International If a War USA Vs The rest of the World happened, who would win it?

Question isn't worth a long winded thorough answer, so I'll just keep it simple.

The USA would win. Hands down. Easy. The absolute BEST BEST BEST case scenario the rest of the world could hope for, is a stalemate. Foreign boots would never touch US soil. It would be a blood bath. How much blood shed there is would really depend on how nasty the rest of the world wants us to get. If they really fuck around and kick the hornets nest........after a few years "Earth" would just be renamed "USA"

The rest of the world combined isn't fucking with our standard military assets. God help them if they really test US and make US break out the top top secret shit.

The citizens of hot zones/primary targets would go deaf in short order, due to the non stop, ear drum shatter sounds of hundreds of US fighter jets flying over them every hour as they drop artillery destroying all that is around them.

Not to mention the soldier pool would grow exponentially. If the US faced a threat like the rest of the world, many people that never would have signed up for the military otherwise would. I know I would if they'd take me. Patriotism would be like never before. Every single house would have a USA flag in the front yard. And we. would. FUCK. you. UP.
The USA is already pulling out from the global system and letting Europe and Asia falter.

We strengthened up our agreements with Canada and Mexico, made agreements with Japan and South Korea and let the EU know we aren't going to just give without getting back. Once Brexit goes through, we will get a sweet deal with the UK.

You are already seeing a ton of money flight, including a lot from China, into the USA as a safe haven place to keep their money. These people are running away from their countries because they are afraid they are going to lose everything.

Watch what happens over the next 20 years. The USA, if not all of North America or at least Mexico, is going to be fine, while Europe and Asia are going to have some very tough times ahead of them.

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