Is Jon Jones a sociopath/psychopath?

Is Jon Jones a psychopath?

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CTE? Is he a psychopath? Narcissist?

His family were all in town for his Hall of Fame Ceremony.

He was arrested around 5:45 AM. I could see him staying out late and getting drunk/coked up, coming home and his wife being pissed. Leads to an argument and police being called. The fact that its just a few hours after the HOF induction shows his mental volatility. Guy can flip a switch pretty fast.

Do you think we will ever see Jones fight again? Will he face jail time?
Interpersonal problems and it seems like he has major issues with addiction.
He has the resources to fuel it and ego to continue. I'm worried he's going to continue and fucking kill someone in a car wreck.
He's his own man and he'll have to decide what the wake up call is and hopefully he and others won't have to suffer for years longer before he does.
Jesus.. didn't even realize he had 3 little girls at home. This is the fucking example he gives to them? I feel sorry for em.
Classic middle child. Older brother was always the toughest, and younger brother was the baby of the family. Jon acts out and is destructive because he’s never been on the same level as his brothers.
Its pretty obvious he has violent sociopath tendencies, since he's lost control multiple times throughout the last decade.
CTE? Is he a psychopath? Narcissist?

His family were all in town for his Hall of Fame Ceremony.

He was arrested around 5:45 AM. I could see him staying out late and getting drunk/coked up, coming home and his wife being pissed. Leads to an argument and police being called. The fact that its just a few hours after the HOF induction shows his mental volatility. Guy can flip a switch pretty fast.

Do you think we will ever see Jones fight again? Will he face jail time?
Sadly that story is probably too tame for what happened
Lots of experts in here
He's an entitled piece of a shit person. Still best MMA fighter ever tho*.

*Steroids AND a Sociopath.
He's the alpha everywhere he goes, nobody on here can relate.
CTE? Is he a psychopath? Narcissist?

His family were all in town for his Hall of Fame Ceremony.


He was arrested around 5:45 AM. I could see him staying out late and getting drunk/coked up, coming home and his wife being pissed. Leads to an argument and police being called. The fact that its just a few hours after the HOF induction shows his mental volatility. Guy can flip a switch pretty fast.

Do you think we will ever see Jones fight again? Will he face jail time?


His wife will gut him sooner rather than later for his Kids and His MONEY,,,She deserves it all.
It was a reference to his last arrest. He told the cops he had short term memory issues and ADHD for some reason.
bla bla bla....

he is and has always been a ScumBag Criminal............. working on a defence??? Drug use can be a terrible thing
My older son has ADHD and he is not crashing around, coking himself up to the gills or beating women.
People should stop justifying shitty, unacceptable behavior using mental health issues to protect these kind of piece of shit individuals.
I believe Jones has done enough to have his sporting license revoked for good and spend some time in a jail.

People with mental issues need help and support. POS people like Jones need police and a functioning penal system.
Too much enabling from the UFC and the MMA community.

Had he been called out and punished for his previous antics this may not have continued

Anytime he was called out on his behavior his fanboys just cried "hater"

Reap what they sow...
Guys a piece of shit, basically.

Putting aside all of that, MMA fans as a whole give steroid cheats far too much slack.