Social Is there something wrong with Jordan Peterson?

Do you agree with his explanation?

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This by far isn't even the worst case of the plus size models on magazine covers trend. This chick is pretty much on the line of what I would call fat. Solid and chubby yes but not at all blatantly obese.

Peterson is shooting himself in the foot here. If it were this particular magazine cover it would have been justified:

Her having a Miss Piggy tattoo is pretty funny though :D
This by far isn't even the worst case of the plus size models on magazine covers trend. This chick is pretty much on the line of what I would call fat. Solid and chubby yes but not at all blatantly obese.

Peterson is shooting himself in the foot here. If it were this particular magazine cover it would have been justified:
Look her up. She's fucking enormous. Pretty though, if nowhere near her potential if she lost half her mass. Chick is in morbidly obese territory without question.

I get what JP is doing by calling bullshit on gaslighting in media, but something as subjective as beauty isn't where he should be drawing the line. Could have called out the fact that SI put a dangerous unhealthy person on their cover instead of how he worded it. Be more specific, in other words. I doubt he'd have said something similar if it was Sarah Jessica Parker on the cover.
I have found most Peterson haters to be pathetic POS losers.

PS I have seen a good chunk of his videos and read his books.

He is right though. His problem is with the left's attack on beauty...whether is be a big great fat person or trans on the cover of say the swimsuit issue.

I love asian women and this woman is fat and not hot.... I mean, we finally get an asian woman on the cover and she is a fat pig.

Now, JP should not quit twitter over the crying... he should be used to that by now.


Put this woman on the damn cover!
The cover of what, praying mantis quarterly?
Many big companies required vaccines or they fired you. Are you saying people should sacrifice their jobs, livelihood, house, supporting their families all to not be a fool? Perhaps there are levels to mistrust and some people will take their chances on something they vehemently disagree with when the alternative is certain monetary and other pain
Yes they should have stood up. No possible loss of job isnt an excuse to abandon your principles. If you did you arent principled and essentially worship money. I wore the mask at work. I told my boss straight up require the shot and i will leave on the spot. Resourceful people find a way and im no ones fucking slave. You dont own me and you cant force me to take an experimental shot with absolutely no one guaranteeing if im hurt or killed my family will be take care of. If you took the shot to keep your job youre a bitch, its just the truth.
Look her up. She's fucking enormous. Pretty though, if nowhere near her potential if she lost half her mass. Chick is in morbidly obese territory without question.

I get what JP is doing by calling bullshit on gaslighting in media, but something as subjective as beauty isn't where he should be drawing the line. Could have called out the fact that SI put a dangerous unhealthy person on their cover instead of how he worded it. Be more specific, in other words. I doubt he'd have said something similar if it was Sarah Jessica Parker on the cover.
look who up? the chick in this thread or the magazine I posted?
A lot of fat chicks have pretty faces, or you can at least see how they could have a pretty face if they lost a chin or three. To me this makes them (the chicks) tragic figures instead of impossible to miss targets of derision. It also makes it easier to go hogging during times of sexual famine.

Homegirl isn't a sloppy mess like Tess Holiday, just curvy and thicc. She drops ten or twenty pounds (imo) and does certain exercises to consolidate her booty and I'd easily go from softwood lumber to a firm "wood."

Peterson is good at what he's good at, but when he doesn't stay in his lane his ideas are the equivalent of me trying to skate or swim. I think the dude is slightly autistic or is having trouble managing his mood disorder. Or maybe he's simply interpersonally incompetent in ways that is compromising his transition from academia to the semi-grift of his current celebrity status.

Even still, the hate that man gets from some quarters is mostly unwarranted. I mean, isn't he also in the Great Western Priesthood of TheScience?
She doesn’t even have a pretty face. At least choose a fatty that has a nice face.
This by far isn't even the worst case of the plus size models on magazine covers trend. This chick is pretty much on the line of what I would call fat. Solid and chubby yes but not at all blatantly obese.

Peterson is shooting himself in the foot here. If it were this particular magazine cover it would have been justified:
I still remember Rogan calling her a giant gelatinous bag of meat, or something like that lol
A few days ago he made a comment about a plus size model who got put on the cover of Sport Illustrated

While I get where he's coming from and don't really think that woman is attractive enough to be on the cover, I just thought it came off kind of nasty and immature the way Jordan Peterson worded it. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't lose a little bit of respect for him after that

He then got lots of backlash because of his comments then posted another series of tweets about how bad twitter is for people and that he will be stepping away, yet he's continued posting. I'm seriously wondering about the guy's mental health now and if he's developed another addiction

Never liked him. He sounds like a whiny bitch, so I have never bee able to listen to any of his interviews and such at length. This just shows he is that, a whiny dork who can spit fire but can't take the heat himself. LAME
Yes, there's a lot wrong with Peterson these days. I used to like some of his stuff and I think he used to make really interesting points about things.

But fame has been pretty cruel to him, and probably has him living in a bit of an echo chamber. He's had to make a very abrupt adjustment late in life from academic to celebrity book shill. Lastly, addiction and disease wreaked havoc on his life.

Today he seems like a husk of the guy who burst on to the scene following his Cathy Newman interview. He's not just intellectually or ideologically outraged, he's angry and bitter and lashing out at cable TV talking points. He's gone from fighting compelled speech to calling bathing suit catalogs authoritarian.

i called this before he crashed. peterson was never ready for any of this.... barely getting by himself emotionally and is not fit for public life and the pressures of it.

i suspect he had some kind of beginners spiritual awakening and like all beginners he thought he had reached the summit and started preaching not realizing he was absolutely coming down off that fucking mountain to do some basic work. same thing happened to conor too. its realy common. it happened to me also in my twenties but i was lucky enough to be doing it on a tiny scale nobody cared about so the fall was not public.

peterson is a beginner at life.
To be fair there have been other periods in time when a woman being a bit obese was celebrated. It meant that they were fertile, capable of childbirth and not malnourished, like most people would've been.

The woman in that cover is pretty similar to the body type you'll find in a lot of historical paintings.


Just kidding. In all seriousness...
I like listening to him talk about Jung and the Hero's Journey. I like all his stuff he ripped off Steven Pinker.
I dont see the issue here, she's fat and has no business showing off her jelly rolls