Opinion If nuclear weapons didn't exist then the current conflicts involving Russia, Ukraine, Israel, and Palestine would have already devolved into WWIII

The risk is that they use it as an opportunity to attack Taiwan because America is preoccupied. But they aren't ready for a large scale naval war with America.
From what I understand Japan is building up their military meow and has increased their defense budget. China/Russia partnership and North Korea are threats.
I wouldn't be surprised if a considerable amount of folks say that it'll never happen. After all, if they've been threatening for so many years, why have they done nothing yet?
Just not ready and not very confident. In 2008 when America was in two wars and the economy took a shit it was PRIME time for China too invade. They didn't.

Did you ever think that these Islam gangs of criminals and psychopaths would ever actually invade Israel?
Islamaturds have tried many times, right? Each time not going so well.
The allies were already taking every thing back until they were at Japan's doorsteps. It was either a long, bloody defense by the Japanese while Russia rushes to the east after capturing Berlin or 2 nukes.
When you're pushed, killing's as easy as breathing...
WW3 would have happened during the Vietnam conflict if not for nukes. Ww4 would have occurred in the 80s.
A world without nukes definitely sees more large scale war. NATO wrecks Russia in the 60s and we’d probably already be pushing Chinas you know what in.
I don't know. Western military success wasn't that great at the time. In the 50s the US and allies fought to a stalemate in Korea. A very tiny area. In the 60s and 70s, US success in Vietnam wasn't that great.
Invading the Soviet Union would be a gigantic task. The same with China, it would be a complete nightmare to fight a conventional war against a large country with 1.4 billion people.
Post-91 Russia is a different story. NATO would probably be able to reach Moscow easily.
Russia would not have invaded Ukraine if they had kept their nukes
If nuclear weapons didn't exist the United States would have mopped up Russia two years ago and there would be no war today.

MAD isn't a concern for the Israeli/Palestine conflict. Israel has nuclear weapons in their arsenal but that obviously didn't stop Hamas.
Cold war would have gone WW3 i think

It nearly came to nuke war with 2 out of 3 SU officers saying fire the nuke or so the story goes (need 3 guys to agree on nuke firing)

"As flotilla commodore as well as executive officer of the diesel powered submarine B-59, Arkhipov refused to authorize the captain and the political officer to use nuclear torpedoes against the United States Navy, a decision that required the agreement of all three officers. In 2002, Thomas S. Blanton, then director of the U.S. National Security Archive, credited Arkhipov as "the man who saved the world".

- Read this post yesterday. Surprised there arent movies about this guy. Brave, noble and handsome as Christopher Reeve!

Lian Neeson character in K-19 is basead on this guy. But this isnt enough recognition!
Everybody likes to talk down on nuclear weapons like they're the worst thing humanity ever created. But I see the opposite being true. Humans have proven themselves to be barbaric war-crazy animals who are willing to fight the bloodiest wars for the most insignificant of reasons. Nuclear weapons saved is from ourselves. With the threat of mutually assured destruction humans became more diplomatic and open to compromise because the stakes were so dire.

But of course nations still fight, the only difference is that the guardrails of nukes insure that the conflicts remain self contained instead of all-out global war.

There's no doubt in my mind that if nuclear weapons didn't exist that the current conflicts involving Russia, Ukraine, Israel, and Palestine would have basically resulted in a WWIII by now.

What sat you?

It's the same exact reason there is a "no hands" policy in the CA prison system amongst Level IV inmates.

Given numbers are low for whites, most the gangs need as many people on their side as possible. Therefore if you have some kind of petty beef with someone, a no hands policy means you either drop it, or you be prepared to secure a weapon and fight it out to the death. This way stupid disagreements are squashed immediately, as few people are prepared for a knife fight in a tiny cell where you can't move out of the way and the COs won't notice until someone's dead. I mean it's one thing to battle it out with knives on the street or in the open, it's something entirely different to do it toe to toe in a tiny box.
Ukr stuff didn't had Turned into WW3 IMHO cos governments should do something more preferable for their own voters. So instead of troops ....they IMHO still had sent just ammo and weapons...

While shit will happen if West will look weak and easy to bully.
Iran and Yemen housites + Hamas...they does have lot of poor, easy to brainwash ppl and appears also more and more missiles. So not difficult to hire next batches with ppl and continue.

Suez stuff cos Red Sea is more threatening than Gaza and Ukr for all world directly or indirectly. Inflation, ships insurance fees hike etc....

NK with crazy Kim ...