intermitant fasting

I have been doing IF for about 1 month now. It's hard to tell how much fat I have lost because my weight fluctuate like crazy depending on when I weigh myself, when I fast, etc.

However, in the mirror I can clearly see I have dropped a lot of bodyfat.

While eating I have been eating whatever I want, I didn't turn down any food. If I wanted it, it would eat it. But I stuck to 2 24 hour fasts per week.

Starting yesterday I started to count calories so I am interested to see what happens now.

Yesterday morning I was 215.6, this morning I was 212.6.

My hope is to get down to under 200lbs which is a weight I haven't seen since highschool.

I will continued BJJ as well as weight training and some form of cardio a couple times per day.
LOL. I stand corrected.

Right there with you, buddy :redface:

*does the same*

My name is immovablestone, and I am a sugarholic...

I could totally abstain from soda and candy if it WERE NOT SO FUCKING DELICIOUS OMG NOW I WANT A BUTTERFINGER OMNOMNOMNOM.

Seriously though:

1. On workout days I'll have a candy or 2 from the vending machine
2. Sometimes at lunch I'll have about half a 20oz soda
3. After lifting on Saturdays I will have a soda or two with dinner

Other than that, my "junk food" intake is non-existent.
I could totally abstain from soda and candy if it WERE NOT SO FUCKING DELICIOUS OMG NOW I WANT A BUTTERFINGER OMNOMNOMNOM.

<----- wants a fucking Butterfinger now.

LOL, you guys are disgusting. How do you crave that kind of thing? I'd rather have a steak. Is it only during certain times that you crave stuff like that? I guess my body just doesn't feel like it wants sugar/sugary shit ever. I only ever drink water, and can't stand sodas, I dunno.
LOL, you guys are disgusting. How do you crave that kind of thing? I'd rather have a steak. Is it only during certain times that you crave stuff like that? I guess my body just doesn't feel like it wants sugar/sugary shit ever. I only ever drink water, and can't stand sodas, I dunno.

Don't get me wrong amigo, I crave...wait a minute...almost trolled myself.

I love a sounds t3h gh3y too...hmm...


If given the choice, porterhouse v. butterfinger, 99/100 times I'm going to choose the porterhouse. As far as what I drink, I drink about 1-1.5 gallons of water per day. Soda is a rare treat (not even daily). Candy is delicious. Soda is delicious. For a while when I went 0 sugar and I slowly started adding sugar back in to my diet I could barely stomach the sweetness of most processed foods (I couldn't even eat fucking ketchup).

Somewhere along the line, I realized that my body gives very few fucks about where the carbohydrates are coming from, whether its from potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, sugary drinks, candy, fruit, corn, rice, or milk. After coming to the conclusion that the total amount of carbs, not whether it was sugar or not, was the biggest factor I needed to control, my ability to "stomach" sweet foods increased. Now that I have my addiction to OMFGSWEETNESSGIVETOMERAWR under control, somewhat, I can trust myself not to gorge on sugary foods.
Don't get me wrong amigo, I crave...wait a minute...almost trolled myself.

I love a sounds t3h gh3y too...hmm...


If given the choice, porterhouse v. butterfinger, 99/100 times I'm going to choose the porterhouse. As far as what I drink, I drink about 1-1.5 gallons of water per day. Soda is a rare treat (not even daily). Candy is delicious. Soda is delicious. For a while when I went 0 sugar and I slowly started adding sugar back in to my diet I could barely stomach the sweetness of most processed foods (I couldn't even eat fucking ketchup).

Somewhere along the line, I realized that my body gives very few fucks about where the carbohydrates are coming from, whether its from potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, sugary drinks, candy, fruit, corn, rice, or milk. After coming to the conclusion that the total amount of carbs, not whether it was sugar or not, was the biggest factor I needed to control, my ability to "stomach" sweet foods increased. Now that I have my addiction to OMFGSWEETNESSGIVETOMERAWR under control, somewhat, I can trust myself not to gorge on sugary foods.

Ok, you meat-craving sausage smoker! I guess I just don't "get" the whole sugar craving because I'm in the same boat as you when you avoided sugar: the thought of something as sweet as ketchup makes me want to gag.

OMFGSWEETNESSGIVETOMERAWR for the loss! :icon_chee
LOL, you guys are disgusting. How do you crave that kind of thing? I'd rather have a steak. Is it only during certain times that you crave stuff like that? I guess my body just doesn't feel like it wants sugar/sugary shit ever. I only ever drink water, and can't stand sodas, I dunno.

I've just always had a bad sweet tooth. I usually want something sweet after a meal. Most of the time I don't give in, but every couple weeks I'll have a candy bar. The only soda I ever drink is Coke Zero or Diet Coke Lime, and although I have been known to drink an energy drink or two, it's infrequent and usually sugar free and not carbonated.
I've just always had a bad sweet tooth. I usually want something sweet after a meal. Most of the time I don't give in, but every couple weeks I'll have a candy bar. The only soda I ever drink is Coke Zero or Diet Coke Lime, and although I have been known to drink an energy drink or two, it's infrequent and usually sugar free and not carbonated.

Do you eat carbs? When you eat meals, I mean? When I stopped doing that for the most part, my cravings ended.
I could totally abstain from soda and candy if it WERE NOT SO FUCKING DELICIOUS OMG NOW I WANT A BUTTERFINGER OMNOMNOMNOM.

Seriously though:

1. On workout days I'll have a candy or 2 from the vending machine
2. Sometimes at lunch I'll have about half a 20oz soda
3. After lifting on Saturdays I will have a soda or two with dinner

Other than that, my "junk food" intake is non-existent.

I binge on sweets sporadically when I'm injured and can't keep myself busy (like the last few weeks, grade two strain of a hammy, after several months of awesome) and that's literally it.

So a few times a year I go about a month shoving cookies and shit (whole foods fresh bakery chocolate chip, anyone?!?) down my throat with wild abandon... Maybe by the time I'm 40 I'll have it under control, hah, as it gets a little better every year.

The only saving grace is I know that once I can train like a motherfucker again, the psychological cravings stop, and combined with my new-found love for IF, it'll all be ok again soon after...

And to the guy who said we're all disgusting for liking treats, you can go die in a sugarless fire...
Refraining from soda 99% of the time, makes that can/glass/bottle absolutely bombass when you finally give into temptation. No way I could ever give up sweats, almost impossible to go a week without one or two candy bars sneaked in. Have you guys tried these; swear they have crack in them as I can never buy just one.

Not to disrupt the discussion of my fellow sugaholics, but I have noticed I have less sugar cravings since I started experimenting with IF (16/8) this week.

Two questions:
- I feel a slight headache during the morning when I am fasting. Is anyone else experiencing this?

- Is it imperative to eat and hence end the fasting time after a workout? Or is is possible to train at the 12 hour mark and then not eat until the 16 or 17 hour mark?

So far, I quite enjoy the IF method.

Cheers and thanks for all the good info!
Do you eat carbs? When you eat meals, I mean? When I stopped doing that for the most part, my cravings ended.

Only from vegetables. My cravings for sugars have definitely gone down since I started eating Primal, and more after I started IF.
Two questions:
- I feel a slight headache during the morning when I am fasting. Is anyone else experiencing this?

- Is it imperative to eat and hence end the fasting time after a workout? Or is is possible to train at the 12 hour mark and then not eat until the 16 or 17 hour mark?

- It happens to a lot of people initially, it disappears after a while. Drinking a lot of water, coffee or tea helps also.

- Not sure for the second question, so I won't comment. My guess is that 2 hours more of IF won't hinder your performance, but I'm really not sure. Also you should have some BCAA before training, in case you don't.
Blood glucose levels don't actually get acutely lower while fasting (small spikes while eating, but in normal people they are quickly reigned in where 2h postprandial readings are back near baseline). For IF in the long term, lower fasting blood glucose levels have only been shown in animals and never in humans (evidence to the contrary, either a raise in FBG or it stays the same). If person Y eats six small meals a day and person X eats only one large meal a day, area under the glucose and insulin curve will likely be similar. What actually happens in Y vs. X is that Y's balance of inflammatory/anti-inflammatory molecules is shifted towards inflammation while X's is shifted towards anti-inflammation. The inevitable result is not weight loss, as most calorie controlled IF studies in humans and animals don't show significant differences in weight loss. Weight loss is still largely due to calorie control, perhaps IF can make one more susceptible to weight loss or body recomposition, but the evidence so far is lacking.

I know it seems intuitive and correct to think "well, I'm not stuffing my face so my insulin and sugar must be going down therefore I'm healthy" but it's NEVER that simple. There's always dozens or hundreds of players involved in a complicated symphony. Your body is the most complicated soup in existence. It's not input -> output in a clear direct order.

So what your saying is as long as your getting enough calories there will be no differance in blood sugar levels regardless of how many or few meals you have i.e. 6 500 calories meals will be the same as 1 3000 calorie one and there will be no drop in energy or blood glucose levels? That one giant meal will be able to carry over all day and give you suffienct energy needs as long as its enogh calories.

As in X's example he just gains those extra benefits of anti inflamatory and body recomp benefits but energy wise he's the same as y. Did I read that correct?
So what your saying is as long as your getting enough calories there will be no differance in blood sugar levels regardless of how many or few meals you have i.e. 6 500 calories meals will be the same as 1 3000 calorie one and there will be no drop in energy or blood glucose levels? That one giant meal will be able to carry over all day and give you suffienct energy needs as long as its enogh calories.

As in X's example he just gains those extra benefits of anti inflamatory and body recomp benefits but energy wise he's the same as y. Did I read that correct?

If you have normal (healthy) insulin secretion levels, insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance, yes, your blood sugar will remain relatively consistent quite quickly after a meal. Eating that one 3000 meal will keep your blood glucose levels higher for a slightly longer duration postprandial and the peak of the spike will be higher, that it would add up to the same are under the glucose curve as the 6x500kcal meals.

There are exceptions, when people have poor postprandial glucose tolerance, poor insulin secretion or poor insulin sensitivity (or all three) where glucose stays elevated so long that it's elevated all the way until the individual eats again (maintaining a consistent elevated level). Or there's the other end of the spectrum, where someone's glucose clearance is so high and/or their hepatic production of glucose is so poor that they experience symptoms of hypoglycemia if they don't eat, and their blood sugar drops and their energy levels plummet.

Yes, you read that correct. The anti-inflammatory and neural benefits of habitual IF can lead to better glucose clearance (via better insulin sensitivity), which means less area under the glucose curve. But this likely won't change their 14-hour fasting glucose readings if their glucose clearance wasn't complete 100% garbage from the get-go.