I see Colby winning the trilogy

Colby is a tiny man, no tiny man can compete with The Nigerian Nightmare.
And he'll lose again
Probably, Max fought a great fight and changed things up from the first fight and Volk still adapted and started taking over in the second half of the fight against cardio machine Max.
I wanna see a third fight, but it probably won’t ever happen
I don’t think they will be fighting again. There’s other matchups for usman and I don’t think there’s a ton of interest in another rematch after usman beat him a second time. I think Colby would need at least 2, possibly 3 good wins to get back in the discussion for a title shot
Not even a joke

Colby's guard was much improved and yes Usmans jab was lethal as we all suspected but man i can't help thinking if Colby was just a little bit more aggressive right after Usmans biggest loadups in the exchanges and if Colbys wasn't so damn passive this fight could've gone in Colbys favour.

Could've Should've....I know its easier said than done but I really think the passiveness of Colby lost him the fight.

Everybody has their opinion i guess.
Colby got robbed. 48-46
It's 2-0, so there won't be a third fight.
I see Colby winning the trilogy

You know how real good trilogy's work, you win one he wins one and you break the tie with Big 3rd fight Usman is already 2-0 on Colby so NO trilogy...


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