Social Is Joe Rogan a menace to public health? Megathread

Are the doctors who signed the letter correct?

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I listen to rogans podcast somewhat often, and I end up disagreeing with his takes like 60 percent of the time.

I don't understand this notion that his followers are just going to mindlessly disregard everything else but the word of joe on covid
I listen to rogans podcast somewhat often, and I end up disagreeing with his takes like 60 percent of the time.

I don't understand this notion that his followers are just going to mindlessly disregard everything else but the word of joe on covid
Well, the people who are mad at him mindlessly follow what anyone with a (D) next to their name says so they assume everyone else does the same.
I listen to rogans podcast somewhat often, and I end up disagreeing with his takes like 60 percent of the time.

I don't understand this notion that his followers are just going to mindlessly disregard everything else but the word of joe on covid

One of the most commonly cited things by anti-vaxers is the Dr. Robert Malone interview, which is full of flat out lies about COVID. The misinformation is spreading rapidly.
Thank God we have Joe Rogan. Immune to the Woke Cancel Culture and able to present opposing viewpoints not acceptable by "Authorities and Experts". Fuck Big Media and Big Tech who have actively tried to suppress discussion outside of the "Approved" narratives. You fucks hating on Joe Rogan are infected by the slave mind... I don't agree with everything he says or everyone he has on his show, but it's better for all of us that he's able to do what he's doing.

Maybe these doctors would also like to send people like him to special camps where they can keep an eye on them so they don't damage society.

Never think doctors are above reproach. They'll pervert 'science' to fit economics and agendas. Especially when politics gets involved because that's where real money gets exchanged.
i listen to rogan podcast all the time, since like 2010, but i would never take health advice from that dude. some ppl are a special kind of stupid i guess..
Ive said it since day one of his podcast. Joe is an idiot that has a niche for making guests come across as genuine humans. Who comments on every topic like he has insight when he's a expert in none.

??? He brings various guests including experts onto his show. How many times has Joe said himself he isn't an expert?

Water is wet I guess
Show us on the doll where he touched you...

And tell us how you know he's lying

I posted this in another thread so I am going to copy this over. This is a list of some of the misleading and/or false claims that Dr. Malone made on the podcast with Joe.

He said half a million deaths in the US from COVID were due to the blocking of early treatment of the virus by the government. Completely untrue. He is likely referencing hydroxycholoroquine and ivermectin.
He said hydroxychloroquine was effective at treating SARS1. The study he is likely referencing was done on monkey kidney cells in vitro. It has been shown it was not effective in humans with SARS1.
He said the Chinese government was using hydroxychloroquine effectively to treat COVID. There is no evidence this is true. There are many studies showing it isn't effective to treat COVID.
He said Japan uses ivermectin to treat COVID. Japanese public health websites all say they do not use ivermectin to treat COVID.
He said the Uttar Pradesh crushed COVID using ivermectin. There is no evidence that shows ivermectin helped Uttar Pradesh "crush" COVID.
He says previous COVID infections and natural immunity gives you a higher risk to have adverse effects from the vaccine. The data shows that this is untrue.
He said any information that goes against Fauci and the CDC is deleted. This is not true. There is a constant flood of this information in countless publications.
He said PCR COVID tests are non-specific. This is untrue, they have done studies with other viruses (not COVID) and PCR COVID tests come back negative. The test is specific.
He claimed that a patient with a bullet hole to the head that comes up COVID positive with a nose swab will be determined to have been a COVID death. The death has to be a natural death to be considered a COVID death.
He claimed that the COVID vaccine is toxic to the ovary. This has been proven to not be true.
He said the pharmaceutical companies never proved their protein spikes are safe. They have been proven to be safe in all phases of vaccine research
He claimed there were no omicron deaths in the world. Although there aren't many, this is untrue.
He said it is possible that patients are not being treated with monoclonal antibodies to keep people sick. There is no evidence this is true and monoclonal antibodies are less effective to treat omicron versus delta. They are widely used and recommended
He said children shouldn't be vaccinated. Nationwide hospitalizations among children have increased 50% in the final week of December. Unvaccinated children are almost exclusively the population of children being hospitalized with COVID.
He claimed he invented the mRNA vaccine. This is not true. He did a bit of research on it, but was not even close to a main contributor.
Show us on the doll where he touched you...

And tell us how you know he's lying

Someone with a (D) next to their name on TV said he was lying so I automatically believe them without having them explain themselves.
lol at former marine failure who bangs trannies in Brazil talking crap..
20 years successfully retired and never have to work again. That kinda "failure"? Been to Colombia x5, Belize x3, Brazil x2 since Nov. 2020. That kind of "failure"?

And some faceless anonymous spouting "tranny aaaaaahh"... Just typical nonsense of someones being called out on their sh1+. Just digging hole for yourself one post at a time huh? cool..
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I posted this in another thread so I am going to copy this over. This is a list of some of the misleading and/or false claims that Dr. Malone made on the podcast with Joe.

He said half a million deaths in the US from COVID were due to the blocking of early treatment of the virus by the government. Completely untrue. He is likely referencing hydroxycholoroquine and ivermectin.
He said hydroxychloroquine was effective at treating SARS1. The study he is likely referencing was done on monkey kidney cells in vitro. It has been shown it was not effective in humans with SARS1.
He said the Chinese government was using hydroxychloroquine effectively to treat COVID. There is no evidence this is true. There are many studies showing it isn't effective to treat COVID.
He said Japan uses ivermectin to treat COVID. Japanese public health websites all say they do not use ivermectin to treat COVID.
He said the Uttar Pradesh crushed COVID using ivermectin. There is no evidence that shows ivermectin helped Uttar Pradesh "crush" COVID.
He says previous COVID infections and natural immunity gives you a higher risk to have adverse effects from the vaccine. The data shows that this is untrue.
He said any information that goes against Fauci and the CDC is deleted. This is not true. There is a constant flood of this information in countless publications.
He said PCR COVID tests are non-specific. This is untrue, they have done studies with other viruses (not COVID) and PCR COVID tests come back negative. The test is specific.
He claimed that a patient with a bullet hole to the head that comes up COVID positive with a nose swab will be determined to have been a COVID death. The death has to be a natural death to be considered a COVID death.
He claimed that the COVID vaccine is toxic to the ovary. This has been proven to not be true.
He said the pharmaceutical companies never proved their protein spikes are safe. They have been proven to be safe in all phases of vaccine research
He claimed there were no omicron deaths in the world. Although there aren't many, this is untrue.
He said it is possible that patients are not being treated with monoclonal antibodies to keep people sick. There is no evidence this is true and monoclonal antibodies are less effective to treat omicron versus delta. They are widely used and recommended
He said children shouldn't be vaccinated. Nationwide hospitalizations among children have increased 50% in the final week of December. Unvaccinated children are almost exclusively the population of children being hospitalized with COVID.
He claimed he invented the mRNA vaccine. This is not true. He did a bit of research on it, but was not even close to a main contributor.

Rogan brings a wide range of guests on his show that offer a bunch of different perspectives and his platform allows them to say whatever they want to say. If you’re against that then you have issues.

Who gives a shit about Rogan’s personal opinions. Athletes are straight morons and people listen to them for advice all the time. People listen to religious fanatics all the time. That’s a persons choice to listen to whoever they want.