Is it ever ok for a man to hit a woman?

Is it ever ok for a man to hit a woman

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Yes, if the woman looks like this:
Has anyone said equal rights, equal lefts yet?
I mean, if the woman is literally losing her mind and attacking you with everything shes got or doing any kind of harm to you. Well, at that point i would try to restrain her crazy ass. If shes going batshit crazy and might cause an injury or some serious damage ...she might get laid out, lol. I shouldnt laugh, but some people just dont know when to stop and dont realize they are inflicting pain. If your numerous cries of "stop" and "you are hurting me, dont make me stop you" go absolutely unheard....they are asking for it.

Then you have guys like an old friend of mine who literally got slashed with a knife after being hit and had shit thrown at him. He said there was no way he was attacking or hitting a woman, let alone someone he loved.

I just looked at his damaged face and arm full of stiches and said, ni$%a, you crazy.
Hes 1 less person in my group during the zombie apocalypse.