I was wrong about O'Malley/Welch

Have you seen his wife? I mean if they’re both allowed to bang other people I don’t think O’Malley is the one getting jealous there..
When people make fun of O’Malley over his open relationship it just comes off as pure hate to me.

I personally would never be into it, and I think it's gross. But his haters are completely ignoring that Sean gets to fuck other women as well and act like he just gives his wife to other dudes to fuck.
When people make fun of O’Malley over his open relationship it just comes off as pure hate to me.

I personally would never be into it, and I think it's gross. But his haters are completely ignoring that Sean gets to fuck other women as well and act like he just gives his wife to other dudes to fuck.
You're trying to cope with chitos loss and the fact that sean is still champ?

All good little guy ;)
From the get go I thought Sean was legit, but didn't think he'd be a champion as it seemed like the UFC/Tim Welch were blowing so much smoke up his ass that he wouldn't put in the needed work to become champion. I thought Welch sounded like another Edmund/Fabia/grifter coach when he talked about O'Malley.

However, since his fight with Yan, despite being confident, O'Malley has been surprisingly grounded and realistic about where he/his opponents are at. He even said the fight with Yan was a toss up/tough.

IMO this is a championship mindset, similar to GSP saying his opponents were all his toughest fight ever.

So yeah, mea culpa to Sean and Welch. And whatever Welch is doing/saying to him, it's working in terms of technical ability, but also psychological.

Could be in for a long run as champion. It's weird because despite all of the showy stuff (hair, tats, cars) it seems like O'Malley is actually a fairly boring guy. If you took all that shit away he'd be in like Jake Shields level of charisma.

I was highly suspect on him for a number of reasons including:

-Early fight where he faked a back of head shot to get his opponent DQ'd when he was gassed and losing
-Being given the "oiled runway" treatment by the UFC with bookings to avoid high-level athletes or wrestlers/grapplers until he improved his physique and TDD/counter-grappling
-Seemingly brittle AF; leg injury against Souk, leg injury vs. Chito, hand injuries vs. Moutinho
-Unable to realistically put away Moutinho in a show-case fight where was fighting a tiny punching bag and couldn't drop/finish him after 200+ unanswered shots

However, he has come incredibly far since then in terms of getting way better as a fighter in so many areas - his footwork is wayyyy better, his strike selection and timing are way better, his TDD and control range is levels better. This shows you how important it is that the UFC has a vested interest in you to succeed, because if they didn't he would've got fed to Ricky Simon/Merab/etc. on the way up and got grapple-fucked into oblivion before he rounded out his game.

Moral of the story = fighters get better, it's just incredibly difficult to predict how much upside they have and how the UFC will book them to allow that to develop.

I can admit fault underestimating Sean's toughness and ability to keep leveling up - as a striker he has impressed me beyond belief. That being said until I see him clearly beat a Petr Yan or beat an opponent well-matched to take him out (Sandhagen, Umar) I can't consider him the best BW in the world. I actually think out of Yan/Sandhagen/Umar/Merab that he'll have the easiest time with Merab (has the worst overall game, very limited in the stand-up, doesn't have a control/submission game/damage game from top position).

He has a case to make for sure, but it's built on a house of cards to a degree.
I wanted sean to beat chito, just cause I want someone to start building a legacy instead of belts getting exchanged every fight, so I was happy when he won, then I saw Tim welch saying that yan lost to yadong and shouting it at yan and it just turned me off that crew a lot
UFC? I don't think so, but he has talked about having guys compete on the regional circuit.

Having a large number of top tier fighters is not a reliable indication of the quality of a coach though, IMHO.
i tend to agree. especially if hes operating a smaller gym. in fact, it probably best that way for the fighter (sean). but, sean isn't going to fight forever and i know he's gotta coach other guys.
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People are getting blinded by his hair and style. Guy is smarter and level headed than people give him credit for.
Those two have a good dynamic. Welch is also young enough to get in on some of the sparring. I am not sure how good Welch is as a coach though. I don't think he has produced another fighter.
Have you seen his wife? I mean if they’re both allowed to bang other people I don’t think O’Malley is the one getting jealous there..

Pretty sure he said in an interview that she's not allowed to bang other people, only he is.
I think you are off on this point. I am old and while I am not interested in his Social Meida stuff and the hair and tats are not my thing I have always seen him as a good fighter. First fight of his I saw was the Soukhamthath fight and while so many younger Sherdoggers (I assume younger being old myself and they talk like my kids) were on about him being soft and girlie etc I saw him fighting thru with every reason to give up in that last round.

His KO of Eddie Wineland proved he was more then just a prospect to me. His win over Yan showed he could be a champion and KO-ing Aljo after having a strong first round and defending 2 TD attempts.

All the Sherdoggers freaking out about Sean have always come across as young teens struggling with their sense of self. I haven't really noticed anyone giving off Grumpy Old Man vibes in complaining about him.
He's not off on his point just because you're old and it doesnt apply to you
His weird coach guy? You're not wrong about him, trust me
I agree he seems weird, but it seems to be working with O'Malley. And unlike Fabia or Edmund with Diego/Rhonda, O'Malley has learned under Welch and improved. He is technically sound. Unless he taught himself everything, Welch had to play a major part. And O'Malleys mental game is on point. At least for Sean Welch seems like a good coach.
From the get go I thought Sean was legit, but didn't think he'd be a champion as it seemed like the UFC/Tim Welch were blowing so much smoke up his ass that he wouldn't put in the needed work to become champion. I thought Welch sounded like another Edmund/Fabia/grifter coach when he talked about O'Malley.

However, since his fight with Yan, despite being confident, O'Malley has been surprisingly grounded and realistic about where he/his opponents are at. He even said the fight with Yan was a toss up/tough.

IMO this is a championship mindset, similar to GSP saying his opponents were all his toughest fight ever.

So yeah, mea culpa to Sean and Welch. And whatever Welch is doing/saying to him, it's working in terms of technical ability, but also psychological.

Could be in for a long run as champion. It's weird because despite all of the showy stuff (hair, tats, cars) it seems like O'Malley is actually a fairly boring guy. If you took all that shit away he'd be in like Jake Shields level of charisma.

Yeah he's a boring stoner nerd really. Barely any personality, probably why he's gone so all-in on his outward appearance.
From the get go I thought Sean was legit, but didn't think he'd be a champion as it seemed like the UFC/Tim Welch were blowing so much smoke up his ass that he wouldn't put in the needed work to become champion. I thought Welch sounded like another Edmund/Fabia/grifter coach when he talked about O'Malley.

However, since his fight with Yan, despite being confident, O'Malley has been surprisingly grounded and realistic about where he/his opponents are at. He even said the fight with Yan was a toss up/tough.

IMO this is a championship mindset, similar to GSP saying his opponents were all his toughest fight ever.

So yeah, mea culpa to Sean and Welch. And whatever Welch is doing/saying to him, it's working in terms of technical ability, but also psychological.

Could be in for a long run as champion. It's weird because despite all of the showy stuff (hair, tats, cars) it seems like O'Malley is actually a fairly boring guy. If you took all that shit away he'd be in like Jake Shields level of charisma.

His success has ultimately been possible because of his natural ability combined with a determination to be a champion. He always talks about the time he had to haul is ass for hours to get to the gym and train with Welch at the MMALab only to get schooled day in day out.

He deserves every success he gets. And who doesn’t love watching him fight? It’s amazing,
You'll find that's the case with anyone who wears everything on the outside.
I find a lot of showy people have no substance to back it up and are empty shells of humans (think Brendan Schaub or even Connor these days), or own a new BMW, but live in their mom's basement.

Sean has flash, but is actually fairly grounded. I guess he's kind of similar to Adesanya that way. Izzy looks like an idiot to most people over 30, but is smart and works hard.

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