Is trick or treating dying?

there are some areas where the homeowners are REALLY into it, and it turns out that a few of my neighbors are that way, and pretty soon, I wont be able to resist. I ran out of candy so fast, the lines were ridiculous....... I have a young neighbor and they go all out, had a bubble machine that blew smoke bubbles, which was darn amazing. Lights, mini haunted house, etc. Other neighbors get in on it as well, and all the sudden, we've got a crowd going.

down the street about a few miles away, they closed a whole street for halloween, and had a block party going......... that attracted entire neighborhoods. Some of the retirees were giving full size candy bars.... impressive
Sounds like a blast. I do my house up, and get nobody… I do it anyway for the love of it. About 3/4 a mile away, and the whole neighborhood is jumping. Cops had to be around it was so full of little ones in search of sugar.
Not a single trick or treater at my house last night except for my niece…haven’t had one in probably 5 years. Most of the houses around me are summer homes so most houses are empty right now.

People from here drive to a more crowded area to get their candy and it becomes a zoo. They even have cops to navigate the traffic.
First year I saw cops doing the same in my neighborhood. They do in more fancy areas, but gentrification is now bringing them around mine. Not exactly my street, but less than a mile away.
Kids probably recognized your family and poor and did not want to waste their time and effort for candy corn.
I've noticed it too. Theyre probably concerned with reaching a high score. After a few houses, they just give up and spend the night on playstation.
We had zero trick or treaters in my whole neighborhood last night and I say good on that!
The sooner we completely do away with this blaspheme filled demonic paganalia the better we will all be as a society
Too bad your pitpull didn t have a child to disfigure.
It should. Too many wackos and evil people out there. Can't be eating free candy from them. It's parenting malpractice.
We had a good number of kids but I have noticed the numbers are slightly less as the years pass.

I will note that the area had Halloween events (with Candy) from Thursday to Sunday and so on. One lady I know gave me a breakdown and basically took her kid to 4 events then Trick or Treating.

It's muh fav Holiday so we always decorate and have lots a goodies. I pondered handing out weed goodies to the adults but decided against it.
Well, there is still a bit of concern over COVID for some folks.

Other than that, it's likely just the neighborhood aging out. It comes in waves. I've been in my area for a while, and it seems to dip and then rise every few years.
After looking at all the comments in here, it's looking to me like it really is just a case of the neighborhood aging out and/or losing in popularity to other neighborhoods. Before, there would be waves of families dropping kids off into the neighborhood.

I'm still a bit perplexed about all the trick or treaters just walking by all the houses without someone visibly set-up outside though. As much as I like handing out snacks and candy, I'd rather not have to sit outside all night lol.
It probably depends on the neighborhood.

Apparently (as I wasn't around to see it) the neighborhood near my office was absolutely packed once evening hit, with literal lines spilling into the streets as kids queued for some of the houses that really went all-in with the decorations. But that is a nice neighborhood built on a grid with sidewalks and most of the people living there that have young kids are likely higher-end professionals like law/accounting/medical so there's actual community there.

I was admittedly taking my sweet-ass time at the gym after work so I didn't really see the peak crowd at my own neighborhood but it sounds like there weren't many. But this is exurbs with no sidewalks and those windey dead-end roads that subdivision planners love for some reason, so obviously no sense of community there (I literally can't name anyone aside from my immediate next-door neighbors)
I think Halloween is the biggest neighborhood celebration of the year where I live, and I am very grateful.
Put 200 pieces out in a pumpkin bucket on my porch. Was gone by the end of the night, and they didn’t even take the bucket :D
Depends on the community.

I think that knowing your neighbours is a dying concept in general.
it could be, i was driving around during the peak halloween hours and I didn't really see that many trick or treaters, maybe not even 20, which would have been unheard of when I was a kid.

Ironically, there were probably way more grown assed adults in some costume out partying.

Since the seventies, there have been enough shit like people poisoning pills (the reason all pills are sealed today) and urban legends about razors in apples and overall lack of trust in our fellow citizens. I'm sure sickos always existed but that was when terms like serial killer, cult leaders came into their own followed by "stalkers", "mass killers" or what have you a few years later. All of which existed in some form since adam and eve but the media and our own imaginations turned them into even more dramatic entities.

It could be because here in Seattle there have been a ton of teens robbed in broad daylight, a ton of carjackings and muggings. That might make people not want to take the kids out, the criminals basically have run the town since the riots.
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