Crime 'Incredibly Disturbing': Calif. Woman Allegedly Sexually Abused 2 Boys, 14, and Gave Them Drugs

Sure but the story rings true with regards to young man lust for most from puberty.

I don't know one boy I grew up with who would not consider it a lottery win if they could have had sex with the female gym teacher at our junior high-school. I get that parents may want to scream 'abuse' but the kid would be celebrating and king of the friendship circle. there is no harm done to him and quite the opposite with just a sexual interaction with her outside the fallout if it gets outed and she is punished and he is treated like a victim.

I guarantee you that in 99% of cases everything gets better for that young man after. Better confidence not just with girls his own age but in other areas as well. For young men one of the biggest problems they have is an inability to get sex. That is the kid you need to worry about.
Do you know any actual victims or are you basing that 99% on your teenage fantasies?
She gave them drugs and banged them? Sounds horrifying.

It is. If you don't think so, I hope you never have kids.
Sure but the story rings true with regards to young man lust for most from puberty.

I don't know one boy I grew up with who would not consider it a lottery win if they could have had sex with the female gym teacher at our junior high-school. I get that parents may want to scream 'abuse' but the kid would be celebrating and king of the friendship circle. there is no harm done to him and quite the opposite with just a sexual interaction with her outside the fallout if it gets outed and she is punished and he is treated like a victim.

I guarantee you that in 99% of cases everything gets better for that young man after. Better confidence not just with girls his own age but in other areas as well. For young men one of the biggest problems they have is an inability to get sex. That is the kid you need to worry about.
What a creep. Gross.
Sounds like a normal weekend for me when I was 12 with neighbors hot cleaning lady’s Russian daughter
Sure but the story rings true with regards to young man lust for most from puberty.

I don't know one boy I grew up with who would not consider it a lottery win if they could have had sex with the female gym teacher at our junior high-school. I get that parents may want to scream 'abuse' but the kid would be celebrating and king of the friendship circle. there is no harm done to him and quite the opposite with just a sexual interaction with her outside the fallout if it gets outed and she is punished and he is treated like a victim.

I guarantee you that in 99% of cases everything gets better for that young man after. Better confidence not just with girls his own age but in other areas as well. For young men one of the biggest problems they have is an inability to get sex. That is the kid you need to worry about.
One of their biggest problems in the inability to get some? No. Full stop. Kids have much bigger problems than that. Figuring out who they are, trying to fit in, performing well in school, developing relationships both plutonic and not. Learning how to properly socialize, figuring out what they want to do with their lives.
You want your kid to be used by some hag who obviously can't connect with him on any real level? That breaches the trust that kids naturally have for adults. What happens when he inevitably develops feelings for this woman. When he's used like that, what kind of relationships will he be able to develop down the road? You think he's going to be totally well adjusted just because his buddies gave him high fives? You don't think this doesn't skew his perception of what a proper intimate relationship is? You seriously think this doesn't cause any harm? We are the sum of our experiences.
The first time my kid gets some, I hope it's with a girl he likes and that likes him. Not some lady who's plying him with booze and drugs just to get her rocks off.
Do you know any actual victims or are you basing that 99% on your teenage fantasies?
I know of lots of young men 15, 16 from my peer group who ended up having sex, sometimes first sex with much older women and sometimes women in positions where they would have got i a lot of trouble if caught beyond just the normal age gap trouble.

But of course I grew up when everyone was not connected online and things rarely got to the parents. I know that not one of those boys regretted it after and I can say it was net positive for them in their experience basket. Sorry but young men don't get damaged by sexual experiences with women they want to have to sex with (again outside rare truly abusive cases).

What about you? You know of any victims or do they just exist in your fantasies?
One of their biggest problems in the inability to get some? No. Full stop. Kids have much bigger problems than that. Figuring out who they are, trying to fit in, performing well in school, developing relationships both plutonic and not. Learning how to properly socialize, figuring out what they want to do with their lives.
You want your kid to be used by some hag who obviously can't connect with him on any real level? That breaches the trust that kids naturally have for adults. What happens when he inevitably develops feelings for this woman. When he's used like that, what kind of relationships will he be able to develop down the road? You think he's going to be totally well adjusted just because his buddies gave him high fives? You don't think this doesn't skew his perception of what a proper intimate relationship is? You seriously think this doesn't cause any harm? We are the sum of our experiences.
The first time my kid gets some, I hope it's with a girl he likes and that likes him. Not some lady who's plying him with booze and drugs just to get her rocks off.
I wuld argue pretty much everything you stated is tied to a young mans confidence and social status. You take away his confidence and social status and all those things you state grow as problems.

Nothing causes more young men to doubt themselves and harms their confidence then an inability to get laid or success with the opposite sex. We have an entire incel and MGTOW movement because of that. Shattered, damaged young men who don't have the confidence and social skills to get laid.

Getting laid IS NOT the problem. Getting laid DOES NOT damage young men.
Out on a bail of $20k? That's outrageous. Can you imagine what the bail would be if the adult was a man? Whether the victims were boys or girls, a man gets no bail in a case like this or it's crazy high.
never trust a chick with a long philtrum
And girls dream about fucking grown ass men when they are in high school. Guess that makes it ok for male teachers to sleep with their female students now.

And then when they're in their 20s who is going to think they made a big mistake and be full of regret? The boys will still be bragging about it.
I know of lots of young men 15, 16 from my peer group who ended up having sex, sometimes first sex with much older women and sometimes women in positions where they would have got i a lot of trouble if caught beyond just the normal age gap trouble.

But of course I grew up when everyone was not connected online and things rarely got to the parents. I know that not one of those boys regretted it after and I can say it was net positive for them in their experience basket. Sorry but young men don't get damaged by sexual experiences with women they want to have to sex with (again outside rare truly abusive cases).

What about you? You know of any victims or do they just exist in your fantasies?
I know actual victims and it gets old dealing with people who think everyone comes out clean from these situations
Female pedophiles aren't taken seriously enough and it is pretty gross seeing opinions like yours.

"Sorry but young men don't get damaged by sexual experiences with women they want to have to sex with"
The level of ignorance in that statement is so damn high. Plenty of teens get fucked up from sexual situations even with people their own age.
I know actual victims and it gets old dealing with people who think everyone comes out clean from these situations
Female pedophiles aren't taken seriously enough and it is pretty gross seeing opinions like yours.

"Sorry but young men don't get damaged by sexual experiences with women they want to have to sex with"
The level of ignorance in that statement is so damn high. Plenty of teens get fucked up from sexual situations even with people their own age.
You are either trolling or do not know how to use words properly.

No one is applauding female pedophiles and the term does not apply here. These boys are not prepubescent. They are post puberty. Some at age 16 are in the army and off to war, killing people. They are young MEN even if today's society wants to treat them as if they are not. I know many young men and women who emancipated from their parents at 15 and 16 by starting court actions themselves to get away from bad situations at home.

So get your terms straight as the term pedophilia simply is not appropriate for this discussion.
You are either trolling or do not know how to use words properly.

No one is applauding female pedophiles and the term does not apply here. These boys are not prepubescent. They are post puberty. Some at age 16 are in the army and off to war, killing people. They are young MEN even if today's society wants to treat them as if they are not. I know many young men and women who emancipated from their parents at 15 and 16 by starting court actions themselves to get away from bad situations at home.

So get your terms straight as the term pedophilia simply is not appropriate for this discussion.

That is where you are gonna drag this argument? Into semantics over pedo/hebe/ephebophillia? Pedophilia is used a blanket term in discussions like this to refer to adults who sleep with underage children.

But hey, we sent boys to war in the past and that worked out just fine, right? Guess we can allow them to be taken advantage of by adults in sexual situations.
I have 3.
And you sit here and say to me "whats the big deal about adults drugging and diddling kids" or did I misread something about the post?
I wuld argue pretty much everything you stated is tied to a young mans confidence and social status. You take away his confidence and social status and all those things you state grow as problems.

Nothing causes more young men to doubt themselves and harms their confidence then an inability to get laid or success with the opposite sex. We have an entire incel and MGTOW movement because of that. Shattered, damaged young men who don't have the confidence and social skills to get laid.

Getting laid IS NOT the problem. Getting laid DOES NOT damage young men.
That's funny because your rantings sound Incel and MGTOW ish. People that way over value finding a place to park their dink. You know who has trouble getting some? People that are entirely focused on it, and that think that their ability to land takedowns defines them. Getting laid doesn't give you confidence. Being confident gets you laid. You got it all bass ackwards.
That is where you are gonna drag this argument? Into semantics over pedo/hebe/ephebophillia? Pedophilia is used a blanket term in discussions like this to refer to adults who sleep with underage children.

But hey, we sent boys to war in the past and that worked out just fine, right? Guess we can allow them to be taken advantage of by adults in sexual situations.
I don't consider it a semantic at all. Not even a little bit.

Saying a young boy of 15/16 having sex is not the same as a 3 year old boy having sex is just semantic and I can pretend you are ok with all of the above, is not accurate.

The vast majority of men (who were all young men) who opine on this topic, as you see in this thread as well, feel it is fine based on their experience and those of others they know. I doubt a single one of them would see you applying a broad brush pedophilia label to all as accurate or just semantic.
I don't consider it a semantic at all. Not even a little bit.

Saying a young boy of 15/16 having sex is not the same as a 3 year old boy having sex is just semantic and I can pretend you are ok with all of the above, is not accurate.

The vast majority of men (who were all young men) who opine on this topic, as you see in this thread as well, feel it is fine based on their experience and those of others they know. I doubt a single one of them would see you applying a broad brush pedophilia label to all as accurate or just semantic.

So can I say you support Ephebophilia? Because it sounds like you support Ephebophilia?

Are you happy with the terms now?
I know actual victims and it gets old dealing with people who think everyone comes out clean from these situations
Female pedophiles aren't taken seriously enough and it is pretty gross seeing opinions like yours.

"Sorry but young men don't get damaged by sexual experiences with women they want to have to sex with"
The level of ignorance in that statement is so damn high. Plenty of teens get fucked up from sexual situations even with people their own age.

Thank you for this post. I can't believe that woman was released on only a $20k bail!
That's funny because your rantings sound Incel and MGTOW ish. People that way over value finding a place to park their dink. You know who has trouble getting some? People that are entirely focused on it, and that think that their ability to land takedowns defines them. Getting laid doesn't give you confidence. Being confident gets you laid. You got it all bass ackwards.
lol. yes confidence DOES get you laid. But you know what helps young men gain confidence? Getting laid does. It is wonderful circular. And dangerously circular the other way. Young men who lack confidence often cannot get laid and barbecue they cannot get laid there confidence erodes more.

there is a reason dads in olden days would drag the son off to a pro if he was struggling to get laid and dad cold see mounting issues because of that. T here is a true slippery slope there. But i do not have it backwards. Its circular. Each plays into the other and you cannot identify the start and finish. They are intertwined.