I believe everything Nunes said about not being 100% in the first fight.

I honestly still think in the first fight that Nunes got very complacent and subconsciously wanted a break to take care of her child with less pressure. The IQ and willpower just didn't seem there in that fight, a very throwaway performance.

This fight she got her fire back. Hope does only a couple more though and calls it a career.
She did seem of in the first fight. Probably for a number of factors. Also I hope her kids doing well.
Shocked by this victory tbh.

Usually instant rematches don't go well but in this case, we can truly believe that Amanda had an off night that day.

Meanwhile, I gotta hand it to Pena. She was a dog in that fight and fought her heart out despite receiving copious amounts of damage.

The kind of damage that will send fighters to gatekeeping status almost always.
I had my doubts but hard not to believe her now. Athletically she's on a whole different level from Pena. Musta been in terrible shape last time to let herself get bullied and outworked by someone so obviously inferior.

Pena is a dog but she's really not much better than the average challenger at WBW.
Pena has to get Nunes on the ground prior to being as bloody as a Diaz brother.

I think Amanda probably wins 7 out of 10 fights against Pena, but I don't think anyone else in the division wins even 1.
Peña’s cut was absolutely drenching them both in blood that had to of had an effect on the sub attempts right?
This fight made me think less of Amanda. Pena is one of the worst fighters I have ever seen, bang average. Her striking is Ben askren level, how is she not finishing someone like this.
People acting liking Nunes showed no BJJ. While she certainly ended up in a couple of precarious positions, I didn't think she felt that she was in that much danger and clearly is confident in her defensive BJJ. People acting like jiu-jitsu is only offensive grappling.

Entertaining fight, but Amanda whooped dat ass.
I’m not a BJJ practitioner so I can’t speak like someone who is but to my admittedly untrained eye Nunes looked very comfortable on the ground with Peña this fight. Very calm and collected in those positions even getting a sub attempt herself.
I think some of it may be true but she also came in confident and went hard trying to end it early and gassed bad when that didn't work
Yeah complacency when you’re a dominant champ is a real thing. From Boxing to Kickboxing to MMA champs get dethroned when they start underestimating their competition.

Amanda came in smart tonight and it payed of big time.
I also think a huge component is simply taking the opponent for granted. If you took them both and compared them, Peña’s style isn’t exactly kryptonite to Amanda.

Amanda saw others deal with her, and was surprised in the moment. Then you throw all the other stuff in… tough night.
Nahh first fight nunes was shook when she realised Pena wasn't going anywhere ala nate-conor 1, this time she was expecting it and with the big success and knockdowns early, mentally was able to stay relaxed
She did look very calm in there even on the ground. That right hand from southpaw was money all night long.
Agreed, until the bell rang for the end of the fifth, it never seemed like Nunes was "safe". She dominated, sure, but it wasn't like there weren't moments where things could have gone the other way.
I thought the arm bar could of changed it for a minute myself.
I dunno. Pena showed it wasn't a fluke. She has better bjj and can hurt Nunes, Amanda just didn't let it pile up and fought smarter this time.

In the first fight, Nunes fought like seem was assuming that she would eventually land something that would stop Pena when they were brawling in the second round. She totally avoided that mistake this time.

Pena has the GOAT chin in WMMA.
This fight made me think less of Amanda. Pena is one of the worst fighters I have ever seen, bang average. Her striking is Ben askren level, how is she not finishing someone like this.
Maybe she wanted to play it safe and collected. I do agree that I found it strange that she knocked Peña down so much but none put her away. Possibly Peña just has an amazing chin? I’m not sure.
Yeah Pena had mad heart but man it didn't look like she had much for Nunes tonight
Yeah respect to her for not going quietly but I think round 2 or 3 was the tipping point. Nunes was just in her element then.
Shocked by this victory tbh.

Usually instant rematches don't go well but in this case, we can truly believe that Amanda had an off night that day.

Meanwhile, I gotta hand it to Pena. She was a dog in that fight and fought her heart out despite receiving copious amounts of damage.

The kind of damage that will send fighters to gatekeeping status almost always.
Peña is a warrior and has a great chin no doubt she brings it and I gotta respect that.
Maybe she wanted to play it safe and collected. I do agree that I found it strange that she knocked Peña down so much but none put her away. Possibly Peña just has an amazing chin? I’m not sure.

She was there for the taking, a 1-2 on the button, cause pena kept rushing in with her eyes completely closed and chin in the air, any decent striker would’ve knocked that out. Perhaps nunes was fighting scared though cause of the first fight