If I were a Vet or a Groomer, I would hate to work with Cats they are vicious and hard to restrain


Mar 13, 2017
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I hated giving our cats a bath growing up I remember one time when I was really young I was helping my mom give our cat a bath and the cat started going crazy making super loud cat screaming noises and panicking the cat start scratching and she ripped my moms arms up with her claws, my mom had to get stitches blood was everywhere the cat used the back legs and was digging in fast and kicking just ripping my moms skin up within a few seconds an she ran away shit was scary.
Cats suck, simple as that.
Any man that gets a cat probably does so because he needs to be dominated in a relationship
Cats suck, simple as that.
Any man that gets a cat probably does so because he needs to be dominated in a relationship
Ive only had two cats who were responsive when called and they were very good cats and loyal, but man cats dont respond and they do their own thing, they basically make you their bitch while dogs like to obey and make their master happy.

Its weird.
Cats aren't subservient like dogs.

It's why cats can survive on their own in the outdoors and dogs can't.
My friend got the most docile little thing from the shelter back in middle school. Cat sat her a couple times and she was an angel. She dead now. :(
Cats are just a different animal.
Theyre really independent. Just can't think of them like any other pet. They're one of the few pets that don't really need you to survive

Ive had 2 cool cats, (both unintentionally fell in my possession ) so i know there's some good ones. The first one i had was like a dog. He'd play fetch, and he'd jump into my arms when id come home from work. Very affectionate little dude
Unlike dogs, cats never do anything just because you want them to, they don't get a kick out of human approval and they don't take shit from anyone. Your best bet is to use operant conditioning when they're kittens. Find out the food your kitten loves the best. Trimming your kitten's nails? Give them a treat afterwards so they associate the trimming with something positive. You can also roll them in a towel like a burrito so they get used to not moving and being passive during the trimming. Giving your kitten a bath? Let them play in shallow water and get comfortable first. Play with the kitten using toys so that they associate bath + water = fun. After that you can gently put some water on their body, put the soap, scrub them gently, etc. Every step needs to be patient. And afterwards, you give them a treat of course. Basically every "negative" thing your cat doesn't like needs to be associated with comfort + positive when they're kittens. Your success will be mediated by the cat's natural personality, but doing this will get you the "best" you can get out of your particular cat. You can teach your adult cat too to some extent, it'll never be as good as if you started with a kitten though.
lol I hate cats too. they have attacked me a few times. a dog only scratched me once and it still did less damage than the cat.

cats are also a nuisance because they will fight out side my window and make noise. the only positive to owning a cat is they can hunt mice in the house but there are also several breeds of dog that do that too.
Yeah cats can be dicks sometimes. When we needed to perform ultrasonic screening on my cat, he didnt bite or scratch anyone- he is a very kind and gentle cat, but the little fucker just wouldn't lay still! It took an hour to perform.
My friend got the most docile little thing from the shelter back in middle school. Cat sat her a couple times and she was an angel. She dead now. :(
thats what Dana White calls a Unicorn, a rarity

That one Grumpy cat is adorable too, doesn't panic and is almost like a dog, most cats cant go in a car or outside they will get nervous and run away fast.
Cats are just a different animal.
Theyre really independent. Just can't think of them like any other pet. They're one of the few pets that don't really need you to survive

Ive had 2 cool cats, (both unintentionally fell in my possession ) so i know there's some good ones. The first one i had was like a dog. He'd play fetch, and he'd jump into my arms when id come home from work. Very affectionate little dude
thats what Dana White calls a Unicorn, a rarity

That one Grumpy cat is adorable too, doesn't panic and is almost like a dog, most cats cant go in a car or outside they will get nervous and run away fast.

Grumpy cat has down syndrome or some weird shit like that.
lol I hate cats too. they have attacked me a few times. a dog only scratched me once and it still did less damage than the cat.

cats are also a nuisance because they will fight out side my window and make noise. the only positive to owning a cat is they can hunt mice in the house but there are also several breeds of dog that do that too.
I heard Rat Terriers catch mice

But Man Cats are really good at that, they will wait there in the kitchen if you have any mice and kill it, back when I lived in the ghetto in Oakland our girl cat caught mice in our kitchen and we never had any again.

I seen my cat just sit still outside a bird fly right past it and it snatched it up with both clawed paws and killed it, it later placed it near my feet like an offering to the master lol
My cat is a lil shit, but she's awesome. Gentle and kind, she's super chill except when she gets that look in her eye. Then there is some wilding out.

She fetches and comes when called...sometimes.

I've always said people who don't like cats never met a good one.
thats what Dana White calls a Unicorn, a rarity

That one Grumpy cat is adorable too, doesn't panic and is almost like a dog, most cats cant go in a car or outside they will get nervous and run away fast.

She definitely was an outlier. You could hold her just like they do grumpy cat in the vid and she'd sit calmly. Didn't make much noise or scratch shit up. I wish I could find another cat like her!

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