If you could talk to yourself 10 years ago, would you say “work harder” or “don’t work so hard”

One of the age old questions. It seems like there’s regrets on both sides. You hear so many people talk either very confidently about their decision to dedicate their life to “hard work”, and just as many about “taking free time and enjoying life”. If you could go talk to yourself 10 years ago, and influence the kind of life style you’ve lived, what would you say? Would you tell yourself to work harder? Would you tell yourself to do exactly what you’ve done? Would you tell yourself to enjoy life more?

I'm 32 so ten years ago I would have worked way harder so I wouldn't have to work as hard now to get what I want. Either way I didnt fuck up too bad.
Rather than tell myself to work harder I would tell myself to make sure my effort was going into the right endeavors. It's honestly better to coast at a job with no future while taking the necessary steps to move on rather than burn yourself out for a place you dont intend to be at for long.

Also, once you get to a point where you no longer want to advance because the additional responsibilities are not worth it, then it's better to be a solidly average performer rather than sign up for the additional tasks the people tend to agree to when they want to advance.
I wouldn’t have a damn thing of value to tell him. I’d say hang on and good luck
I get more mileage out of talking to myself in real time. Which is something I do everyday. Face to face with the mirror. I can't change the last 10 years with Today's thoughts. I can have an impact on the next 10 years with Today's thoughts though.

Highs, lows, richer, poorer, sickness, health, successes, failures. I appreciate all of life's experiences, no regrets.
I would have said, work smarter. Learn how money actually works and not how you think it works. Also, keep working hard at progressing your career but focus on your health and then family and friends, and then career.
I'd just say: Just keep doing your thing, shit works out just fine.
I would have told myself to do something different. Find a different job. I've been where I'm at so long, its hard to leave. I'd lose a lot of benefits.
Work even less, get promoted sooner

Science bro,
Well I'm happy where I am now.

I changed career at 30 though, if I could go back I wouldn't have spent so many years working so hard in my 20s in a workplace that didn't want to pay me my worth until I was leaving.
Quit your job now, grab a pen: Buy Bitcoin, Tesla, Netflix snd Broadcom. Then in 2022:

Rich Strike 2022 Derby Winner 80-1 odds. The superfecta paid 321k for a $1 bet. Bet $100 on Super and $100 on triple. Walk away with 34million.
1. Rich Strike

2. Epicenter

3. Zandon

4. Simplification

To keep you busy bet these guys at the beginning of the season:

last 10 Superbowl Winners:
Also buy Dogecoin as soon as it comes out. Same with Shiba Inu. Sell Doge 10 minutes before Elons SNL episode. Shiba sells once your a multi billionaire really.
I'd say fuck Christy more and take some pics because she'll be gone before you know it
But you got fired... shouldn't you have been telling yourself to work harder?
Shouldn't you move out of your parents house already? I mean you're a grown ass man for fuck sake.
Shouldn't you move out of your parents house already? I mean you're a grown ass man for fuck sake.

Did that about a quarter of a century ago... unfortunately they followed me LOL

Nah, joking... my parents are awesome.

You can keep trying to pull the same stupidity all you like but if you actually think you can shame me for looking after my parents, you are even stupider than you look dude.
Did that about a quarter of a century ago... unfortunately they followed me LOL

Nah, joking... my parents are awesome.

You can keep trying to pull the same stupidity all you like but if you actually think you can shame me for looking after my parents, you are even stupider than you look dude.
I can't even fathom the torture and agony they go through having to live with an invalid manchild on a daily basis. I pray for them..
I can't even fathom the torture and agony they go through having to live with an invalid manchild on a daily basis. I pray for them..

As someone who very accurately meets the description of "invalid manchild" it is genuinely hilarious to see you type that. The projection is strong with this one LOL

Get a job. Sponging off the taxpayer as an adult is pathetic.
As someone who very accurately meets the description of "invalid manchild" it is genuinely hilarious to see you type that. The projection is strong with this one LOL

Get a job. Sponging off the taxpayer as an adult is pathetic.
It's not sponging off the government when they take it off your pay check every damn week of you life. We pay into it. I proudly squeezed every single penny out of them that i was entitled to. I'm back to work now and have been for about a month and it is going great. Sadly your story will never change a grown ass man that still lives wivv his mum and dad. smh
Always been a hard worker since I was young and eventually owned my own business which is even harder.

I still believe that you lose alot with connection with others and family when you focus to much on work. I'm almost 40 yrs old now and I really focus on spending time with my family more. I think because a couple of my aunts who help raised me passed away.

My mother is not in good health and my grandma is pretty old. I just want to spend more time with people and don't want to work "hard" anymore.

Building connections with people you care or love take priority now.
From my experience

If you thinking pulling up your bootstraps is simply going to lead to better results, you're kidding yourself. Too vague and simple. Also, have fun regularly, but not often. Burn out is a thing and as person who works 55-60 hours a week, 1-2 days of just fucking around every 2-3 weeks motivates a person so much to get to work. It also maintains relationships a lot better. And you'll start realizing, you had a lot of time in your 20s.

I worked my ass off in my mid 20s and it got me nowhere. I moved so much forward in my thinking 30s. Work smarter not harder.

For younger self:

Don't be afraid of the word no
Don't be afraid of awkward situations, a person avoiding situations like this is an unmotivated one. Probably a coward too, oh a lot of adults can be cowards.
If asking for more work in your workplace is frowned upon or awkward, LEAVE
Loyalty is earned not given. In today's climate, if you have legit skills, your employer will be much more afraid of losing you then you are of leaving
Also, please for the love of god, get laid early and often, you'll have time later for projection. Nobody thinks you're smart now and honestly you're not..

Oh and if you're 22 and you think you know what you're doing....I don't believe you.