I've officially been fired


About the funniest one I can think of, was when this district manager from Best Buy got fired. I opened the store that morning and got this new hire started on some paperwork in the admin office while I handled some cash for the tills. If you had opened the door and walked into the office, with the safe door open, you couldn't really see what was on the other side of the safe. Well, the district manager knocks on the door to the office and I let him in. No "Good Morning". Immediately, he starts the conversation about his son showing him the infamous R. Kelly video. I tell the guy to stop, but he thinks I'm joking. I was pretty familiar with the guy, and listed to some of the shit he said in the past. Shut the door to the safe, and he saw the new hire. He bolts. The new hire immediately goes into how she wants to speak to someone from HR.

They guy had been with the company for 15 years at that point, and was making over $200,000 with spiffs, in the early 2000's. If I had to guess, the new hire had been with the company for 20 minutes.
Jesus man how could you possibly think that was a good idea lmfao. I’m gonna take a wild guess and say you’re under the age of 27.
If you work with a woman who is cool with that type of banter it’s one thing, but don’t send those types of pics out. That was a mistake.
Moniker does not check out. (Like most of your hoists).
Cmon man… how’d you think that was okay to send at work?

Lol Still funny thread & live/learn or what not.
Best of luck with new gig.
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Welp I've officially been fired after a 3 week investigation by HR. I was a accused of sexual harassment by a backstabbing coworker who pretended to be my friend for so long.

I just want to put this out there for any guys who work with females and interact with them regularly. Never forget that women are women and they don't have the same mentality and sense of humor we men have. So before you think they are just like any of your other buddies take a moment to realize they are not.

Long story short: a female co-worker and I always chat and share jokes and memes and what not. We gossip and talk about inappropriate things too. So I'm thinking this lady is my friend because this is how friends act towards eachother. So anyway we are working from home and we start exchanging memes on messenger. And I jokingly sent her a picture of a guy giving himself a blowjob. She didn't seem offended and didn't raise any objections. We continued chatting and then parted ways in normal fashion.

The next day I get a call from HR. They tell me It's critically important. I must come in the next day.

I go to the office and they tell me I'm suspended until they conclude their investigation into a sexual harassment allegation against me. They told me the allegation was about the image I sent of the man. At that moment I knew I was toast. they told me I wasn't allowed to reach out to my coworkers in any fashion. So I couldn't call her and ask wtf this was all about.

But now it's done. I'm fired. And I'm still baffled by why she did what she did. She could have just said not cool and I would have got the message. I just feel super betrayed that she went nuclear from the start. But now I know my lesson.

So you told her you're gay through a picture?
Never assume a woman is cool, always think "how will this work against me" just like a relationship.

Bonus story: my old coworker assistant manger was so vulgar i almost reported her.
"Would you fuck Leslee? (Her friend and assistant manger)
"Did you ever fist your fiancee?"
"You think her pussy farts when they fuck cause shes so fat?"
Was just my daily interactions with her.
There's literally no context in life where sending that picture would be appropriate and receive a positive reaction. Not to male buddies either; nobody wants to see that gross shit.

Basically TS is dangerously socially retarded. Like that level of socially clueless where it's a waste of energy to even explain anything. And instead of having an alarm in his head that triggers shame and self-reflection... it's somehow other people's fault. You don't even need to explain social rules to preteens; they just get it when they do something inappropriate, and they learn. When an adult still hasn't learned, it's a deeper problem.
This actually reminds me of a great story from when my brother worked at a networking company.

Basically, he and about 4 other dudes were on a private network within the company. They did troubleshooting, fixed problems, etc. But it was just the 5 of them on that particular private network. So they were constantly sending each other the most random shit. GOATSE, gross porn, vids from stileproject, etc. This was back around 2000 or so, so the internet was still not quite the avenue of all things pop culture and its popularity was directly correlated to the grossest shit you could find.

Anyway, one of them took like a month off and came back and sent a pic of Tubgirl on the private network (if you're unfamiliar I dont recommend searching. Its basically a fat chick in a bathtub lifting her ass up and squirting a stream of liquid shit straight from her ass to her own face, its like a geyser that covers her entire skull), and he just photoshopped "IM BACK, BITCHES!" on the picture.

Little did he know that the once private network of 5 dudes that were all buddies had now been made accessible by EVERY EMPLOYEE in the building. So he just sent a pic of a fat girl shitting in her own face to everyone he worked with.

Luckily, the guys caught it pretty fast and were able to do the rounds and keep damage to a minimum. However he was EXTREMELY lucky that the boss was a dude-bro with a good sense of humor.
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There's literally no context in life where sending that picture would be appropriate and receive a positive reaction. Not to male buddies either; nobody wants to see that gross shit.

Basically TS is dangerously socially retarded. Like that level of socially clueless where it's a waste of energy to even explain anything. And instead of having an alarm in his head that triggers shame and self-reflection... it's somehow other people's fault. You don't even need to explain social rules to preteens; they just get it when they do something inappropriate, and they learn. When an adult still hasn't learned, it's a deeper problem.
what do you do for a living?
women are baseline insane but you are super foolish for treating a woman like a bro they are not your brothers not to mention i dont want anyone sending me pics of dudes blowing themselves either and i knew a kid in highschool would could do it and would as a party trick but i dont think its that impressive really relatively speaking
Guy constantly makes threads about women.

Guy seems to hate women more and more.

Guy sends female coworker what could be considered porn, and is fucking stupid anyway you slice it, blames it on her being a woman.

Guy continues to be an idiot.
That's a little whack. I have a female coworker I do the same thing with, chat, memes etc and if one of us were to send a pic like that it would be her lol. And I'd laugh because I'm not a hypersensitive toddler.
Shouldn't Sherdog ban TS as well? Otherwise we are condoning this behavior