International [ISIS Repatriation] Yazidis plead with Canada not to repatriate ISIS members

"Depriving"? Come on now! She willingly relinquished it and even now stands by her decision to side with an enemy of her birthplace. If anything the UK government is honouring her decision.
"Depriving"? Come on now! She willingly relinquished it and even now stands by her decision to side with an enemy of her birthplace. If anything the UK government is honouring her decision.

Remember that discussion thread where "progressive" politicians on Capitol Hill hates Trump so much, they would rather defend MS-M3 gang-bangers?

Apparently, this ISIS bride has no shortage of bleeding-heart MPs in London supporting her cause, just so they can score political points against the party in charge, right after watching Shamima said she has no regrets whatsoever for joining ISIS.
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Shamima Begum was the bucktoothed girl that left the UK and went to live in ISIS with her friends to bred terrorists. She left tower hamlets back in 2015 at 15 years old and is now 19. After ISIS collapsed she is now living in a refugee camp in Syria and asking to be accepted back in the UK.

However, it's just out of convenience, she think it's ok to behead infidels or to bomb kids in the UK, however she wants the welfare checks as living in a refugee camp is too hard.
Here is a small interview with her.
She is only 19 but already had 3 children, 2 are dead already due to disease and malnutrition, and the other one was just born.
And another article here:
Some gems here:
Asked by Times journalist Anthony Loyd whether her experiences of living in the one-time IS stronghold of Raqqa had lived up to her aspirations, Ms Begum said: "Yes, it did. It was like a normal life. The life that they show on the propaganda videos - it's a normal life.

"Every now and then there are bombs and stuff. But other than that..."
Based UK muslim Sajid Javid is not intent on letting her back into holy Europa.
"I'm not putting at risk British people's lives to go and look for terrorists or former terrorists in a failed state."
As people already suspected, this:

Despite the resemblance to the first inhabitants of Britain according to Science was British only on paper. Her mother is Bangladeshi and hence she can have Bangladeshi citizenship and will not be stateless if her British citizenship is revoked.

Some human rights people are concerned that will create a bad precedent where undesirable people will have their citizenship stripped, but it given the extraordinary situation I do not see it as a slippery slope. As long as the UK focus on stripping the citizenship of people like Lady Begum it only makes me happy. Not that I'm British but she would still have free pass all around the EU.
What do you people think? Is that a good move? Should European countries strip as many terrorists of their citizenship as possible?
we all did stupid shit when we were kids. I'm sure she learned her lesson
refreshing news .. if this was canada they'd probably throw out some canadian family from their house to make sure this misunderstood little lady and her devil spawn have a cozy place to stay
This thread helped formed my understanding of the world, thank you so much for sharing.
Fuck her ...and

For the leftist scum who will undoubtedly argue, "derp derp, she was only 15...we all did dumb things as teenagers..."

Fuck you too
Yeah... once you leave to become part of a terrorist organization, you shouldn't be allowed back in.
Her and that girl from Alabama can shack up. Hell, get a tv show out of the deal. Just two girls like Laverne and Shirley, except with more bombs, and less freedoms.