Is trick or treating dying?


too many crazy motherfuckers.
Many cities have set hours for trick or treating now. I've lived in my house in the country since 1975 and have had 6 trick or treaters in 48 years. At first there were only 6 houses on the mile long block but even after more houses were built, kids didn't trick or treat. Rural parents would take their kids into the city to trick or treat. The shopping malls used to invite kids so their parents took them there. The malls have died out but many places now have trunk or treat where people park their cars in a lot so the kids can get candy without going house to house.

My parents lived in town and they would get 200 kids a year in the 50s, 60s and 70s but as the neighborhood aged out, there were fewer and fewer as most kids parents took them to the shopping malls. I think they had less than 10 in their last year in 2003.
The sooner we completely do away with this blaspheme filled demonic paganalia the better we will all be as a society

Made out like a bandit last night and had a great time.
Don't you mean your kid made out like a bandit......

You better give them delicious candies or they'll empty the air from your cars tires or even slash them. Fucking cunts
Slashing tires?
<escalate99> I haven't seen so much as a TPing around here in many years. Maybe ever.
It probably depends on the neighborhood.

Apparently (as I wasn't around to see it) the neighborhood near my office was absolutely packed once evening hit, with literal lines spilling into the streets as kids queued for some of the houses that really went all-in with the decorations. But that is a nice neighborhood built on a grid with sidewalks and most of the people living there that have young kids are likely higher-end professionals like law/accounting/medical so there's actual community there.

I was admittedly taking my sweet-ass time at the gym after work so I didn't really see the peak crowd at my own neighborhood but it sounds like there weren't many. But this is exurbs with no sidewalks and those windey dead-end roads that subdivision planners love for some reason, so obviously no sense of community there (I literally can't name anyone aside from my immediate next-door neighbors)
Neighborhoods are weird like that. I live on a loop and like 75 percent of the people on it are pretty tight. We've hung out with both neighbors to the right us.. even met up with the one family in Japan in March. Most people stop to bs with one another when we see each other on the street and sometimes invite each other over to party or use their pool or whatever.

When the kids where out on Halloween, the majority on the loop when around together with the parents.. there was a mob of the like 20 people going door too door. It was pretty convenient cause we didn't have to keep getting up to answer the door over and over.

Don't you mean your kid made out like a bandit......

Slashing tires?
<escalate99> I haven't seen so much as a TPing around here in many years. Maybe ever.


I scheduled myself as a delivery driver since Halloween is a mandatory work day and I hate being in the store when the phone rings off the hook and was screwing around trick or treating while delivering pizzas. Ya just drop off then flip that bag and do a few houses. Most people think it's funny and give ya handfuls.

What can I say I never gave up my gi Joe's and I always loved trick or treating.

Perks of my job. I can schedule myself to be on the road for fun things like snow storms Halloween and the air show.

I scheduled myself as a delivery driver since Halloween is a mandatory work day and I hate being in the store when the phone rings off the hook and was screwing around trick or treating while delivering pizzas. Ya just drop off then flip that bag and do a few houses. Most people think it's funny and give ya handfuls.

What can I say I never gave up my gi Joe's and I always loved trick or treating.

Perks of my job. I can schedule myself to be on the road for fun things like snow storms Halloween and the air show.
Just started picking up again in my neighborhood after a few completely dead years. There was a new housing development built a few years ago, so I think the kids just migrated for a bit due to them being perceived as "rich houses".

Lots of people just setting bowls of candy out on the porch since everyone has cameras now. I kinda dig it, honestly. Cool way to set up scare traps. My kids got "got" a few times.
The only area around me that has trick-or-treaters is the military housing. They do it right and set up a nice thing for the kids to do. Otherwise, it's been completely dead for 10+ years now, even when it was on a weekend day. All the kids moved out of the neighborhood, and there are no real families there anymore. The demographics of the neighborhood changed from families to people with roommates or adults living at home to save money, so everyone goes out to bars instead. I moved out of the neighborhood a while back, and it's still the same from what I have seen and heard.

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