Ilk's Log - Boxing, soccer, conditioning

How do I test these again? I am really afraid of lifting too heavy :( I go lifting at 7 am and there is just the reception chick so no one to really help me if something happens
How did you test them first time to get your 1RM %?
How did you test them first time to get your 1RM %?

I just assumed them from what I have been currently lifting. For example if I last time squatted 3x80 kg with a bad form I am sure I will squad at least once with 85... chance I do it with 90 are not that bad, but I am not going to risk it.

I DL-ed x3 with 90. I am sure I can DL at least once with 100, again chances I do it with 110 is good, but not sure if the risk worths it.

Bench I do not know - it is weak- 65 kg, perhaps I can do one with 70, but I am for sure not risking with more.
OHP I did with 50 x 3. And Perhaps I will be able with 55, but no more.
I just assumed them from what I have been currently lifting. For example if I last time squatted 3x80 kg with a bad form I am sure I will squad at least once with 85... chance I do it with 90 are not that bad, but I am not going to risk it.

I DL-ed x3 with 90. I am sure I can DL at least once with 100, again chances I do it with 110 is good, but not sure if the risk worths it.

Bench I do not know - it is weak- 65 kg, perhaps I can do one with 70, but I am for sure not risking with more.
OHP I did with 50 x 3. And Perhaps I will be able with 55, but no more.
Your OHP is actually not bad considering your other lifts. When you say you don't dare to do more, on the Bench (if you have a spotter) and on the OHP, what are you afraid of exactly? I don't see how you would get injuried. What happens usually is that you just are not able to lift the bar, or only lift it halfway. A DL I might understand a little, and a Squat I get, although you can use the pins so you can drop it.

Anyway, if you did 3 reps, or how many you did, last time. Just do the same thing, and see if you can lift more.

Dont you know anyone who lifts and know how to test maxes who can help you IRL?
Your OHP is actually not bad considering your other lifts. When you say you don't dare to do more, on the Bench (if you have a spotter) and on the OHP, what are you afraid of exactly? I don't see how you would get injuried. What happens usually is that you just are not able to lift the bar, or only lift it halfway. A DL I might understand a little, and a Squat I get, although you can use the pins so you can drop it.

Anyway, if you did 3 reps, or how many you did, last time. Just do the same thing, and see if you can lift more.

Dont you know anyone who lifts and know how to test maxes who can help you IRL?

I dont know I have failed a few times already the bench and I just panic afterwards.
Alright I will try to lift 3 times with more weight :) Sounds like a plan.

Most people I know that lift do not test maxes and have no idea how to lift in general. I was lifting with a buddy who did OHP with 90kgs and Squats with 50kg ... cause "I do not want to injure my back". Then goes at the leg press machine and puts 200 kg. I perhaps can find someone to test lifts but his gym sucks and I will need to pay him :)

What I will do is to test the lifts with 3 reps if I can lift more weight. Although my Squat form was quite bad already at 80kg.
Boxing work out
3 mins bag work
5 min pad round
3 min spar round
2 min spar round
3 min pad work
2 x 2 min spar rounds
1 round jump rope
2 bag rounds

And a short video of my last bag round. Video starts at 18th sec. Sorry for the very low quality :)
03.03.2018 Saturday

Strength Training Week 6 90% 1 RM - final week - final work out completed
Workout A

Bicycle 5 mins
Dynamic Warm up
Jump Rope 2 min

Warm up sets - 12xbar, 8 x 50kg, 5 x 60kg
4 sets x 3 reps x 80kg - the technique was still pretty bad, but better than the last time! Noticed that my right leg is way too weaker than my right leg...

Warm up sets -12xbar, 8x45kg, 5x55kg
3 sets x 3 reps x 65kg
2 set x 3 reps x 60kg

Super Set 1:
Walking Lunges - 3 sets 12 reps per leg 20kg dumbbells total weight
Lateral Rises - 3 sets x 10 reps 10kg dumbbells

Super Set 2:
Chin ups on an assisted machine - 3 sets x 5 reps - 15kg assisted
Dips on an assisted machine - 3 sets x 5 reps - 15 kg assisted

Super Set 3:
Peck Deck Machine - 45kg - 10, 12, 15 reps
Reverse Flyes - 30 kg - 3 sets x 10 reps

Super Set 4:
4 sets of biceps curls
4 sets of triceps presses

Produced some nice instagram pics :)
So 04.03. and 05.03.2018 I had rest days. I had to measure my new 1RMs, but I really have no time to deal with that.
I am going to pull a new hypertrophy and strength mixed program in the next 9 weeks approximately.
I also have not so much time for work outs so I am upping the intensity by a lot, while I will keep the weights low initially.

This is how the new program will look like:

Day 1
Squad - 3 warm up sets - 10,8,5 reps
4 Strength Sets - 4 reps
1 or 2 additional sets - 8-10 reps

DL - 3 warm up sets
4 Strenght Sets x 5 reps

Super Set 1:
1 leg exercise - lunges, BG squat, walking lunges - looking for 40-50 per leg
lat rises - 3-4 sets x 10-12 reps

Super Set 2:
hamstring curles - 3-4 sets x 10 reps
calves - 3-4 sets x 10 reps

Day 2
Bench - 3 warm up sets
4 Strenght Sets
1 or 2 additional sets - could be inclined or declined or both

Vertical Pull - 3-4 sets x 10 reps
Horizontal Pull - 3-4 sets x 10 reps

Super Set 1:
biceps curl 3-4 sets x 12-15
triceps work 3-4 sets x 12-15

Super set 2:
Shrugs - 3-4 sets x 10 reps
reverse flyes - 3-4 sets x 10 reps

Rest 1 day

Day 3

Squad - 3 warm up sets - 10,8,5 reps
4 Strength Sets - 4 reps
1 or 2 additional sets - 8-10 reps

Romanian DL -
3 sets x 10

OHP - 3 warm up sets - there is 2 days rest afterwards so plenty of time for recovery
4 Strenght Sets x 5 reps
1 or 2 additional sets - 8-10 reps

Super Set 1:
1 leg exercise - lunges, BG squat, walking lunges - looking for 40-50 per leg
lat rises - 3-4 sets x 10-12 reps

Super Set 2:
hamstring curles - 3-4 sets x 10 reps
calves - 3-4 sets x 10 reps

Day 4

Bench - 3 warm up sets
4 Strenght Sets
1 or 2 additional sets - could be inclined or declined or both

Vertical Pull - 3-4 sets x 10 reps
Horizontal Pull - 3-4 sets x 10 reps

Super Set 1:
biceps curl 3-4 sets x 12-15
triceps work 3-4 sets x 12-15

Super set 2:
Shrugs - 3-4 sets x 10 reps
reverse flyes - 3-4 sets x 10 reps

Rest 2 days

I will start to work with less sets in the beginning where I doubt about the number of sets and adjust to volume accordingly. Going to experiment a bit with the volume and intensity.
Weight Update: 83.5 kg seems like I havent lost weight this week, but I did not have time to manage my meals well. I will try to work on that one.
06.03.2018 Tuesday

Hypertrophy and Strength Workout - week 1 70% of past 1 RM - 5 reps

Day 1
Jump Rope 2 mins
Standing Warm up 3 min

Squad - 3 warm up sets - 12 x bar, 8 x 50kg, 5 x 60 kg
4 Sets x 5 reps - 65 kg
8 x 60 kg

DL - 3 warm up sets - 12 x bar, 8 x 50 kg, 5 x 60 kg
4 Sets x 5 reps - 70 kg

Super Set 1:
Walking Lunges - 3 sets x 10 reps per leg - 10 kg dumbbells each hand - total weight 20 kg
lat rises 4 sets x 10 reps x 10 kg dumbbells

Super Set 2:
hamstring curls - 3 sets x 12 reps x 55 kg
standing calf rises - 3 sets x 15 reps x 75 kg

Workout completed in 40 mins.
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Did you get to test your new maxes??
Did you get to test your new maxes??

No I did not, man. I am keeping up my old maxes, but I cut significantly the rest times by almost half. So the intensity is upped a lot. I just want to work out for now.
Going by 70 % with the numbers I have set in this week. Next week to 75%, third week at 85 % x 3 reps. Then repeat or rise by 5 %. We will see. It is just way too freaking intensive right now, I sweat like a pig and I like it.

Sorry to disappoint, but really had no time to test maxes. I am going to go by how I feel the weights.
No I did not, man. I am keeping up my old maxes, but I cut significantly the rest times by almost half. So the intensity is upped a lot. I just want to work out for now.
Going by 70 % with the numbers I have set in this week. Next week to 75%, third week at 85 % x 3 reps. Then repeat or rise by 5 %. We will see. It is just way too freaking intensive right now, I sweat like a pig and I like it.

Sorry to disappoint, but really had no time to test maxes. I am going to go by how I feel the weights.
It's quite alright, it's your program. Don't really understand how you don't have time to test your maxes, as it could be done with one or two sessions, but it's entirely up to you.

Intensity is measured in load usually btw, so just cutting rest times wont necessarily make you stronger, but it will make you more endurant and give you a good workout. Do what you feel like.
It's quite alright, it's your program. Don't really understand how you don't have time to test your maxes, as it could be done with one or two sessions, but it's entirely up to you.

Intensity is measured in load usually btw, so just cutting rest times wont necessarily make you stronger, but it will make you more endurant and give you a good workout. Do what you feel like.

Thanks for the support, man. I feel like I did not listen to you much. But it is really busy in life right now. Just for today:
6:15 - am wake up
7:15 - at gym and work out
7:55 - finished working out
8:10 - out of the gym walking to the bus station - running actually most of the time
8:30 - at the bus - 40 mins drive reading
9:10 - at the town I work at
9:25 - at work
1: 20 - at bus station - bus drive 40 mins reading
2 - at driving licence course
3-4 - bank and bills
4 to 4:30 - half an hour with the companys accountant
4:30 - 5:30 - rest
5:30 - 6 - getting some wood for my grandma from her basement
6-8 rest
8-9 - work from home, e-mails, promotions, managing online stuff

Tomorrow is even busier.
07.03.2018 Wednesday

Hypertrophy and Strength Workout - week 1 70% of past 1 RM - 5 reps

Day 2

Jump Rope 2 mins
Warm up 3-4 mins

Bench - 12 x bar, 8 x 40 kg, 5 x 50 kg
4 Sets x 5 reps - 55 kg

Pull Downs - 3 sets x 10 reps - x 45 kg
Horizontal Pull Machine - 3 sets x 10 reps x 75 kg

Super Set 1:
biceps curl 4 sets x 10 reps - 15 kg
triceps work 4 sets x 10 reps

Super set 2:
Shrugs - 2 sets x 20 reps - 15kg dumbbells
reverse flyes - 3 sets x 10 reps - 5 kg dumbbels

In general I felt it very light and I had not much time to train today. Finished that in about 30 mins.
08.03.2018 Thursday

LISS run 3.2 km
09.03.2018 Friday

Hypertrophy and Strength Workout - week 1 70% of past 1 RM - 5 reps

Day 3
Jump Rope 2 mins
Standing Warm up 3 min

Squad - 3 warm up sets - 12 x bar, 8 x 50kg, 5 x 60 kg
4 Sets x 5 reps - 65 kg
Front Squad - 2 sets x 8 reps x 40 kg

Rpmanian DL - 2 warm up sets - 12 x bar 8 x 40 kg
3 sets x 8 reps x 60 kg

No time for other stuff. I will compensate in the tomorrows work out. I am not working tomorrow.
10.03.2018 Saturday

Hypertrophy and Strength Workout - week 1 70% of past 1 RM - 5 reps

Jump Rope 2 mins

Bench - 12 x bar, 8 x 40 kg, 5 x 50 kg
4 Sets x 5 reps - 55 kg

OHP machine - cause everything else was used
4 sets x 8 reps with some 40 kg...

Pull Downs - 4 sets x 10 reps - x 50 kg
Horizontal Pull Machine - 3 sets x 10 reps x 75 kg

In general I missed a lot of accessory this week. I may add a work out in a rest day.

Gym was closed yesterday night. Closed this morning so frustrated I went for a run.

5k LISS run. Fucking finally. I am proud of myself.

4x5 pull ups with some cheating

Evening 90 mins soccer. I should have logged about 6-7 km at least.
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12.03.2018 Monday
Rest Day
Huge success in personal life today :)
I also started dating a pretty good looking and decent girl. Its been only 2 dates, but we clicked pretty quick. She also works out :)
13.03.2018 Tuesday

Hypertrophy and Strength Workout - week 2 75% of past 1 RM - 5 reps

Day 1
Jump Rope 2 mins
Standing Warm up 3 min

Squad - 3 warm up sets - 12 x 40, 8 x 50kg, 5 x 60 kg
4 Sets x 5 reps - 70 kg

DL - 3 warm up sets - 12 x 50, 8 x 60 kg, 5 x 70 kg - with shrugs
4 Sets x 5 reps - 75 kg

I was dead tired and again I had no time to do any accessory.
Missing the lunges, the hip curls and lat rises twice already, but time is really limited. I should be able to add them and catch up by the end of week 3. I will try to go to the gym 15 mins earlier.
Hypertrophy and Strength Workout - week 2 75% of past 1 RM - 5 reps

Day 2

Jump Rope 2 mins
Warm up 3-4 mins

Bench - 12 x bar, 8 x 40 kg, 5 x 50 kg
4 Sets x 5 reps - 60 kg

Super Set 1 on assisted machine - 10 kg assisted
Chin up - 6, 6, 6, 4
Dips - 6, 6, 6, 4

Super Set 2:
Barbell Rows - 3 sets x 8 reps x 50 kg
Lateral Rises - 3 sets x 10 reps - 10 kg dumbbells

Super Set 3:
Reverse flyes - 3 sets x 10 reps - 7,5 kg dumbbels
Biceps Curls - 4 sets x 10 reps - 15 kg bar

Super set 4:
Shrugs - 2 sets x 20 reps - 15kg dumbbells
fore arm work

Enjoying my newbie gains this month too. Uploading 2 pics for March. I can see progress from the past pic and it makes me extremelly satisfied :)


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