courageous, valiant, virtuous people who fought for the soul of this great nation, because Soviet Russia turned your family into a pack of cynics. After all, you ran away from your home, so you assume we're all as cowardly and morally bankrupt as you. Well we don't run here. We care about the difference between right and wrong. We can't relate to your stories about pimping children and whatnot, because that was never part of our history. Don't talk about my country like we were part of the Eastern Bloc.

I never said the USA was perfect. It certainly wasn't "great for everybody" all the time. However, pound for pound, the USA was and is still the best country on this planet. That's why you're here, and that's why you refuse to leave. The iron curtain fell, just so you know. If you think our culture is so bad here, you're free to rejoin your home culture.
So much rhetoric.
I'm more offended by the "don't use meth" billboards that were popping up everywhere when my kid was like 6 or 7. As others have said, most kids aren't going to get the innuendo.

These are the ones I'm talking about. I was like, WTF man!!??


Those are tough to look at. It's an epidemic, and opioids also, that we need to confront to protect our society. Something akin to tough love. I agree not an image I'd like my young children to see though.

If it was an ad with a woman sucking on a hotdog you might have a point. If this sign offends you maybe you're just too delicate. Should we sanitize all our public spaces to cater the most puritanical sensibilities?
I see nothing wrong with expecting decency in public places.
One may assume they are subliminally advertising a homosexual fellatio escort service disgused as food delivery
Kids are very smart. You tell a child as young as 5 that 2 men will get married and their natural reaction will be either to laugh or look confused.

How society today is going around the natural connection between a man an women is remarkable.

They are pushing very hard for this , most of it is taught to children and ingrained in them that its ok.

For such a small group that sure do yell and demand the loudest

Every day all day all they do is make phone call and write letters demanding these things. They demand

More gay actors shown
More gay athletes shown
More gay commercials on tv

They want the first gay mayor, school principal, store owner, , everything.

And these are people who cannot even get the most simple thing right, have sex.

Penis goes in vagina fellas. That is what it was specially designed for. To reproduce, make babies.
Children are sponges, everything you teach them becomes ingrained, including your religious beliefs.
What do you mean "forced to accept homosexuality" There is no forcing, only awareness . And I highly disagree with your statement about her turning gay because I said it was ok. I know I am straight... I have always known. No amount of homosexual exposure would magicaly make me be attracted to males. It simply is who I am. Just as my children are going to be who they are. I could honestly give no fucks if she is gay, but it certainly isn't going to be because I informed her of what gay even means.
Your child, raise her how you want.

I disagree that being gay isn’t something you choose.

e/ Being forced to accept a counter culture lifestyle. Is it really that much of a strained concept? Do you just explain to you child what heroin is, and let them figure it out for themselves?
Ignorant dumbass.

No one can force anyone to be gay.

But I do hope your kids turn gay out of poetic justice...
Says the goofball throwing around insults.

GG jackass. And me and my wife choose not to procreate, we enjoy each other’s company enough.
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Yeah that's too old.

What was the talk. Should be plain and simple, boys go with girls. Girls go with boys.

Do they even have dances any more for kids pairing boys with girls
That's your belief that "God" makes perfect little humans. If someone is born as a hermaphrodite or anywhere in between it doesn't make them sinners or obliged to live life according to your beliefs. This is America, it's not "white" America, or "Christian" America. It's the land of the free but for some reason a segment of the population wants to decide how everyone else thinks and acts.
That's your belief that "God" makes perfect little humans. If someone is born as a hermaphrodite or anywhere in between it doesn't make them sinners or obliged to live life according to your beliefs. This is America, it's not "white" America, or "Christian" America. It's the land of the free but for some reason a segment of the population wants to decide how everyone else thinks and acts.

That's means they are an oddity among the masses.
Something went wrong
I see nothing wrong with expecting decency in public places.
That ad is not indecent unless you're a religious fanatic that won't go down on your partner or that won't accept a homosexual lifestyle.
That ad is not indecent unless you're a religious fanatic that won't go down on your partner or that won't accept a homosexual lifestyle.
Gay oral sex is not an inappropriate topic in a public venue? Come on.
The ad is tasteless and tacky.
Our society is deteriorating. People are holding nazi rallies in our streets, constantly spreading disinformation, people harassing others just because they look like they might be of Mexican origin.

How successful was their little nazi rally if that is what it even could be called? Seems like it was condemned across the board. Tranny bathrooms and the hatred of our president? Celebrated... 2nd amendment and even the 1st? Get rid of it!!!

We are "progressing" into madness
Right and wrong can be relative.

No they cannot. That is the problem with you moral relativists. Rape could totally be ok to a certain individual

Vigilantes who killed runaway slaves and even those who lynched after slavery ended, honestly felt they were justified

Fuck their feelings. There is an ultimate right or wrong despite our feelings on the matter. There is also law

You are the one who wants to limits other people's freedom

How so?

Your are the one who wants to deny people the right to live life however they choose.

Lol what? Do you think I advocate homosexuality being illegal?
No they cannot. That is the problem with you moral relativists. Rape could totally be ok to a certain individual

Fuck their feelings. There is an ultimate right or wrong despite our feelings on the matter. There is also law

^^^ This.
Gay oral sex is not an inappropriate topic in a public venue? Come on.
The ad is tasteless and tacky.
Oral sex at all isn't an appropriate topic but this was a tongue in cheek play on words. If not for the flag, and gay aspect, this wouldn't even be a thread.

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